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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) The system to control distractions for developmental disorders workers using diminished reality
Naoki Hagiyama, Yuki Kurauchi, Tatsuaki Ito, Hideaki Iwamoto, Daiki Sato, Shunichi Seko, Hisashi Matsukawa (NTT) MVE2023-22
The importance of supporting developmental disorders workers is increasing. The problem for developmental disorders work... [more] MVE2023-22
ED 2021-12-09
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] Photoelectron beams from semiconductor photocathodes with negative electron affinity surfaces and their innovative applications
Tomohiro Nishitani, Daiki Sato, Atsushi koizumi, Haruka Shikano, Yuta Arakawa, Shotaro Noda, Hokuto Iijima (PeS inc./Nagoya Univ.) ED2021-37
 [more] ED2021-37
DE, CEA, IPSJ-DBS 2017-12-22
Tokyo National Institute of Informatics (Tokyo) A Book Recommendation System Based on Values using Price Difference for Used Market
Daiki Sato, Daisuke kitayama (Kogakuin Univ.) DE2017-24
 [more] DE2017-24
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