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 Results 1 - 11 of 11  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
CPM, LQE, OPE, EMD, R 2024-08-30
Aomori Hirosaki University (Aomori, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Latest standardization trends in high-speed optical transceivers -- Trends towards 800G/1.6T/3.2T speeds and for modern HPC/AI/ML data centers --
Hideki Isono (IGS) R2024-20 EMD2024-14 CPM2024-30 OPE2024-70 LQE2024-17
The amount of information required in the ICT market continues to increase faster than expected, and the practical appli... [more] R2024-20 EMD2024-14 CPM2024-30 OPE2024-70 LQE2024-17
LQE, OPE, CPM, EMD, R 2023-08-24
Miyagi Tohoku university (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Latest Standardization Trends in High-Speed Optical Transceivers -- Toward 800G/1.6T/3.2T Practical Use --
Hideki Isono (IGS) R2023-18 EMD2023-13 CPM2023-23 OPE2023-62 LQE2023-9
 [more] R2023-18 EMD2023-13 CPM2023-23 OPE2023-62 LQE2023-9
EMD, R, LQE, OPE, CPM 2022-08-26
Chiba   (Chiba, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Latest Standardization Trends in High-Speed Optical Transceivers -- Challenges for 800G/1.6T --
Hideki Isono (IGS) R2022-22 EMD2022-10 CPM2022-27 OPE2022-53 LQE2022-16
The recent demand of the ICT information capacity is increasing rapidly with unexpected rate, and it becomes extremely u... [more] R2022-22 EMD2022-10 CPM2022-27 OPE2022-53 LQE2022-16
R, LQE, OPE, CPM, EMD 2021-08-27
Online Online (Zoom) (Online) [Invited Talk] Latest standardization trend for high speed optical transceivers
Hideki Isono (FOC) R2021-25 EMD2021-6 CPM2021-15 OPE2021-26 LQE2021-5
The recent demand of the ICT information capacity is increasing rapidly with unexpected rate, and it becomes extremely u... [more] R2021-25 EMD2021-6 CPM2021-15 OPE2021-26 LQE2021-5
R, LQE, OPE, CPM, EMD 2020-08-28
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] Latest standardization trend for optical transmision components
Hideki Isono (Fujitsu Optical Components) R2020-12 EMD2020-11 CPM2020-4 OPE2020-24 LQE2020-4
The recent demand of the ICT information capacity is increasing rapidly with unexpected rate, and it becomes extremely u... [more] R2020-12 EMD2020-11 CPM2020-4 OPE2020-24 LQE2020-4
LQE, OPE, CPM, EMD, R 2019-08-22
Miyagi (Miyagi) [Invited Talk] Latest standardization trend for high speed optical transceivers and optical components -- from the view point towards beyond Tera era --
Hideki Isono (FOC) R2019-24 EMD2019-22 CPM2019-23 OPE2019-51 LQE2019-29
 [more] R2019-24 EMD2019-22 CPM2019-23 OPE2019-51 LQE2019-29
EMD, LQE, OPE, CPM, R 2018-08-24
Hokkaido Otaru Camber of Commerce & Industry (Hokkaido) [Invited Talk] Standardization trend for high speed optical transceivers and optical components
Hideki Isono (FOC) R2018-24 EMD2018-27 CPM2018-27 OPE2018-54 LQE2018-43
 [more] R2018-24 EMD2018-27 CPM2018-27 OPE2018-54 LQE2018-43
R, EMD, CPM, LQE, OPE 2017-09-01
Aomori   (Aomori) [Invited Talk] Latest standardization trend for high-speed Optical transceivers
Hideki Isono (FOC) R2017-37 EMD2017-31 CPM2017-52 OPE2017-61 LQE2017-34
The recent demand of the ICT capacity is increasing with drastic rate, and therefore the development of high-speed trans... [more] R2017-37 EMD2017-31 CPM2017-52 OPE2017-61 LQE2017-34
LQE, OPE, EMD, R, CPM 2016-08-25
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) [Invited Talk] A standardization trend for high-speed optical transceivers
Hideki Isono (FOC) R2016-24 EMD2016-28 CPM2016-37 OPE2016-58 LQE2016-33
The recent demand of the ICT capacity is increasing with drastic rate, and therefore the development of high-speed trans... [more] R2016-24 EMD2016-28 CPM2016-37 OPE2016-58 LQE2016-33
CPM, OPE, LQE, R, EMD 2015-08-28
Aomori Aomori-Bussankan-Asupamu (Aomori) [Invited Talk] A standardization trend for 100G/400G Optical transceivers
Hideki Isono (FOC) R2015-41 EMD2015-49 CPM2015-65 OPE2015-80 LQE2015-49
In order to realize high-speed and large-capacity transmission systems on information technology, the forum standardizat... [more] R2015-41 EMD2015-49 CPM2015-65 OPE2015-80 LQE2015-49
CAS, CS 2015-02-27
Tottori Tottori University (Tottori) [Special Invited Talk] Latest 100G/400G Optical components standardization trend
Hideki Isono (FOC) CAS2014-132 CS2014-104
In order to realize high-speed and large-capacity transmission systems on information technology, the forum standardizat... [more] CAS2014-132 CS2014-104
 Results 1 - 11 of 11  /   
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