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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ED, MW 2024-01-25
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Development of GaN HEMT using a diamond substrate as a heat spreader
Yusuke Shirayanagi (Mitsubishi Electric/Kumamoto Univ.), Shingo Tomohisa (Mitsubishi Electric), Keiji Kasamura, Hiroki Toyoda (Kumamoto Univ.), Takashi Matsumae, Yuichi Kurashima, Hideki Takagi (AIST), Akihisa Kubota (Kumamoto Univ.), Takashi Takenaga (Mitsubishi Electric) ED2023-69 MW2023-161
1-inch size GaN-on-Diamond high electron mobility transistors (GoD HEMTs) has been successfully fabricated using surface... [more] ED2023-69 MW2023-161
MRIS, ITE-MMS 2020-10-05
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] Fabrication of the fully-epitaxial magnetoresistance device on the poly-crystalline electrode using three-dimensional integration technology -- Progress of fully-epitaxial magnetoresistance devices --
Yuya Sakuraba, Jiamin Chen (NIMS), Kay Yakushiji, Yuichi Kurashima, Naoya Watanabe, Akio Fukushima, Hideki Takagi, Katsuya Kikuchi, Shinji Yuasa (AIST), Kazuhiro Hono (NIMS)
ED, MW 2020-01-31
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) GaN-on-Diamond HEMTs fabricated by Surface-Activated Room-Temperature Bonding
Shuichi Hiza (Mitsubishi Electric), Masahiro Fujikawa (Mitsubishi Elctric), Yuki Takiguchi, Kunihiko Nishimura, Eiji Yagyu (Mitsubishi Electric), Takashi Matsumae, Yuichi Kurashima, Hideki Takagi (AIST), Mikio Yamamuka (Mitsubishi Electric) ED2019-97 MW2019-131
 [more] ED2019-97 MW2019-131
SDM 2019-02-07
Tokyo   (Tokyo) [Invited Talk] Fabrication of substrates with smooth Au surface for bonding at room temperature in atmospheric air
Takashi Matsumae, Michitaka Yamamoto, Yuichi Kurashima, Eiji Higurashi, Hideki Takagi (AIST) SDM2018-97
e electroformed a Cu-based heat spreader with smooth Au thin film for room temperature bonding in atmospheric air. The C... [more] SDM2018-97
LQE, CPM, ED 2017-12-01
Aichi Nagoya Inst. tech. (Aichi) Achievement of AlGaN deep-UV LED using photonic crystal(PhC) -- Achievement of high-EQE(10%) AlGaN deep-UV LED using highly-reflective PhC on p-contact layer --
Yukio Kashima (Marubun), Noritoshi Maeda (RIKEN), Eriko Matsuura (Marubun), Masafumi Jo (RIKEN), Takeshi Iwai, Toshiro Morita (TOK), Mitsunori Kokubo, Takaharu Tashiro (TOSHIBA MACHINE), Ryuichiro Kamimura, Yamato Osada (ULVAC), Yuichi Kurashima, Hideki Takagi (AIST), Hideki Hirayama (RIKEN) ED2017-60 CPM2017-103 LQE2017-73
 [more] ED2017-60 CPM2017-103 LQE2017-73
(Joint) [detail]
Fukuoka Kyusyu Univ. Ohashi Campus (Fukuoka) Extraction of swimmer region using color distribution in swimming pool video
Takayuki Tsumita, Itaru Kitahara, Hideki Takagi, Yoshinari Kameda (Univ. Tsukuba) IMQ2016-21 IE2016-136 MVE2016-44
This paper proposes a two-stage swimmer region extraction method based on color distribution analysis of pool surface in... [more] IMQ2016-21 IE2016-136 MVE2016-44
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