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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 19 of 19  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HWS, ICD, VLD 2025-03-08
Okinawa (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Optimizing Deep Learning Based Side-Channel Attacks Methods by Preprocessing Based on Autoencoder
Masaki Morita, Takuya Kojima, Haruto Ishii, Hideki Takase, Hiroshi Nakamura (UTokyo)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
CPSY, DC, RECONF, IPSJ-ARC [detail] 2024-08-08
Tokushima Awagin Hall (Tokushima, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Improving Client-Side Operations in Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Torus with Single Board Computers
Marin Matsumoto (Ochanomizu Univ.), Ai Nozaki (The Univ. of Tokyo), Arisa Tsuji (Ochanomizu Univ.), Hideki Takase (The Univ. of Tokyo), Masato Oguchi (Ochanomizu Univ.) CPSY2024-20 DC2024-20 RECONF2024-20
(To be available after the conference date) [more] CPSY2024-20 DC2024-20 RECONF2024-20
EMM, BioX, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, HWS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2024-07-22
Hokkaido Sapporo Convention Center (Hokkaido) Power-analysis side channel attack with auto encoder
Haruto Ishii, Takuya Kojima, Hideki Takase, Hiroshi Nakamura (UTokyo) ISEC2024-39 SITE2024-36 BioX2024-49 HWS2024-39 ICSS2024-43 EMM2024-45
Side-channel attacks utilize side-channel information such as power consumption in addition to plaintext and ciphertext ... [more] ISEC2024-39 SITE2024-36 BioX2024-49 HWS2024-39 ICSS2024-43 EMM2024-45
CPSY, DC, RECONF, IPSJ-ARC [detail] 2024-06-10
Yamanashi Isawa View Hotel (Yamanashi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Study of control flow decoupling for controller design exploration in CGRA
Hisako Ito, Takuya Kojima, Hideki Takase, Hiroshi Namkamura (Univ. of Tokyo) CPSY2024-2 DC2024-2 RECONF2024-2
In coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture (CGRA), it has been shown that an architecture that combines a reconfigura... [more] CPSY2024-2 DC2024-2 RECONF2024-2
VLD, HWS, ICD 2024-02-29
Okinawa (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Scalable Mapping Method for Elastic CGRAs
Makoto Saito, Takuya Kojima, Hideki Takase, Hiroshi Nakamura (UT) VLD2023-106 HWS2023-66 ICD2023-95
 [more] VLD2023-106 HWS2023-66 ICD2023-95
RECONF 2023-09-14
Tokyo Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Koganei campus (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Construction of Visualization Environment for CGRA Operation Verification
Makoto Saito, Takuya Kojima, Hideki Takase, Hiroshi Nakamura (UT) RECONF2023-25
 [more] RECONF2023-25
RECONF 2023-08-04
Hokkaido Hakodate Arena (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
An Elastic FPGA-based Accelerator for Bayesian Network Structure Learning
Ryota Miyagi (The Univ. of Tokyo), Ryota Yasudo (Kyoto Univ.), Kentaro Sano (RIKEN), Hideki Takase (The Univ. of Tokyo) RECONF2023-15
A Bayesian network is a powerful model for representing knowledge involving uncertainty within discrete random variables... [more] RECONF2023-15
RECONF 2023-06-08
Kochi Eikokuji Campus, Kochi University of Technology (Kochi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Study on mapping methods for Elastic CGRA
Makoto Saito, Takuya Kojima, Hideki Takase, Hiroshi Nakamura (UT) RECONF2023-1
CGRA (Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture) is an architecture with a two-dimensional array of processing elements... [more] RECONF2023-1
HWS, VLD 2023-03-02
Okinawa (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
VLD2022-88 HWS2022-59 (To be available after the conference date) [more] VLD2022-88 HWS2022-59
RECONF 2022-06-07
Ibaraki CCS, Univ. of Tsukuba (Ibaraki, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)

Shoin Maeda, Hiroshi Nakamura, Hideki Takase (UT) RECONF2022-2
To expand the application area of model predictive control (MPC), a control system design framework that guarantees the ... [more] RECONF2022-2
CPSY, DC, IPSJ-SLDM, IPSJ-EMB, IPSJ-ARC [detail] 2022-03-11
Online Online (Online) GA-based Software Pipeline Scheduling for CGRAs
Masato Nakagawa, Takuya Kojima, Hideki Takase, Hiroshi Nakamura (UTokyo) CPSY2021-65 DC2021-99
(To be available after the conference date) [more] CPSY2021-65 DC2021-99
RECONF 2021-09-10
Online Online (Online) Parallel Calculation of Local Scores in Bayesian Network Structure Learning using FPGA
Ryota Miyagi (Kyoto Univ.), Hideki Takase (U. Tokyo/JST) RECONF2021-22
Bayesian network (BN) is a directed acyclic graph that represents relationships among variables in data sets. Because le... [more] RECONF2021-22
RECONF 2020-05-28
Online Online (Online) RECONF2020-7 A Bayesian network is one of the graphical models that represent the causality or correlation of multiple observed pheno... [more] RECONF2020-7
RECONF 2019-09-19
Fukuoka KITAKYUSHU Convention Center (Fukuoka) [Invited Talk] ZytleBot: Towards FPGA Integration into ROS-based Autonomous Mobile Robots
Yasuhiro Nitta, Sou Tamura, Hideki Takase (Kyoto Univ.) RECONF2019-27
 [more] RECONF2019-27
RECONF 2019-05-09
Tokyo Tokyo Tech Front (Tokyo)
Hideki Takase (Kyoto Univ./JST), Kentaro Matsui (Kyoto Univ.), Yoshihiro Ueno (Delight Systems), Masakazu Mori (, Susumu Yamazaki (Univ. of Kitakyushu) RECONF2019-7
(To be available after the conference date) [more] RECONF2019-7
IPSJ-SLDM, RECONF, VLD, CPSY, IPSJ-ARC [detail] 2019-01-30
Kanagawa Raiosha, Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University (Kanagawa) An integrated development platform of FPGA for ROS-based autonomous mobile robot
Sou Tamura, Yasuhiro Nitta, Hideki Takase, Kazuyoshi Takagi, Naofumi Takagi (Kyoto Univ) VLD2018-79 CPSY2018-89 RECONF2018-53
 [more] VLD2018-79 CPSY2018-89 RECONF2018-53
RECONF 2018-05-24
Tokyo GATE CITY OHSAKI (Tokyo) An feasibility study of an automatic selection method for SW/HW communication interface in SWORDS framework
Yasuhiro Nitta, Hideki Takase, Kazuyoshi Takagi, Naofumi Takagi (Kyoto Univ.) RECONF2018-8
 [more] RECONF2018-8
(Joint) [detail]
Nagasaki Nagasaki Kinro Fukushi Kaikan (Nagasaki) A Software-Oriented Design and Synthesis Platform for a Construction of Real-Time Systems on Programmable SoCs
Takuya Hatayama, Yusuke Tani, Hideki Takase, Kazuyoshi Takagi, Naofumi Takagi (Kyoto Univ.) RECONF2015-53
We have been developing SWORDS platform, a SoftWare ORiented Design and Synthesis platform.SWORDS platform aims at impro... [more] RECONF2015-53
RECONF 2015-06-20
Kyoto Kyoto University (Kyoto) A SW/HW Interface Implementation Method in the System Design Environment for Programmable SoCs
Yusuke Tani, Takuya Hatayama, Hideki Takase, Kazuyoshi Takagi, Naofumi Takagi (Kyoto Univ.) RECONF2015-14
A programmable SoC, which integrates processors and FPGA on the same chip, has become attracted attention in embedded sy... [more] RECONF2015-14
 Results 1 - 19 of 19  /   
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