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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SIP, IT, RCS 2024-01-18
Miyagi (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Performance Analysis of Multi-User Asynchronous Transmission for OFDM Modulation
Tomoya Machiyama, Hideki Yagi (UEC) IT2023-50 SIP2023-83 RCS2023-225
Packet collisions in uplink communications are the main cause of capacity limitation in communication channels. Since 5G... [more] IT2023-50 SIP2023-83 RCS2023-225
OCS, LQE, OPE 2023-10-20
Kochi (Kochi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Mosaic-based optical passive devices with fine circular holes deployed on closest packing structure
Takuya Mitarai (SEI/PETRA), Takeshi Fujisawa (Hokkaido Univ.), Yusuke Sawada, Takuya Okimoto, Hideki Yagi, Naoki Fujiwara (SEI/PETRA) OCS2023-42 OPE2023-97 LQE2023-44
 [more] OCS2023-42 OPE2023-97 LQE2023-44
LQE, OPE, CPM, EMD, R 2023-08-24
Miyagi Tohoku university (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Development Progress of InP-based Butt-joint Waveguide Photodetectors
Takuya Okimoto, Hideki Yagi (SEI), Yoshihiro Yoneda (SEDI) R2023-21 EMD2023-16 CPM2023-26 OPE2023-65 LQE2023-12
In order to satisfy the expansion of communication demands in data center networks and support the development of beyond... [more] R2023-21 EMD2023-16 CPM2023-26 OPE2023-65 LQE2023-12
LQE, OPE, CPM, EMD, R 2023-08-25
Miyagi Tohoku university (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Progress and Future Prospect of Photonic Integrated Devices using InP Chip/SOI Wafer Bonding Technique
Hideki Yagi (PETRA), Nobuhiko Nishiyama (Tokyo Tech), Naoki Fujiwara, Masaki Yanagisawa (PETRA) R2023-28 EMD2023-23 CPM2023-33 OPE2023-72 LQE2023-19
The development of beyond fifth-generation (5G) and sixth-generation (6G) mobile communication systems is accelerating t... [more] R2023-28 EMD2023-23 CPM2023-33 OPE2023-72 LQE2023-19
IT 2023-08-03
Kanagawa Shonan Institute of Technology (Kanagawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Polarization Analysis for Joint Source-Channel Coding with Side Information
Yuki Nagai, Hideki Yagi (UEC) IT2023-15
The polar codes, introduced by Arıkan, use a technique called channel polarization and can achieve the capacity of a giv... [more] IT2023-15
IT 2023-08-03
Kanagawa Shonan Institute of Technology (Kanagawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Source Coding With Unreliable Side Information Under Average Error Criterion
Kenji Aratani, Hideki Yagi (UEC) IT2023-16
 [more] IT2023-16
IT 2023-08-03
Kanagawa Shonan Institute of Technology (Kanagawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Superiority of Two-Versus-Rest Method over One-Versus-Rest Method for Multi-Valued Classification Problems
Gendo Kumoi (NUT), Hideki Yagi (UEC), Manabu Kobayashi, Shigeichi Hirasawa (Waseda Univ.) IT2023-18
 [more] IT2023-18
IT, RCS, SIP 2023-01-24
Gunma Maebashi Terrsa (Gunma, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
An improved context tree switching method by dynamic expansion and pruning of context tree
Masaya Ootsu, Hideki Yagi (UEC) IT2022-36 SIP2022-87 RCS2022-215
The Context Tree Weighting (CTW) method is a sequential lossless universal coding algorithm for tree sources with good p... [more] IT2022-36 SIP2022-87 RCS2022-215
OPE, OCS, LQE 2022-10-20
Ehime (Ehime, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Ultrasmall mosaic-based mode multiplexer for C-, O-, and C+O-band operations
Takeshi Fujisawa (Hokkaido Univ.), Takuya Mitarai, Takuya Okimoto, Naoyo Kono, Naoki Fujiwara (Sumitomo), Takanori Sato (Hokkaido Univ.), Hideki Yagi (Sumitomo), Kunimasa Saitoh (Hokkaido Univ.) OCS2022-26 OPE2022-72 LQE2022-35
 [more] OCS2022-26 OPE2022-72 LQE2022-35
IT, EMM 2022-05-17
Gifu Gifu University (Gifu, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Extensible Polarization-Adjusted Convolutional Codes and Its Application to Rateless Codes
Yachongka Vamoua, Michitaka Kurosu, Mizuho Asahi, Hideki Yagi, Koji Ishibashi (UEC) IT2022-3 EMM2022-3
Rateless codes have been proposed to realize efficient communications when the channel state information is not availabl... [more] IT2022-3 EMM2022-3
IT, ISEC, RCC, WBS 2022-03-10
Online Online (Online) Construction for BICM Polar Codes with Polarization Weight
Michitaka Kurosu, Vamoua Yachongka, Hideki Yagi (UEC) IT2021-86 ISEC2021-51 WBS2021-54 RCC2021-61
 [more] IT2021-86 ISEC2021-51 WBS2021-54 RCC2021-61
IT, ISEC, RCC, WBS 2022-03-10
Online Online (Online) Hybrid-ARQ Scheme Using Systematic Polarization-Adjusted Convolutional Codes
Mizuho Asahi, Y. Vamoua, Hideki Yagi (UEC) IT2021-87 ISEC2021-52 WBS2021-55 RCC2021-62
Recently, Polarization-Adjusted Convolutional (PAC) codes have been proposed by Arıkan, and it is shown that the error p... [more] IT2021-87 ISEC2021-52 WBS2021-55 RCC2021-62
WBS, IT, ISEC 2021-03-05
Online Online (Online) Analysis of Optimal Error Exponents on Classification for Markov Sources
Hiroto Kuramata, Hideki Yagi, Tsutomu Kawabata (UEC) IT2020-152 ISEC2020-82 WBS2020-71
We consider a classification problem for a test sequence to determine from which source the sequence generates. The syst... [more] IT2020-152 ISEC2020-82 WBS2020-71
IT 2020-12-02
Online Online (Online) Intrinsic Randomness Rate with Respect to Subclass of f-Divergences Using the Smooth Min Entropy
Ryo Nomura (Waseda Univ.), Hideki Yagi (The Univ. of Electro-Comm.) IT2020-37
 [more] IT2020-37
IT 2020-12-03
Online Online (Online) Local recovery with error tolerance for locally recoverable codes
Genki Oiwa, Hideki Yagi (UEC) IT2020-47
Locally recoverable codes (LRC codes) can restore the lost codeword symbol by referring to surrounding codeword symbols.... [more] IT2020-47
R, LQE, OPE, CPM, EMD 2020-08-28
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] InP-based Waveguide Photodetectors for IMDD/Coherent Transmission Applications
Yoshihiro Yoneda, Takuya Okimoto (SEI), Ken Ashizawa, Koji Ebihara, Satoru Okamoto, Kazuhiko Horino (SEDI), Hideki Yagi, Mitsuru Ekawa (SEI) R2020-13 EMD2020-12 CPM2020-5 OPE2020-25 LQE2020-5
Optical receivers for 400 Gb/s and beyond optical communication systems have been required modulation speeds higher than... [more] R2020-13 EMD2020-12 CPM2020-5 OPE2020-25 LQE2020-5
IT 2020-07-16
Online Online (Online) A Selection Method of Transmitted Bits for Polar Codes Using Generalized Hamming Weights
Mizuho Asahi, Y. Vamoua, Hideki Yagi (UEC) IT2020-11
The polar codes, introduced by Arıkan, can achieve the channel capacity of discrete memoryless channels with low computa... [more] IT2020-11
LQE, OPE, CPM, EMD, R 2019-08-22
Miyagi (Miyagi) [Invited Talk] Progress of InP-based Monolithically Integrated Photonic Devices and Future Prospect Towards Beyond Tbps Era
Hideki Yagi (SEI) R2019-20 EMD2019-18 CPM2019-19 OPE2019-47 LQE2019-25
InP-based photonic devices have yielded the monolithic integration of
various functionalities in addition to miniaturi... [more]
R2019-20 EMD2019-18 CPM2019-19 OPE2019-47 LQE2019-25
LQE, OPE, SIPH 2018-12-06
Tokyo Keio University (Tokyo) [Encouragement Talk] Wide bandwidth and high responsivity of InP-based waveguide photodiodes for over 400 Gbps coherent transmission systems
Takuya Okimoto (SEDI), Hideki Yagi (SEI), Ryuji Masuyama, Kenji Sakurai, Yoshifumi Nishimoto, Kazuhiko Horino, Takayuki Watanabe (SEDI), Mitsuru Ekawa (SEI), Yoshihiro Yoneda (SEDI) OPE2018-97 LQE2018-107 SIPH2018-13
For high speed coherent transmission system over 400 Gbps, photodetectors for coherent receivers with both the wide band... [more] OPE2018-97 LQE2018-107 SIPH2018-13
LQE, OPE, SIPH 2018-12-06
Tokyo Keio University (Tokyo) Examination of Chip-on-Wafer Plasma Activated Bonding Technology for III-V on Si hybrid Photonic Integrated Circuits
LIU BAI (Tokyo Tech), Takehiko Kikuchi (SEI), Takuya Mitarai, Nobuhiko Nishiyama (Tokyo Tech), Hideki Yagi (SEI), Tomohiro Amemiya, Shigehisa Arai (Tokyo Tech) OPE2018-127 LQE2018-137 SIPH2018-43
 [more] OPE2018-127 LQE2018-137 SIPH2018-43
 Results 1 - 20 of 41  /  [Next]  
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