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 Results 1 - 11 of 11  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
CPM 2022-08-04
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) Hydrogen gas effects on the properties of boron carbide films prepared by magnetron sputtering
Nishida Tatsuya, Taniguchi Ryu, Masayoshi Sato, Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Yoshiharu Enta, Yushi Suzuki (Hirosaki Univ.), Hirokazu Fukidome (Touhoku Univ.), Hideki Nakazawa (Hirosaki Univ.) CPM2022-15
We have deposited amorphous boron carbide (B4C) films and hydrogenated amorphous B4C (B4C:H) films by RF magnetron sputt... [more] CPM2022-15
ED, THz 2021-12-20
Miyagi (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Observation of surface electron trapping of GaN-HEMT during operation
Hirokazu Fukidome (Tohoku Univ.) ED2021-58
(To be available after the conference date) [more] ED2021-58
CPM 2020-10-29
Online Online (Online) Hydrogen effects on the properties of BCN films deposited by magnetron sputtering
Ryu Taniguchi, Haruto Koriyama, Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Yoshiharu Enta (Hirosaki Univ.), Hirokazu Fukidome (Tohoku Univ.), Hideki Nakazawa (Hirosaki Univ.) CPM2020-17
 [more] CPM2020-17
ED, THz [detail] 2019-12-23
Miyagi (Miyagi) Observation of Broadband THz Emission from Near-IR Laser-Pumped Multilayer Graphene
Takahiro Komiyama, Takayuki Watanabe (Tohoku Univ.), Sergey Morozov, Mikhail Fadeev, Vladimir Utochkin (IPM-RAS), Hirokazu Fukidome, Akira Satou, Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku Univ.) ED2019-80
We experimentally observe THz emission from non-Bernal-stacked multilayer graphene thermally decomposed on a C-face SiC ... [more] ED2019-80
ED, THz 2018-12-17
Miyagi RIEC, Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) Direct determination of the interlayer van der Waals bonding force in graphene by thermal decomposition of SiC
Tadao Tanabe, Tang Chao, Yoshiki Fuse, Kenta Sugawara, Takahiro Komiyama, Yohei Sato, Hirokazu Fukidome, Taiichi Otsuji, Yutaka Oyama (Tohoku Univ.) ED2018-59
Two-dimensional (2D) layered materials have attracted much interest because of their unique crystallographic structure a... [more] ED2018-59
ED, THz 2017-12-19
Miyagi RIEC, Tohoku Univ (Miyagi) Temperature Dependence of the Transconductance of a Dual Gate Graphene Field Effect Transistor
Kenta Sugawara, Takayuki Watanabe, Deepika Yadav, Takahiro Komiyama, Yoshiki Fuse (Tohoku Univ.), Maxim Ryzhii (Aizu Univ.), Victor Ryzhii, Hirokazu Fukidome, Maki Suemitsu, Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku Univ.) ED2017-91
We report on experimental observation of temperature characteristics of a dual gate graphene field effect transisor (DG-... [more] ED2017-91
Kagoshima Kagoshima University, Korimoto Campus, Inamori Auditorium (Kagoshima) Sub-THz Photonic Frequency Conversion Using Graphene and InP-Based Transistors for Future Fully Coherent Access Network
Kenta Sugawara, Gen Tamamushi, Adrian Dobroiu, Tomohiro Yoshida, Tetsuya Suemitsu, Hirokazu Fukidome, Maki Suemitsu, Ryzhii Victor, Katsumi Iwatsuki (Tohoku Univ.), Shigeru Kuwano, Jun-ichi Kani, Jun Terada (NTT), Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku Univ.) OCS2015-95
The feasibility of graphene-channel field effect transistors (G-FETs) and InP based high electron mobility transistors (... [more] OCS2015-95
ED 2015-12-21
Miyagi RIEC, Tohoku Univ (Miyagi) Extraction of intrinsic parameters in graphene-channel FET
Gen Tamamushi, Kenta Sugawara, Akira Sato, Keiichiro Tashima, Hirokazu Fukidome, Maki Suemitsu, Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku Univ.) ED2015-95
We fabricate and characterize the graphene-channel FETs (G-FETs) made of high-quality epitaxial graphene (EG) grown by t... [more] ED2015-95
ED 2013-04-19
Miyagi (Miyagi) Formation of qualified epitaxial graphene on 6H-SiC(0001) by high temperature annealing in Ar ambient
Kazutoshi Funakubo, Shuya Inomata, Ryo Inomata, Goon-Ho Park (Tohoku Univ.), Masato Kotsugi (JASRI), Hirokazu Fukidome, Maki Suemitsu (Tohoku Univ.) ED2013-15
Recently, graphene has attracted increasing attention as a new FET channel material to substitute Si. However, the field... [more] ED2013-15
ED 2012-04-18
Yamagata Yamagata University (Yamagata) Control of electronic states of graphene through substrate interaction
Hirokazu Fukidome, Yusuke Kawai, Maki Suemitsu (Tohoku Univ.) ED2012-2
We have developed the way to preduce epitaxial graphene onto Si substrate. Towards device application of the epitaxial g... [more] ED2012-2
ED 2009-04-24
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi) Graphene-on-silicon (GOS) technology for formation of high-mobility ultrathin channel layer on Si substrate
Hiroyuki Handa, Yu Miyamoto, Eiji Saito, Hirokazu Fukidome, Takashi Ito (Tohoku Univ.), Maki Suemitsu (Tohoku Univ./JST) ED2009-10
With its industrial adaptability, epitaxial graphene, a graphene film formed by UHV annealing of SiC bulk substrates, is... [more] ED2009-10
 Results 1 - 11 of 11  /   
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