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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
LQE, LSJ 2017-05-25
Ishikawa (Ishikawa) Theoretical analysis of efficiency in a mode-locked laser with an intra-cavity nonlinear medium
Toru Sato, Naoya Nakajima, Shinichi Inayoshi, Hiroki Kadoya, Keisuke Hayashi, Tomoki Kanetake, Fumihiro Sugiki, Sakae Kawato (Fukui Univ.) LQE2017-8
We investigate the laser efficiency in a mode-locked Yb:YAG laser with an intra-cavity highly nonlinear medium by using ... [more] LQE2017-8
LQE, LSJ 2016-05-20
Fukui (Fukui) Theoretical analysis on influence of fast saturable absorber in a mode-locked laser with an intra-cavity nonlinear medium
Shinichi Inayoshi, Takeshi Yoshida, Toru Sato, Hiroaki Okunishi, Kento Kato, Keisuke Kyomoto, Kyosuke Shimabayashi, Motoki Morioka, Hiroki Kadoya, Keisuke Hayashi, Sakae Kawato (Univ.of Fukui) LQE2016-16
Ultrashort pulse in mode-locked laser with an intra-cavity nonlinear medium was theoretically analyzed by using a nonlin... [more] LQE2016-16
LQE, LSJ 2016-05-20
Fukui (Fukui) Theoretical Investigation of Laser-Diode-Pumped High Efficiency CW Ti:Sapphire Laser
Motoki Morioka, Keisuke Hayashi, Shinichi Inayoshi, Hiroki Kadoya, Toru Sato, Sakae Kawato (Univ. of Fukui) LQE2016-17
The efficiency of a continuous wave, laser diode pumped Ti:Sapphire laser were investigated theoretically. The efficienc... [more] LQE2016-17
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