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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ET 2011-07-16
Hokkaido   Attendance Registration System Using Contactless IC Cards
Kento Suda, Tatsuya Koinuma (Teikyo Univ.), Takashi Suzuki (SMAT Group), Hiroyuki Kumazawa (Teikyo Univ.) ET2011-35
We had been developing a system to register and manage the student’s attendance by mobile phone for the purpose
of sim... [more]
ITS, IEE-ITS 2010-03-09
Kyoto Kyoto Univ. Development of Hardware-In- the Loop Simulator for Road-Vehicle Communication System
Yuji Igarashi, Yuji Hamada, Masahiko Ikawa, Yukio Goto, Hiroyuki Kumazawa, Akira Yamamoto, Shigeki Morita (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
This paper describes a simulation technology for Road-Vehicle Communication (RVC) system with DSRC (Dedicated Short Rang... [more] ITS2009-86
ET 2010-01-23
Ibaraki Tsukuba Univ. of Technology Development of Attendance Registration System Using QR Code and Mobile Phone ID
Yuki Saito, Ai Hakamatsuka, Takashi Kuno (Teikyo Univ.), Takashi Suzuki (SMAT Group), Hiroyuki Kumazawa (Teikyo Univ.) ET2009-94
In Utsunomiya Campus, Teikyo University, registration system by mobile phone (Mobile-MARS) is used for student’s attenda... [more] ET2009-94
ET 2008-07-19
Fukushima   Development of Attendance Registration System Using QR Code
Tomoko Takahashi, Megumi Yaegashi (Teikyo Univ), Takashi Suzuki (SMAT), Hiroyuki Kumazawa (Teikyo Univ) ET2008-24
We have been developing the attendance registration and management system that can access by the mobile phone in order t... [more] ET2008-24
ET 2006-01-28
Tokyo   Development of Attendance Registration and Instruction Support System
Michisuke Takahashi (Panasonic Semiconductor Solutions), Norimasa Yoshida (Sigmatron), Yosuke Kobayashi (Teikyo Univ.), Yuta Shinonaga, Hiroyuki Kumazawa (Teikyo Univ.)
In recent years, the mobile phone becomes popular remarkably. In order to use this mobile phone effectively for the clas... [more] ET2005-86
 Results 1 - 5 of 5  /   
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