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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
PN 2025-03-04
Okinawa (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Simultaneous Signal and Power Transmission of High-Power PON with 256 Split Ratio Using a Hollow-Core Fiber
Hironori Yamaji, Natsuhiro Yamada (UEC), Takeshi Takagi, Kazunori Mukasa (FEC), Satoru Okamoto, Hiroyuki Tsuda, Naoaki Yamanaka (KU), Motoharu Matsuura (UEC)
Fukuoka リファレンス駅東ビル貸会議室 (Fukuoka) [Invited Lecture] Application of a hollow core fiber to a short reach optical transmission system
Hiroyuki Tsuda (Keio Univ.) CS2024-83
(Advance abstract in Japanese is available) [more] CS2024-83
PN 2024-08-26
Hokkaido (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Local 5G over PON trials using deployed Hollow-Core Fiber Cables
Satoru Okamoto, Naoaki Yamanaka, Hiroyuki Tsuda, Motoharu Matsuura (Keio Univ.), Takeshi Takagi, Kazunori Mukasa (Frukawa Electrc) PN2024-16
The Keio Future Photonic Network Open Laboratory was opened in Apr. 2023 as a testing field for future Beyond 5G network... [more] PN2024-16
OFT 2024-05-09
Nagasaki (Nagasaki, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Application of hollow core fibers to the optical transmission system and future prospects
Hiroyuki Tsuda (Keio Univ.) OFT2024-2
Recently, the performance of the hollow core fiber has been remarkably improved. The application of the hollow core fibe... [more] OFT2024-2
Kagawa Rexxam Hall (Kagawa Kenmin Hall) (Kagawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Special Invited Talk] Research and Development of a Highly Reliable In-Vehicle Optical Network: SiPhON (Si-Photonics-Based In-Vehicle Optical Network)
Shin'ichi Arakawa (Osaka Univ.), Hiroyuki Tsuda (Keio Univ.) CS2023-5
 [more] CS2023-5
PN 2023-04-28
Kanagawa (Kanagawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] High power optical transmission system using a hollow core optical fiber -- Application to high split ratio passive optical network and optically powered radio-over-fiber system --
Hiroyuki Tsuda (Keio Univ.) PN2023-3
A hollow core fiber has very low optical nonlinearity and high damage threshold power, allowing it to transmit high powe... [more] PN2023-3
EMT, EST, LQE, MWP, OPE, PEM, PN, IEE-EMT [detail] 2018-01-26
Hyogo (Hyogo) Design of wavefront control type WSS and fold-back type WSS using silicon waveguides
Fumi Nakamura, Hideaki Asakura, Kyosuke Muramatsu (Keio Univ.), Keijiro Suzuki, Ken Tanizawa, Minoru Ohtsuka, Nobuyuki Yokoyama, Kazuyuki Matsumaro, Miyoshi Seki, Keiji Koshino, Kazuhiro Ikeda, Shu Namiki, Hitoshi Kawashima (AIST), Hiroyuki Tsuda (Keio Univ.) PN2017-85 EMT2017-122 OPE2017-163 LQE2017-145 EST2017-121 MWP2017-98
A wavelength selective switch (WSS) is an optical device for routing the wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) signal to... [more] PN2017-85 EMT2017-122 OPE2017-163 LQE2017-145 EST2017-121 MWP2017-98
OCS, OPE, LQE 2017-10-26
Kumamoto Josaien, Sakuranobaba (Kumamoto) Wideband Arrayed Waveguide Grating Router for T-band and O-band
Masaki Suzuki, Hiroyuki Tsuda (Keio Univ.) OCS2017-41 OPE2017-73 LQE2017-46
(Advance abstract in Japanese is available) [more] OCS2017-41 OPE2017-73 LQE2017-46
OCS, OPE, LQE 2017-10-26
Kumamoto Josaien, Sakuranobaba (Kumamoto) 12.5-Gbps, T-band Photonic Transmission with a Wavelength-Selective External-Cavity Laser Using an Optical Switch Integrated Arrayed-Waveguide Grating
Yudai Okuno (Keio Univ.), Katsumi Yoshizawa (Pioneer Micro Technology Co.), Yasunori Tomomatsu (Koshin Kogaku Co.), Hiroyuki Tsuda (Keio Univ.) OCS2017-42 OPE2017-74 LQE2017-47
(Advance abstract in Japanese is available) [more] OCS2017-42 OPE2017-74 LQE2017-47
(Joint) [detail]
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Development of photonic crystal components for coherent communication
Shojiro Kawakami, Takayuki Kawashima, Takafumi Chiba, Toshikazu Ijiro (PhL), Hiroyuki Tsuda (Keio Univ.), Hiroshi Takahashi (Sophia Univ.) OCS2017-30
(Advance abstract in Japanese is available) [more] OCS2017-30
LQE, OPE, EMD, R, CPM 2016-08-25
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) Configuration of the external cavity laser using a quantum dot gain chip and an arrayed-waveguide grating for T-band wavelength division multiplexing communication
Yudai Okuno (Keio Univ.), Yoshinori Sawado, Katsumi Yoshizawa (Pioneer Micro Technology Co.), Yasunori Tomomatsu (Koshin Kogaku Co.), Hiroyuki Tsuda (Keio Univ.) R2016-28 EMD2016-32 CPM2016-41 OPE2016-62 LQE2016-37
 [more] R2016-28 EMD2016-32 CPM2016-41 OPE2016-62 LQE2016-37
LQE, OPE 2015-06-19
Tokyo (Tokyo) Wavelength selective devices using PLZT waveguides for optical communications
Hideaki Asakura (Keio Univ.), Keiichi Nashimoto (EpiPhotonics), Hiroyuki Tsuda (Keio Univ.) OPE2015-10 LQE2015-20
A high-speed wavelength selective device was designed and fabricated using (Pb, La)(Zr, Ti)O_{3} (PLZT), which has large... [more] OPE2015-10 LQE2015-20
 Results 1 - 12 of 12  /   
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