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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
NLP 2024-09-05
Gifu Takayama City Library (Gifu) Particle Swarm Optimization Applying Hadamard Walk
Ibuki Nakamura (Shizuoka Univ.) NLP2024-49
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a multi-point search algorithm that assumes that information is shared across the s... [more] NLP2024-49
NLP, CCS 2021-06-11
Online Online (Online) Classical Analysis of Two-particle Quantum Parametric Chaotic Oscillator
Keita Matsuura (TPJ), Ibuki Nakamura, Hisato Fujisaka (Hiroshima City Univ.) NLP2021-9 CCS2021-9
Multiple charged Ions trapped in superposition of AC and DC electromagnetic fields are a periodically varying quantum ha... [more] NLP2021-9 CCS2021-9
CCS, NLP 2020-06-05
Online Online (Online) Note on the Discrete Fourier Transform on the Galois Extension Field GF(2^q)
Ryota Yamagata, Ibuki Nakamura, Hisato Fujisaka (Hiroshima City Univ.) NLP2020-17 CCS2020-7
In this manuscript, the discrete Fourier transform on a Galois extension field GF($2^q$) is discussed. A efficient discr... [more] NLP2020-17 CCS2020-7
NLP 2020-05-15
Online Online (Online) Classical Probabilistic Particle Model of Single-Electron with Spin-Magnetic Field Interaction
Ibuki Nakamura, Hisato Fujisaka (Hiroshima City Univ.) NLP2020-6
 [more] NLP2020-6
NLP, CAS 2019-10-22
Gifu Gifu Univ. (Gifu) Discussion on Modeling Nano-Carbon Electrons by Classical Probabilistic Particles
Shota Hayakawato, Ibuki Nakamura, Hisato Fujisaka (Hiroshima City Univ.) CAS2019-35 NLP2019-75
The behavior of electrons on graphene is described by massless Dirac equation whose solution is a quantum wave with pseu... [more] CAS2019-35 NLP2019-75
CCS, NLP 2019-06-09
Niigata machinaka campus nagaoka (Niigata) Investigation of deterministic components of rabi oscillatory states in a quantum multiple-well
Ibuki Nakamura, Hisato Fujisaka, Masaru Fukushima (Hiroshima City Univ.) NLP2019-28 CCS2019-11
 [more] NLP2019-28 CCS2019-11
NLP 2018-08-09
Kagawa Saiwai-cho Campus, Kagawa Univ. (Kagawa) Mode Conservation in Electron Waveguides and Complexity of Stochastic Quantization
Ibuki Nakamura, Shota Hayakawa, Nobuyuki Hirami, Hisato Fujisaka (Hiroshima City Univ.) NLP2018-67
In simulating a quantum effect circuits, it is necessary to express electrons on a waveguide as particles in order to pe... [more] NLP2018-67
ITS, IE, ITE-AIT, ITE-HI, ITE-ME, ITE-MMS, ITE-CE [detail] 2016-02-22
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Secure classification based on kernel method using unitary transformation
Ibuki Nakamura, Yuko Saito, Sayaka Shiota, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.) ITS2015-59 IE2015-101
This study considers a template protection scheme based on an random unitary transformation, where the template consists... [more] ITS2015-59 IE2015-101
IE, ITE-ME, IPSJ-AVM, ITE-CE [detail] 2015-08-03
Tokyo Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. (Tokyo) A study of random unitary matrices for secure biometric authentication
Yuko Saito, Ibuki Nakamura, Sayaka Shiota (Tokyo Metro.Univ), Yoshihide Tonomura (NTT), Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro.Univ) IE2015-47
Random unitary transformation-based template protection methods have
been proposed as one of biometric template protec... [more]
EMM, IT 2015-05-21
Kyoto Kyoto International Community House (Kyoto) Generating Protected Eigenface Templates Using an Unitary Transformaion
Ibuki Nakamura (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Yoshihide Tonomura (NTT), Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.) IT2015-7 EMM2015-7
This paper considers a template protection scheme based on an unitary transformation, where the template consists of the... [more] IT2015-7 EMM2015-7
EMM 2015-03-12
Okinawa (Okinawa) [Poster Presentation] An extension of the unitary transformation-based template protection method for biometrics and its application
Yuko Saito, Ibuki Nakamura, Sayaka Shiota (Tokyo Metro. Univ.), Yoshihide Tonomura (NTT), Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.) EMM2014-81
Since biometric features are personal and irrevocable data, some schemes to protect the features (templates) extracted f... [more] EMM2014-81
PRMU, CNR 2015-02-20
Miyagi (Miyagi) Real-Time Face Model Reconstruction and Synthesis using an RGB-D Camera -- Face Reorientation for Video Chatting and Mirror App --
Ibuki Nakamura, Toshihiko Yamasaki, Kiyoharu Aizawa (UTokyo) PRMU2014-157 CNR2014-72
It is difficult to show frontal face in video chatting or mirror apps since there is a gap between display and camera. W... [more] PRMU2014-157 CNR2014-72
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