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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
AP 2020-08-21
Online Online (Online) Evaluation of Prototype Dual-Polarized Low-Side-Lobe Slotted Waveguide Array Antenna Manufactured by Injection-Molding
Takashi Uno, Takashi Uesaka, Narihiro Nakamoto, Toru Fukasawa, Inasawa Yoshio, Takeshi Yamamot, Tomoyuki Koyanagi, Ikuya Kakimoto (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Yoshihiko Konishi (Hiroshima Institute of Tech.) AP2020-24
This paper presents an evaluation of a prototype slotted waveguide array antenna suitable for a dual-polarized lowside-l... [more] AP2020-24
AP 2020-02-21
Shizuoka Shizuoka Univ. Hamamatsu Campus (Shizuoka) [Invited Lecture] Design of Broad-Slotted Waveguide Array Antenna Manufactured by Injection-Molding
Takashi Uno, Takashi Uesaka, Narihiro Nakamoto, Toru Fukasawa, Naofumi Yoneda, Takeshi Yamamoto, Tomoyuki Koyanagi, Ikuya Kakimoto (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Yoshihiko Konishi (Hiroshima Institute of Tech.) AP2019-186
This paper presents an broad-wall slotted waveguide array antenna manufactured by injection-molding suitable for a dual-... [more] AP2019-186
AP 2019-08-23
Hokkaido Hokkai-Gakuen Univ. (Hokkaido) Design of Edge-Slotted Waveguide Array Antenna Manufactured by Injection-Molding
Takashi Uesaka (Mitsubishi Electric), Takashi Uno (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Narihiro Nakamoto, Toru Fukasawa, Naofumi Yoneda, Takeshi Yamamoto, Tomoyuki Koyanagi (Mitsubishi Electric), Ikuya Kakimoto (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Yoshihiko Konishi (Hiroshima Institute of Technology) AP2019-68
This paper presents an edge-slotted waveguide array antenna manufactured by injection-molding. A slotted waveguide array... [more] AP2019-68
AP 2018-08-24
Saitama Nippon Inst. of Tech. (Saitama) A Study of an In-line Slot Array Antenna Fed by a Ridge Waveguide
Takashi Uno, Narihiro Nakamoto, Toru Fukasawa, Naofumi Yoneda, Takeshi Yamamoto, Ikuya Kakimoto (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation), Yoshihiko Konishi (Hiroshima Institute of Technology) AP2018-78
Alternating-phase fed slotted waveguide arrays with which adjacent radiating waveguides are excited with 180-degree phas... [more] AP2018-78
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