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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
TL 2024-12-14
Osaka Ritsumeikan University, Osaka Ibaraki Campus (OIC)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Investigation of support relations in existing corpora labeled with argument shemes
Soichiro Yasumoto, Kazuhiro Takeuchi (OECU) TL2024-27
(To be available after the conference date) [more] TL2024-27
TL 2024-03-04
Overseas National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Silent Pause Dynamics in Task-Based Conversations: A Proficiency-Based Analysis of L2 Instructors and Builders
Midori Tanimura (Ritsumeikan Uni.), Kazuhiro Takeuchi (Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.), Etsuko Yoshida (The University Of Shiga Prefecture) TL2023-45
This study explores pauses in conversations, aiming to understand their complexity by analyzing how often they occur and... [more] TL2023-45
TL 2023-03-11
Online Online Attempts at establishing uniformity in transcriptions of audio/video task-oriented dialogue -- Concerning overlapping talk --
Midori Tanimura (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Yoshiko Kawabata (NINJAL), Etsuko Yoshida (The Uni. of Shiga Prefecture), Kazuhiro Takeuchi (Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.) TL2022-42
A transcript is one of the indispensable resources for advancing interaction studies, which generally include both lingu... [more] TL2022-42
TL 2021-12-18
Online Online Interactions among Speakers of English as a Lingua Franca in Collaborative Work with Plastic Blocks
Kazuhiro Takeuchi (OECU), Midori Tanimura (Ritsumeikan University), Etsuko Yoshida (Mie University) TL2021-28
This article presents a corpus we originally recorded, which contains ELF (English as a lingua franca) interactions in a... [more] TL2021-28
TL 2021-07-03
Online Online Challenges in Paralinguistic Analysis on Interactions among Speakers of English as a Lingua Franca on a LEGO Task
Midori Tanimura (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Kazuhiro Takeuchi (Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.), Etusko Yoshida (Mie Univ.) TL2021-4
This paper discusses some challenges of analysis of paralinguistics on interactions among speakers of ELF (English as a ... [more] TL2021-4
TL 2021-03-14
Online Online Question/answer adjacency pairs in task-oriented interactions -- Analyzing paralinguistic cues of emotion --
Midori Tanimura (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Kazuhiro Takeuchi (OECU), Etsuko Yoshida (Mie Univ.), Koichiro Nakamoto (Yamanashi Univ.), Masataka Yamaguchi (KCUFS) TL2020-21
A question is defined as asking the recipient to present information or asking for confirmation, and in general, an ans... [more] TL2020-21
TL 2020-12-20
Online Online Preliminary research on Wikidata knowledge to recognize extended named entities
Yo Amano, Yuki Okumura, Kazuhiro Takeuchi (OECU) TL2020-13
Named entity recognition is one of the fundamental technologies of natural language processing.
This article reports a ... [more]
TL 2020-03-22
Osaka Osaka Electro-Communication University
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
Stance Taking in Goal-oriented Multicultural Multiparty Corpus Using Lego
Midori Tanimura (KUFS), Kazuhiro Takeuchi (OECU), Etsuko Yoshida (Mie Univ.), Koichiro Nakamoto (Univ. of Yamanashi), Masataka Yamaguchi (KCUFS) TL2019-61
This paper reveals how the participants, assembling LEGO bricks in recorded conversations, take their stances by using I... [more] TL2019-61
TL 2019-09-29
Hokkaido National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College Investigation of Positional Relations on Distributed Representation of Words Contributing to Contrast Word Identification
Yuki Okumura (OECU), Sachio Hirokawa (Kyushu Univ), Kazuhiro Takeuchi (OECU) TL2019-38
n recent years, distributed representations that represent words in a multidimensional real vector space have been widel... [more] TL2019-38
TL 2019-07-14
Tokyo Waseda University Creating goal-oriented multicultural, multiparty corpus using LEGO
Midori Tanimura (KUFS), Kazuhiro Takeuchi (Univ. of Osaka Electro-Communication), Etsuko Yoshida (Univ. of Mie), Koichiro Nakamoto (Univ. of Yamanashi) TL2019-7
(To be available after the conference date) [more] TL2019-7
TL 2018-10-28
Hokkaido National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College An investigation of identifier naming strongly linked to specific pattern of program structure
Yoshiki Mashima (O.E.C.U.), Sachio Hirokawa (Kyushu Univ.), Kazuhiro Takeuchi (O.E.C.U.) TL2018-40
Identifiers in programming language such as variable names, class names, and method names are generally given in natural... [more] TL2018-40
TL 2018-06-17
Hyogo Kobe Gakuin University (Port Island Campus) Effect of specifying the number of word occurrence in identification of specific text description
Yuki Okumura, Atsushi Moriyasu (OECU), Sachio Hirokawa (Kyusyu Univ.), Kazuhiro Takeuchi (OECU) TL2018-10
Occurrence information of specific words is known as useful features for text classification.
In this paper, we conside... [more]
TL 2016-10-09
Hyogo Kobe Gakuin University (Port Island Campus) An investigation of explanation for typical partial structures extracted by source code mining
Satoshi Oga, Yoshiki Mashima, Takuya Okada, Kazuhiro Takeuchi (OECU) TL2016-36
Natural language is one of the common ways used for obtaining a mutual understanding of functions in program code.
Howe... [more]
TL 2015-12-13
Tokyo Room 303/304/305, Building #8, Waseda University Sentence structure analysis for legal documents using distributed representation of words
Kazuma Nagahama, Kazuhiro Takeuchi (OECU) TL2015-52
In order to analyze legal documents, we have to deal with its technical writing structure of sentences such as the condi... [more] TL2015-52
NLC, TL [detail] 2015-06-05
Tokushima The University of Tokushima A Method of Sentiment Analysis of Reviews of Accommodation Users Considering Their Using Status
Makoto Okada (Osaka Pref. Univ.), Kazuhiro Takeuchi (Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.), Kiyota Hashimoto (Osaka Pref. Univ.) TL2015-15 NLC2015-15
Recently, it has been paid attention to a method of sentiment analysis for customer reviews and many researchers propose... [more] TL2015-15 NLC2015-15
TL 2015-02-27
Kyoto Kyoto Koka Women's University A Design of Games for Developing Communication Skills in System Engineering
Yuki Kitanaka, Kazuhiro Takeuchi (OECU) TL2014-51
Free discussion and role-playing are well-known and traditional classroom activities for developing general communicatio... [more] TL2014-51
TL 2014-12-20
Osaka   Assigning Onomatopoeic Words to Domain Trained Words-Relation Network of Sentiment Expressions
Tatsuya Senbon, Kazuhiro Takeuchi (OECU) TL2014-44
Onomatopoeic words in Japanese language are frequently occurred in various documents on the Internet. Those words have a... [more] TL2014-44
TL 2014-12-20
Osaka   An investiagation of word usage of naming identifiers in open source projects
Hiroki Yamashita, Kazuhiro Takeuchi (OECU) TL2014-45
Many metrics to measure the quality and productivity of software have been proposed. In this paper, we propose a new met... [more] TL2014-45
AI 2014-02-26
Osaka   Extracting Politeness Features from Japanese Business Documents Based on Logical Annotation Analysis
Kazuki Shimamura, Kazuhiro Takeuchi (Osaka Electro-Comm. Univ.) AI2013-40
 [more] AI2013-40
AI 2013-02-18
Osaka   Comparison of Viewpoints between Japanese and Chinese Review in Tourism
Yasuyuki Hatoh, Yijiang Wu, Kazuki Shimamura, Kazuhiro Takeuchi (Osaka Electro-Comm. Univ.) AI2012-21
In this paper, we discuss the differences between the viewpoints of Japanese and Chinese tourists. As a basis of the dis... [more] AI2012-21
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