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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 10 of 10  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MICT, MI 2024-12-05
Osaka Jikei University of Health Care Sciences (Osaka) Application of Color Management in Medical Imaging -- A Case Study on Automatic Urine Test Strip Analysis --
Yuki Miyoshi, Takato Chiba, Tomohito Masuda (TOPPAN Digital), Yutaka Kondo, Ken Okamoto (Juntendo Univ.) MICT2024-34 MI2024-32
Color management of photography is a technology that corrects captured images to produce color images that are colorimet... [more] MICT2024-34 MI2024-32
EMCJ 2022-06-10
Hokkaido Hokkaido University (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Evaluation of External Disturbance Immunity by Bulk Current Injection into Ethernet Communication System(2)
Kohei Kawai, Takuya Wadatsumi (Kobe Univ.), Ken Okamoto, Yuichiro Okugawa (NTT), Takuji Miki, Makoto Nagata (Kobe Univ.) EMCJ2022-18
 [more] EMCJ2022-18
EMCJ 2022-01-21
Online Online (Online) Evaluation of External Disturbance Immunity by Bulk Current Injection into Ethernet Communication System
Kohai Kawai, Takuya Wadatsumi, Akira Tsukada (Kobe Univ.), Ken Okamoto, Yuichiro Okugawa (NTT), Takuji Miki, Makoto Nagata (Kobe Univ.) EMCJ2021-64
We developed a model of communication failures caused by external disturbances in Ethernet and collected experimental da... [more] EMCJ2021-64
MW, EMCJ, EST, IEE-EMC [detail] 2017-10-19
Akita Yupopo (Akita) Waveform modeling of conducted disturbances below 150 kHz from rectifiers
Farhan Mahmood, Ken Okamoto, Yuichiro Okugawa, Jun Kato (NTT) EMCJ2017-37 MW2017-89 EST2017-52
(To be available after the conference date) [more] EMCJ2017-37 MW2017-89 EST2017-52
EMCJ 2017-04-14
Tokyo NTT Musashino R&D Center (Tokyo) Feature extraction of conducted disturbance below 150 kHz from power conversion equipment
Farhan Mahmood, Ken Okamoto, Fumihiko Ishiyama, Yuichiro Okugawa, Yoshiharu Akiyama (NTT) EMCJ2017-1
 [more] EMCJ2017-1
EMCJ 2016-05-13
Hokkaido Hokkaido University (Hokkaido) LCL Measurement Method Based on Equivalent Circuit Modeling
Tohlu Matsushima (Kyoto Univ.), Kazuhiro Takaya, Yuichiro Okugawa, Ken Okamoto (NTT), Akira Sugiura, Osami Wada (Kyoto Univ.) EMCJ2016-12
In order to measure LCL (longitudinal conversion loss) of an equipment under test (EUT) or a circuit with high symmetry,... [more] EMCJ2016-12
EMCJ 2016-03-11
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Voltage Feedback Amplifier with Ferrite Cores for Common-mode Noise Suppression
Farhan Mahmood (NTT), Soichiro Yoshikawa (TITech.), Ken Okamoto, Kazuhiro Takaya (NTT), Atsuhiro Nishikata (TITech.) EMCJ2015-130
 [more] EMCJ2015-130
Kumamoto Kumamoto National Colle. Technology (Kumamoto) Artificial Mains Network for Conducted Disturbance from 2 kHz
Farhan Mahmood, Ken Okamoto, Hidetoshi Tatemichi, Kazuhiro Takaya (NTT) EMCJ2015-121
 [more] EMCJ2015-121
EMCJ 2015-07-09
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) A Study of Evaluation Method for Electromagnetic Interference Affecting Digital Communication Systems
Kotaro Ono, Ken Okamoto, Hidetoshi Tatemichi, Kazuhiro Takaya (NTT) EMCJ2015-31
CISPR has prepared regulations suppressing Electromagnetic interference (EMI) from electric and electronic devices in or... [more] EMCJ2015-31
EMCJ 2015-05-15
Kagawa Next Kagawa (Kagawa) A Study on Limit and Measurement Method for Transient Disturbance from Electrical Lighting Equipment in Telecommunication Machine Room
Ken Okamoto, Farhan Mahmood, Shinji Goto, Kazuhiro Takaya (NTT) EMCJ2015-10
Disturbances from lighting equipment can be divided into two types; one is continuous disturbance, which is caused by th... [more] EMCJ2015-10
 Results 1 - 10 of 10  /   
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