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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 38  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Nagasaki (Nagasaki) Dosimetry Assessment of a Rat Model based on a 60 GHz Spatial Synthetic Exposure Equipment
Yuma Ueda, Kun Li (UEC), Takashi Hikage (Hokkaido Univ.), Hiroshi Masuda, Etsuko Ijima (Kurume Univ.), Akiko Nagai (Aichi Gakuin Univ.), Kenji Taguchi (Kitami Inst. Tech.)
EST, MW, EMCJ, IEE-EMC [detail] 2021-10-07
Online Online (Online) Computational study on effect of skin modeling on core temperature rise in human for whole-body exposure
Sachiko Kodera (NIT), Kenji Taguchi (KIT), Akimasa Hirata (NIT) EMCJ2021-39 MW2021-51 EST2021-41
In the international guidelines/standards, the whole-body average specific absorption rate (WBASAR) is used as a metric ... [more] EMCJ2021-39 MW2021-51 EST2021-41
EMCJ 2021-06-11
Online Online (Online) Development of 60 GHz Band Exposure Equipment System for Studies on Thermal Thresholds of Biological Effects on Human Body
Ryunosuke Ozaki, Takashi Hikage (Hokkaido Univ.), Hiroshi Masuda (Kurume University School of Medicine), Kenji Taguchi (Kitami Institute of Technology) EMCJ2021-15
A novel 60 GHz band exposure set-up has been newly developed for studies on thermal thresholds of biological effects of ... [more] EMCJ2021-15
EST 2021-01-21
Online Online (Online) Comparison of temperature rise in rat and human for whole-body exposure at 30 GHz
Sachiko Kodera (NIT), Kenji Taguchi (KIT), Akimasa Hirata (NIT) EST2020-53
Two international guidelines/standards for human protection from electromagnetic fields define the whole-body average sp... [more] EST2020-53
EMT, MWP, PN, IEE-EMT [detail] 2021-01-21
Online Online (Online) Theoretical Estimation Limit of Inhomogeneous Refractive-Index Distribution Inside a Diffraction Grating by Optical Measurement
Shusaburo Arima, Jun-ichiro Sugisaka, Kenji Taguchi (Kitami Inst. Tech.) PN2020-32 EMT2020-50 MWP2020-33
 [more] PN2020-32 EMT2020-50 MWP2020-33
EMT, IEE-EMT 2020-11-05
Online Online (Online) Concave-convex discrimination system for small defects using scattering on rough surface
Shusaburo Arima, Jun-ichiro Sugisaka, Kenji Taguchi (Kitami of Tech.) EMT2020-31
 [more] EMT2020-31
EMT, MW, OPE, EST, MWP, THz, IEE-EMT [detail] 2020-07-17
Online Online (Online) Concave-convex discrimination of surface defect using neural network and holograms -- Simultaneous learning of both hologram and neural network --
Shusaburo Arima, Jun-ichiro Sugisaka, Kenji Taguchi (Kitami Inst. Tech) EMT2020-17 MW2020-26 OPE2020-12 EST2020-17 MWP2020-17
 [more] EMT2020-17 MW2020-26 OPE2020-12 EST2020-17 MWP2020-17
EMT, IEE-EMT 2020-05-22
Tokyo Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Akihabara Satellite Campus (Tokyo)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
Concave-convex discrimination of surface defect using neural network and holograms -- Extension to discrimination independent of defect width --
Shusaburo Arima, Jun-ichiro Sugisaka, Kenji Taguchi (Kitami Inst. Tech.) EMT2020-3
 [more] EMT2020-3
EMCJ, MW, EST, IEE-EMC [detail] 2019-10-24
Miyagi Tohoku Gakuin University(Conf. Room 2, Eng. Bldg. 1) (Miyagi) Fundamental Study on Whole Body Average SAR for Millimeter Wave Using the FDTD Method
Sachiko Kodera, Akimasa Hirata (NIT), Kenji Taguchi, Tatsuya Kashiwa (KIT) EMCJ2019-42 MW2019-71 EST2019-50
In the current international guidelines/standards for human protection from radio waves, the whole-body averaged specifi... [more] EMCJ2019-42 MW2019-71 EST2019-50
EMT, EST, LQE, MWP, OPE, PEM, PN, IEE-EMT [detail] 2018-01-25
Hyogo (Hyogo) A Study on Fast SPFD Method Based on Subgrid Method and Postprocessing
Yudai Nakanishi, Takahiro Ito, Akimasa Hirata (NITech), Kenji Taguchi, Tatsuya Kashiwa (KIT) PN2017-57 EMT2017-94 OPE2017-135 LQE2017-117 EST2017-93 MWP2017-70
In recent years, there has been concern in adverse health effect of electromagnetic fields. Induced electric field is us... [more] PN2017-57 EMT2017-94 OPE2017-135 LQE2017-117 EST2017-93 MWP2017-70
EMT, IEE-EMT 2017-11-10
Yamagata Tendo Hotel (Tendo, Yamagata) (Yamagata) A Study on Fast SPFD Using Subgrid Method
Yudai Nakanishi, Takahiro Ito, Akimasa Hirata (NITech), Kenji Taguchi, Tatsuya Kashiwa (KIT) EMT2017-60
 [more] EMT2017-60
MWP, OPE, EMT, MW, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-07-21
Hokkaido Obihiro Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Hokkaido) Recognition of Object Shape Using Electromagnetic Scattering Waves by Artificial Intelligence
Tatsuya Kashiwa, Kenji Taguchi (Kitami Inst. of Tech.) EMT2017-21 MW2017-46 OPE2017-26 EST2017-23 MWP2017-23
The recognition of shape of obstacle is very important in the field of science and technology as a fundamental problem. ... [more] EMT2017-21 MW2017-46 OPE2017-26 EST2017-23 MWP2017-23
OPE, MW, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2016-07-22
Hokkaido (Hokkaido, Hokkaido) Direction of Arrival Estimation of Incoming Waves in FDTD Analysis of Radio Wave Propagation Using MUSIC Method
Suguru Imai, Kenji Taguchi, Tatsuya Kashiwa (Kitami Inst. of Tech.) EMT2016-35 MW2016-66 OPE2016-47 EST2016-36 MWP2016-37
Recently, computer performance has been advanced. Therefore, applicable space size or equivalently the frequency in the ... [more] EMT2016-35 MW2016-66 OPE2016-47 EST2016-36 MWP2016-37
OPE, MW, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2016-07-22
Hokkaido (Hokkaido, Hokkaido) Study on Optimal Design of Dielectric Flat Lens Using Gradient Method with AVM -- Comparison with GA and PSO --
Kenji Taguchi, Suguru Imai, Tatsuya Kashiwa (Kitami Inst. of Tech.) EMT2016-37 MW2016-68 OPE2016-49 EST2016-38 MWP2016-39
Recently, dielectric flat lenses have a focus of attention in the field of microwave and millimeter wave devices. The le... [more] EMT2016-37 MW2016-68 OPE2016-49 EST2016-38 MWP2016-39
EMT, MW, OPE, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2015-07-16
Hokkaido Kushiro City Lifelong Learning Center (Hokkaido) Study on Direction of Arrival Estimation in FDTD Analysis of Radio Propagation Using MUSIC Algorithm
Suguru Imai, Kenji Taguchi, Tatsuya Kashiwa (Kitami Inst. of Tech.) EMT2015-29 MW2015-67 OPE2015-41 EST2015-33 MWP2015-32
Traditionally, the ray-tracing method has been used to analyze radio propagation problems. Recently, the FDTD method can... [more] EMT2015-29 MW2015-67 OPE2015-41 EST2015-33 MWP2015-32
EMCJ, EST 2014-09-12
Hokkaido Kitami Inst. Technology (Hokkaido) Analysis of Radio Propagation Characteristics Considering Car Antenna Positions for Inter-vehicle Communications at Intersection
Suguru Imai, Kenji Taguchi, Tatsuya Kashiwa (Kitami Inst. of Tech.) EMCJ2014-40 EST2014-54
Recently, the inter-vehicle communication system for the prevention of car crashes has been proposed. In this system, ca... [more] EMCJ2014-40 EST2014-54
MW, OPE, EMT, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2014-07-18
Hokkaido Muroran Inst. of Tech. (Hokkaido) Effect of Positions of Car Antenna on Radio Wave Propagation for Inter-vehicle Communications at Intersection
Suguru Imai, Kenji Taguchi, Tatsuya Kashiwa (Kitami Inst. of Tech.) MW2014-79 OPE2014-48 EST2014-40 MWP2014-37
In the development of the inter-vehicle communication system for the prevention of car crashes, it is important to know ... [more] MW2014-79 OPE2014-48 EST2014-40 MWP2014-37
EST, MWP, OPE, MW, EMT, IEE-EMT [detail] 2013-07-19
Hokkaido Wakkanai Synthesis Cultural Center (Hokkaido) Estimation of 3D Radio Propagation Characteristics for 700 MHz Band at Intersection Surrounded by Building Walls in Urban Area by Using 2D FDTD Analysis
Kenji Taguchi, Suguru Imai, Tatsuya Kashiwa, Takeshi Kawamura (Kitami Inst. of Tech.) MW2013-78 OPE2013-47 EST2013-42 MWP2013-37
In the development of inter-vehicle communication system using 700 MHz band, it is important to know radio wave propagat... [more] MW2013-78 OPE2013-47 EST2013-42 MWP2013-37
MWP, OPE, MW, EMT, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2012-07-26
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Comparison of Computational Performance between CUDA C and CUDA Fortran in High-Speed FDTD Simulation Using GPGPU
Shohei Takahara, Suguru Imai, Kenji Taguchi, Tatsuya Kashiwa (Kitami Inst. of Tech.) MW2012-32 OPE2012-25 EST2012-14 MWP2012-13
Recently, GPGPU (General Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units) has been attracting attention as the techniqu... [more] MW2012-32 OPE2012-25 EST2012-14 MWP2012-13
EMT, PN, LQE, OPE, MWP, EST, IEE-EMT [detail] 2012-01-26
Osaka Osaka Univ. Convention Center (Osaka) Analysis of Wave Propagation on Urban Street for UHF Band Using Ray Tracing Method
Ryosuke Aoyama, Suguru Imai, Kenji Taguchi, Tatsuya Kashiwa (Kitami Inst. of Tech.) PN2011-42 OPE2011-158 LQE2011-144 EST2011-92 MWP2011-60
In non-line-of-sight multipath environments of urban street, it is assumed that a stochastic process of received signal ... [more] PN2011-42 OPE2011-158 LQE2011-144 EST2011-92 MWP2011-60
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