Committee |
Date Time |
Place |
Paper Title / Authors |
Abstract |
Paper # |
AP, RCS (Joint) |
2021-11-11 15:00 |
Nagasaki |
NBC-Bekkan (Nagasaki) (Nagasaki, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
[Invited Lecture]
Development of 5GHz Microwave Power Transfer System with Coexisting Function Kentaro Taniguchi, Toshiya Mitomo, Kohei Onizuka (Toshiba) AP2021-118 RCS2021-165 |
[more] |
AP2021-118 RCS2021-165 p.96(AP), p.117(RCS) |
RCS, SR, SRW (Joint) |
2020-03-06 16:20 |
Tokyo |
Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo) (Cancelled but technical report was issued) |
[Invited Lecture]
A Study on Coexistence between Wireless Power Transfer System and Existing 5GHz-WLAN Kentaro Taniguchi, Hiroki Mori (Toshiba) RCS2019-399 |
As a key function for IoT applications, WPT (Wireless Power Transmission/Transfer) technologies have received great atte... [more] |
RCS2019-399 p.393 |
2019-06-10 13:35 |
Hokkaido |
Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) |
Experimental Verification of Space Time Beam Forming Algorithm to realize Maintenance-Free IoT Sensors with Wireless Power Transfer System in 5.7GHz band Gurusanthosh Pabbisetty, Kentaro Taniguchi, Toshiya Mitomo, Hiroki Mori (Toshiba) WPT2019-10 |
Smart factories can be realized by effective and flexible placement of IoT sensors in all the equipment. Even though man... [more] |
WPT2019-10 pp.1-5 |
SAT, RCS (Joint) |
2018-08-09 13:10 |
Iwate |
Iwate University (Iwate) |
[Invited Lecture]
Technology Trend and Application Study on Indoor Wireless Localization Kentaro Taniguchi, Yoko Segawa, Hiroki Mori (Toshiba) SAT2018-32 RCS2018-135 |
As a key technology for IoT applications, indoor positioning has received great attention recently. The most widely used... [more] |
SAT2018-32 RCS2018-135 p.21(SAT), p.23(RCS) |
CQ |
2018-06-01 13:50 |
Chiba |
Chiba Univ. Nishi-Chiba Campus, academic link center (Chiba) |
A Study on Indoor Localization Using Radio and Camera Cooperation Kentaro Taniguchi, Yoko Segawa, Hiroki Mori (Toshiba) CQ2018-28 |
In this paper, we consider a novel localization system using both wireless signal processing technique and image process... [more] |
CQ2018-28 pp.61-66 |
AP, RCS (Joint) |
2017-11-09 14:25 |
Fukuoka |
Fukuoka University (Fukuoka) |
[Invited Lecture]
Introduction of MIMO-Related Techniques and its Implementation in IEEE 802.11ax WLANs Toshihisa Nabetani, Kentaro Taniguchi, Koichiro Ban (Toshiba) AP2017-128 RCS2017-233 |
With the increase in demand of wireless LANs, MIMO (Multi-Input Multi-Output) technique was first adopted in order to im... [more] |
AP2017-128 RCS2017-233 pp.109-114(AP), pp.165-170(RCS) |
CQ (2nd) |
2017-10-16 16:15 |
Fukuoka |
Nishijin Plaza, Kyushu Univ. (Fukuoka) |
[Poster Presentation]
Performacne of Packet Error Rate by Applying Hybrid ARQ to WLAN Ryota Sekiya, Kentaro Taniguchi, Ryoko Matsuo (TOSHIBA) |
Hybrid Automatic Repeat-reQuest (HARQ) is a combination of ARQ error control and forward error-correcting code (FEC). If... [more] |
CQ |
2017-05-30 10:50 |
Miyazaki |
Hotel Merieges (Miyazaki) (Miyazaki) |
Receiving System enabling Hybird ARQ in Physical-layer of WLAN Ryota Sekiya, Kentaro Taniguchi, Toshihisa Nabetani, Tsuguhide Aoki (TOSHIBA) CQ2017-24 |
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CQ2017-24 pp.59-64 |
2015-12-21 11:25 |
Kanagawa |
Toshiba (Kanagawa) |
[Invited Talk]
Recent trends on standardization for IEEE 802.11ax Tsuguhide Aoki, Tomoko Adachi, Toshihisa Nabetani, Ryoko Matsuo, Kentaro Taniguchi, Narendar Madhavan (Toshiba) SRW2015-62 |
[more] |
SRW2015-62 pp.25-30 |
RCS, SAT (Joint) |
2007-12-21 09:20 |
Oita |
(Oita) |
Ultra-Wideband Communication and Ranging System Using Synthesized Template Waveform Kentaro Taniguchi, Ryuji Kohno (Yokohama National Univ.) RCS2007-124 |
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RCS2007-124 pp.73-77 |
2007-05-24 17:15 |
Kanagawa |
Yokosuka Research Park (Kanagawa) |
A Study on a DS-UWB Radar Based on Parallel Transmission Using Orthogonal Pulses and Multiple Sequences with Various Length Yuichi Nakayama, Kentaro Taniguchi, Hiroki Harada, Ryuji Kohno (YNU) ITS2007-8 |
A lot of attention has been paid to DS-UWB(Direct Sequence-UWB) radar. It can measure the distance to the target with hi... [more] |
ITS2007-8 pp.43-48 |
AN |
2007-05-10 10:30 |
Tokyo |
Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg (Tokyo) |
Localization Using Adaptive Node Selection Method in a Sensor Network Yutaka Kashiwabara, Kentaro Taniguchi, Ryuji Kohno (Yokohama National Univ.) AN2007-11 |
For various kinds of applications in wireless sensor network, the positional information of each sensor node is essentia... [more] |
AN2007-11 pp.59-64 |
2006-10-20 10:35 |
Kagawa |
Kagawa Univ (Kagawa) |
Positioning Algorithm Considering Radiation Pattern in UWB Based Sensor Network Kentaro Taniguchi, Koji Ishibashi, Ryuji Kohno (Yokohama National Univ.) RCS2006-145 |
[more] |
RCS2006-145 pp.73-78 |
2006-05-29 15:00 |
Kanagawa |
Yokosuka Research Park (Kanagawa) |
A Study on Routing Protocol for Inter-vehicle Network Based on AODV Yuji Yo, Kentaro Taniguchi, Ryuji Kohno (Yokohama Nat. Univ.) |
[more] |
ITS2006-5 pp.23-27 |
SN (2nd) |
2006-05-19 10:10 |
Tokyo |
Tokyo Univ. of Science, Morito Memorial Hall (Tokyo) |
Positioning Based on TDOA Measurements Using Two-Stage Particle Filter in Sensor Network Kentaro Taniguchi, Ryuji Kohno (Yokohama National Univ.) |
For various kinds of applications in sensor network, the positional information of each sensor tag is essential.
In ord... [more] |
RCS, AP, WBS, SR, MW, MoNA (Joint) |
2006-03-03 13:00 |
Kanagawa |
YRP (Kanagawa) |
Indoor Positioning via TDOA measurements Using Particle Filter Kentaro Taniguchi, Ryuji Kohno (Yokohama National Univ.) |
For various kinds of applications in sensor network, the positional information of each sensor node is essential. In or... [more] |
RCS2005-227 pp.295-300 |