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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
PRMU 2020-12-18
Online Online (Online) Depth image prediction of transparent objects based on image-to-image translation
Ryo Iimori (KIT), Ryosuke Kubota, Kiyoshi Kogure (KIT) PRMU2020-57
 [more] PRMU2020-57
PRMU 2020-12-18
Online Online (Online) Estimating 3D regions for grasping an object
Atsuki Tsukamoto, Kiyoshi Kogure (KIT) PRMU2020-65
This paper proposes a method for estimating 3D regions for object grasping. The method takes as its inputs two RGB image... [more] PRMU2020-65
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM 2019-05-30
Tokyo (Tokyo) Estimating areas in images for grasping an object by a three-fingered robot hand
Atsuki Tsukamoto, Ryosuke Kubota, Kiyoshi Kogure (KIT) PRMU2019-4
This paper proposes a method for estimation areas for grasping an object by a three-fingered robot hand. The method take... [more] PRMU2019-4
PRMU, MI, IE, SIP 2018-05-18
Gifu (Gifu) Contour Extraction of Transparent Objects Using Fully Convolutional Networks
Ryosuke Kubota, Kiyoshi Kogure (KIT) SIP2018-10 IE2018-10 PRMU2018-10 MI2018-10
In this paper, we propose two methods to extract contours of transparent objects from a grayscale image using fully conv... [more] SIP2018-10 IE2018-10 PRMU2018-10 MI2018-10
PRMU, MI, IE, SIP 2018-05-18
Gifu (Gifu) Effects on Classification Performance of Time Windows in Feature Extraction Using Denoising Autoencoders for Activity Recognition from Acceleration Data
Satoko Sugai, Toru Takeyama, Kiyoshi Kogure (KIT) SIP2018-18 IE2018-18 PRMU2018-18 MI2018-18
We have experimentally evaluated the effects on classification accuracy of time windows in feature extraction using deno... [more] SIP2018-18 IE2018-18 PRMU2018-18 MI2018-18
PRMU, IBISML, IPSJ-CVIM [detail] 2017-09-16
Tokyo (Tokyo) Feature Extraction Using Denoising Autoencoders for Activity Recognition from Acceleration Data
Toru Takeyama, Kiyoshi Kogure (KIT) PRMU2017-58 IBISML2017-30
We have experimentally evaluated how the performance of activity recognition from acceleration data depends on the way o... [more] PRMU2017-58 IBISML2017-30
PRMU 2008-12-18
Kumamoto Kumamoto Univ. (Kumamoto) Activity Recognition from Interactions with Objects using Dynamic Bayesian Network
Tomohito Inomata (ATR Knowledge Science Laboratories), Futoshi Naya (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Noriaki Kuwahara (Graduate School of Science and Tech/Kyoto Inst. of Tech.), Fumio Hattori (Graduate Scvhool of Sciemce and Engineering/Ritsumeikan Univ.), Kiyoshi Kogure (ATR Knowledge Science Laboratories) PRMU2008-163
A nursing activity recognition method has been developed that is based on a nurse's interactions with the tools and mate... [more] PRMU2008-163
PRMU 2008-10-23
Tokushima Tokushima Univ. (Tokushima) Automatic Driving Skill Evaluation System Using Wearable Sensors and Its Trial Application to Safe Driving Lecture
Masahiro Tada (ATR), Makoto Segawa (Yamashiro Driving School), Masaya Okada (ATR), Kazumi Renge (Tezukayama Univ./ATR), Kiyoshi Kogure (ATR) PRMU2008-88
 [more] PRMU2008-88
PRMU, HIP 2008-09-06
Kanagawa Keio Univ. (Kanagawa) Hand-Hygiene Activity Classification with Accelerometers
Emiko Hama (ATR/Osaka Univ.), Futoshi Naya, Haruo Noma, Kiyoshi Kogure (ATR), Toshie Tsuchida (Hyogo Univ. of Health Sciences) PRMU2008-85 HIP2008-85
 [more] PRMU2008-85 HIP2008-85
USN, IPSJ-UBI 2008-07-18
Tokyo Tokyo Denki University (Tokyo) (Tokyo) User's Location Estimation Method based on Received Signal Strength Indicator between Bluetooth devices
Yasuhiro Taoka (Ritsumeikan Univ./ATR), Futoshi Naya, Haruo Noma, Kiyoshi Kogure (ATR), Joo-Ho Lee (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
This paper proposes a method for estimating a user's location with RSSI (Receiver Signal Strength Indicator) of Bluetoot... [more] USN2008-36
PRMU, IE, MI 2008-05-22
Aichi Aichi University of Technology (Aichi) Human Tracking Using Particle Filters Based on Detecting Direction of Transition between Regions
Tatsuya Sakamoto (Osaka Inst. of Technology), Masahiro Tada (ATR), Ren Ohmura (ATR/Keio Univ.), Futoshi Naya, Haruo Noma, Tomoji Toriyama, Kiyoshi Kogure (ATR), Mutsuo Sano (ATR/OIT) IE2008-22 PRMU2008-8 MI2008-8
Existing works for human tracking mainly considering two areas: (1) open area having very few obstacles and/or partition... [more] IE2008-22 PRMU2008-8 MI2008-8
PRMU 2008-02-22
Ibaraki Univ. of Tsukuba (Ibaraki) A Trial for Measuring Drivers' Behavior at Unsignalized Intersections Using Wireless 3D-Gyro Sensors
Masahiro Tada, Tomoji Toriyama, Masaya Okada (ATR), Tatsuya Sakamoto (OIT/ATR), Futoshi Naya, Haruo Noma (ATR), Kazumi Renge (Tezukayama Univ./ATR), Kiyoshi Kogure (ATR) PRMU2007-232
In Japan, 52.0 percent of collision accidents occur at unsignalized intersections. Therefore developing active safty tec... [more] PRMU2007-232
USN, IPSJ-UBI 2007-07-20
Tokyo Tokyo Denki University (Tokyo) (Tokyo) Development of Wearable Main Unit for Measuring Personal Activity in A Sensor Network
Haruo Noma (ATR), Ren Ohmua (ATR/Keidai), Futoshi Naya, Masakazu Miyamae, Tomoji Toriyama, Kiyoshi Kogure (ATR) USN2007-27
We have been investigating a sensor network based nursing care support system, E-Nightingale system, that prevents medic... [more] USN2007-27
USN, IPSJ-UBI 2007-07-20
Tokyo Tokyo Denki University (Tokyo) (Tokyo) Evaluation of Time Synchronization Accuracy in Sensor Networks for Tracking Locations of People
Tatsuya Sakamoto (Osaka Inst.of Tech./ATR), Ren Ohmura (Keio Univ.), Futoshi Naya, Haruo Noma, Tomoji Toriyama, Kiyoshi Kogure (ATR), Mutsuo Sano (oit)
In sensor networks, time synchronization accuracy usually affects consistency in sensor data extracted from these system... [more] USN2007-28
PRMU, DE 2007-06-29
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Measuring Drivers' Behavior Using Wireless 3D-Accelerometers for Anomaly Detection
Masahiro Tada (ATR), Ren Ohmura (Keio Univ.), Futoshi Naya, Haruo Noma, Tomoji Toriyama, Kiyoshi Kogure (ATR) DE2007-21 PRMU2007-47
In this paper, we propose a method for directly measuring and analyzing driving behavior using wireless 3D-accelerometer... [more] DE2007-21 PRMU2007-47
SP 2007-06-29
Fukushima The University of Aizu (Fukushima) Noise Suppression Based on Search with Multi-Noise Composite Models
Takatoshi Jitsuhiro, Tomoji Toriyama, Kiyoshi Kogure (ATR) SP2007-16
We introduce a new noise suppression method by using a search strategy with multi-model compositions that includes the m... [more] SP2007-16
PRMU 2006-11-24
Overseas   (Overseas) Robust Foreground Segmentation from Color Video Sequences Using Background Subtraction with Multiple Thresholds
Hansung Kim, Ryuuki Sakamoto (ATR), Itaru Kitahara (ATR/Univ. of Tsukuba), Tomoji Toriyama, Kiyoshi Kogure (ATR)
 [more] PRMU2006-152
PRMU 2006-09-09
Fukuoka   (Fukuoka) Analysis of Steering Control Behavior Using 3D-Accelerometers
Masahiro Tada, Ren Ohmura, Futoshi Naya, Haruo Noma, Tomoji Toriyama, Kiyoshi Kogure (ATR)
In this paper, we propose a driving behavior analysis method requiring no special car in which many sensors are installe... [more] PRMU2006-89
PRMU, DE 2006-06-15
Hokkaido   (Hokkaido) Cinematized Reality: Cinematography of Daily Life Using 3D Free-Viewpoint Video
Itaru Kitahara (Univ. of Tsukuba), Ryuuki Sakamoto, Hansung Kim, Kiyoshi Kogure (ATR)
The purpose of Cinematized Reality is to record unexpected moments in people’s lives and create movies that look as if t... [more] DE2006-6 PRMU2006-44
PRMU, MI 2006-05-26
Aichi Aichi Prefectural University (Aichi) Evaluation of data collection parameters on the daily activity classification with accelerometers
Katsuhiro Tabuchi (ATR(Osaka Univ.)), Futoshi Naya, Ren Ohmura, Haruo Noma, Kiyoshi Kogure (ATR), Fumio Kishino (Osaka Univ.)
In order to improve the daily activity classification with accelerometers, we have evaluated how the daily activity cla... [more] PRMU2006-27 MI2006-27
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