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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
PN 2024-03-15
Kagoshima (Kagoshima, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Sustained Network Capacity Expansion by Iterative Installation of Multi-band Virtual Bypass Links
Hayato Yuasa, Kenji Cruzado, Yojiro Mori (Nagoya Univ.), Kohei Hosokawa, Shigeyuki Yanagimachi (NEC), Hiroshi Hasegawa (Nagoya Univ.) PN2023-86
Multi-band transmission on optical fibers has been extensively studied as a promising technology to enhance the fiber ca... [more] PN2023-86
PN 2023-08-29
Hokkaido (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Capacity Enhancement of Resilient Optical Networks with Multi-band Virtual Bypass Links
Daisuke Saito, Yojiro Mori (Nagoya Univ), Kohei Hosokawa, Shigeyuki Yanagimachi (NEC), Hiroshi Hasegawa (Nagoya Univ) PN2023-26
We propose a cost-effective capacity enhancement for resilient networks that adopt dedicated path protection. This enhan... [more] PN2023-26
Kagawa (Kagawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Efficient Accommodation of Asymmetric Traffic in Single Multicore-Fiber Bidirectional Spatial Channel Network Based on Spatial Cross-Connect and Multicore EDFA
Kyosuke Nakada (Kagawa Univ), Hitoshi Takeshita (NEC), Yuki Kuno (santec), Yusuke Matsuno (Furukawa Electric), Itsuki Urashima (Kagawa Univ), Yusuke Shimomura (NEC), Yuji Hotta (santec), Tsubasa Sasaki (Furukawa Electric), Yudai Uchida (Kagawa Univ), Kohei Hosokawa (NEC), Ryohei Otowa (santec), Rika Tahara (Kagawa Univ), Emmanuel Le Taillandier de Gabory (NEC), Yasuki Sakurai (santec), Ryuichi Sugizaki (Furukawa Electric), Masahiko Jinno (Kagawa Univ) OCS2023-16
 [more] OCS2023-16
MWPTHz, PN, EMT, IEE-EMT [detail] 2023-01-24
Osaka (Osaka, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Cost-effective Network Capacity Expansion by Supplemental Multi-band Transmission on Congested Links
Daisuke Saito, Yojiro Mori (Nagoya Univ.), Kohei Hosokawa, Shigeyuki Yanagimachi (NEC), Hiroshi Hasegawa (Nagoya Univ.) PN2022-36 EMT2022-74 MWPTHz2022-62
A cost-effective capacity enhancement for photonic networks is proposed, which adopts multi-band transmission only on li... [more] PN2022-36 EMT2022-74 MWPTHz2022-62
PN 2021-03-01
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] Towards Large-Capacity Optical Communications with Relaxing Error-Ratio Constraints
Yohei Hasegawa, Hidemi Noguchi, Masaki Sato, Morihiko Ota, Kohei Hosokawa (NEC Corp.) PN2020-48
 [more] PN2020-48
PN 2020-08-24
Online Online (Online) Enlarging optical communication capacity with relaxing error-ratio constraints and its system
Yohei Hasegawa, Hidemi Noguchi, Kohei Hosokawa, Morihiko Ota (NEC Corp.) PN2020-15
 [more] PN2020-15
 Results 1 - 6 of 6  /   
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