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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
PRMU, IBISML, IPSJ-CVIM [detail] 2023-03-02
Hokkaido Future University Hakodate (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Binarization of Vision Transformer with Scaling Factors
Shun Sato, Shun Sawada, Hidefumi Ohmura, Kouichi katsurada (TUS) PRMU2022-83 IBISML2022-90
1bit neural network optimization is an optimization technique that achieves a significant increase in computational spee... [more] PRMU2022-83 IBISML2022-90
SP, IPSJ-SLP, EA, SIP [detail] 2023-02-28
Okinawa (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
End-to-End Speech Synthesis Based on Articulatory Movements Captured by Real-time MRI
Yuto Otani, Shun Sawada, Hidefumi Ohmura, Kouichi Katsurada (Tokyo Univ. Sci.) EA2022-77 SIP2022-121 SP2022-41
We propose an end-to-end deep learning model for speech synthesis based on articulatory movements captured by real-time ... [more] EA2022-77 SIP2022-121 SP2022-41
SP, WIT, IPSJ-SLP [detail] 2022-10-22
Kyoto Kyoto University (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Conformer based early fusion model for audio-visual speech recognition
Nobukazu Aoki, Shun Sawada, Hidefumi Ohmura, Kouichi Katsurada (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.) SP2022-28 WIT2022-3
Previous studies of late fusion models with conformer encoders use independent encoders for both visual and audio inform... [more] SP2022-28 WIT2022-3
EA, US, SP, SIP, IPSJ-SLP [detail] 2021-03-04
Online Online (Online) A Vocoder-free Any-to-Many Voice Conversion using Pre-trained vq-wav2vec
Takeshi Koshizuka, Hidefumi Ohmura, Kouichi Katsurada (TUS) EA2020-89 SIP2020-120 SP2020-54
Voice conversion (VC) is a technique that converts speaker-dependent non-linguistic information to another speaker's one... [more] EA2020-89 SIP2020-120 SP2020-54
SP 2020-01-28
Toyama (Toyama) Multi-Speaker Speech Synthesis from EMA Data
Kouichi Katsurada (Tokyo Univ. Sci.), Korin Richmond (Univ. of Edinburgh) SP2019-45
 [more] SP2019-45
WIT, SP 2019-10-27
Kagoshima Daiichi Institute of Technology (Kagoshima) Extraction of linguistic representation and syllable recognition from EEG signal of speech-imagery
Kentaro Fukai, Hidefumi Ohmura, Kouichi Katsurada (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Satoka Hirata, Yurie Iribe (Aichi Prefectural Univ.), Mingchua Fu, Ryo Taguchi (Nagoya Inst. of Technology), Tsuneo Nitta (Waseda Univ./Toyohashi Univ. of Technology) SP2019-28 WIT2019-27
Speech imagery recognition from Electroencephalogram (EEG) is one of the challenging technologies for non-invasive brain... [more] SP2019-28 WIT2019-27
WIT, SP 2019-10-27
Kagoshima Daiichi Institute of Technology (Kagoshima) Word Recognition using word likelihood vector from speech-imagery EEG
Satoka Hirata, Yurie Iribe (Aichi Prefectual Univ.), Kentaro Fukai, Kouichi Katsurada (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Tsuneo Nitta (Waseda Univ./Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.) SP2019-29 WIT2019-28
Previous research suggests that humans manipulate the machine using their electroencephalogram called BCI (Brain Compute... [more] SP2019-29 WIT2019-28
SP 2019-06-13
Kanagawa Tokyo Institute of Technology (Kanagawa) Collection of large-scale Japanese articulatory-acoustic parallel data
Kohei Wakamiya, Fumiaki Taguchi, Riko Watanabe (Kyushu Univ.), Kouichi Katsurada (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Takehiko Makino (Chuo Univ.), Tokihiko Kaburagi (Kyushu Univ.) SP2019-2
A large-scale Japanese articulatory-acoustic parallel data is a basic data using as a natural speech synthesis using a a... [more] SP2019-2
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, MVE [detail] 2017-01-19
Kyoto (Kyoto) ngle independent lip reading using symmetrical 3D-AAM of facial images
Takuya Watanabe (TUT), Kouichi Katsurada (TUS), Yasushi Kanazawa (TUT) PRMU2016-134 MVE2016-25
Lip reading is a technique to recognize spoken words from only visual images of a face. There have been proposed variou... [more] PRMU2016-134 MVE2016-25
PRMU, IBISML, IPSJ-CVIM [detail] 2015-09-15
Ehime (Ehime) Evaluation of Active Appearance Models using AutoEncoder
Takuya Watanabe, Kouichi Katsurada (TUT), Tsuneo Nitta (WU), Yurie Iribe (APU) PRMU2015-85 IBISML2015-45
Active Appearance Models (AAM) is a synthetic model of facial images, which reduces dimension of feature space construct... [more] PRMU2015-85 IBISML2015-45
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