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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Hokkaido Hokkaido Citizens Activities Promotion Center (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Fundamental study on acoustic signal noise reduction using UNet and UNet3+
Sora Matsuo, Mari Ueda, Tsuyoshi Miyazaki, Hiroshi Tanaka (KAIT) SeMI2024-33
A method has been proposed to remove noise using a deep learning model by converting noise-added source data into images... [more] SeMI2024-33
US 2023-07-27
Fukuoka West Japan General Exhibition Center Annex (Fukuoka) Acoustic measurement around the pinna in the ultrasonic region using a dummy head Part2
Mari Ueda, Koki Harusawa, Manaka Oishi (KAIT), Masaaki Hiroe (Kobayasi Institute of Physical Research), Hideyuki Hasegawa (Univ. of Toyama), Kentaro Nakamura (Tokyo Tech.) US2023-22
 [more] US2023-22
ET 2023-03-15
Tokushima Tokushima University (Tokushima, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Development of a Programming Exercise system and Practice in Actual Classes
Tetsuo Tanaka, Mari Ueda, Tsuyoshi Miyazaki (KAIT) ET2022-91
In this study, we developed a programming exercise system that presents the coding status of students to the teachers wi... [more] ET2022-91
US 2022-01-25
Online Online (Online) Acoustic measurement around the pinna in the ultrasonic region using a dummy head
Koki Harusawa (KAIT), Yumi Inamura (SPIC Co.,Ltd.), Masaaki Hiroe (Kobayasi Inst. of Phys. Res.), Hideyuki Hasegawa (Toyama Univ.), Kentaro Nakamura (Tokyo Tech), Sho Kanzaki (Keio Univ.), Shogo Kiryu (TCU), Mari Ueda (KAIT) US2021-62
In the measurement of hearing thresholds at very high frequency region used a loudspeaker, the measured data may contain... [more] US2021-62
Okinawa (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Investigating the Impact of Network and Acoustic Environments on E-Sports Competition
Shigeki Shiokawa, Mari Ueda, Hajime Iwata (Kanagawa Inst. of Tech.)
In recent years, e-sports has been widely spread all over the world. In Japan, the first e-sports competition was held a... [more]
EA 2020-12-14
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] Sports and sound/acoustics -- Activities of ASJ Research Committee on Sports Acoustics --
Toru Otsuru (Oita Univ.), Mari Ueda (Kanagawa Inst. of Tech.) EA2020-58
Recently, relationship between sports and sound/acoustics has come to be of interest. Herein, activities of the sports a... [more] EA2020-58
EA, ASJ-H 2020-07-21
Online Online (Online) What is this sound in dB? -- We tried to determine students' comprehension of sound levels, online ver. --
Mari Ueda, Tetsuo Tanaka (KAIT) EA2020-10
To examine the appropriate information disclosure method of noise as the final goal, we firstly set the goal to grasp th... [more] EA2020-10
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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