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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SWIM 2019-11-30
Tokyo TUS Kagurazaka Campus Fujimi Bldg. (Tokyo) City and corporate governance of the use of Artificial Intelligence -- Sustainable smart cities implementation through Systems Approach and Machine Learning Systems Engineering --
Hiroyuki Ogura, Shunsuke Managi (Kyushu Univ.), Masahiko Ishino (Bunkyo Univ.) SWIM2019-24
In this paper, we consider a city and corporate governance model of the use of new digital technologies including Artifi... [more] SWIM2019-24
SWIM, KBSE 2019-05-24
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Construction of a regression analysis model of the electricity market including weather data -- Economic analysis of price effect, energy conservation effect and social welfare effect --
Hiroyuki Ogura (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Shunsuke Managi (Kyushu Univ.), Masahiko Ishino (Bunkyo Univ.) KBSE2019-2 SWIM2019-2
In this paper, we constructed a regression analysis model of the electricity power market including weather data, using ... [more] KBSE2019-2 SWIM2019-2
SWIM 2018-12-01
Tokyo Tokyo Univ. of Science (Tokyo) Correlation analysis between Power trading market and Demand Response effect -- Economic analysis of efficiency and environment on electricity deregulation --
Hiroyuki Ogura (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Shunsuke Managi (Kyushu Univ.), Masahiko Ishino (Bunkyo Univ.) SWIM2018-16
In Japan's electricity trading market, electricity deregulation including households was implemented in April 2016, the ... [more] SWIM2018-16
SWIM 2018-05-19
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Panel data regression model analysis on energy saving behaviors at home -- Relationship between Smart Grid Economics and Inclusive Wealth --
Hiroyuki Ogura (Mitsubishi Electric Corp), Shunsuke Managi (Kyushu Univ.), Masahiko Ishino (Bunkyo Univ.) SWIM2018-5
In order to realize Decarbonization and Digital Economy Society, it is necessary to introduce demand response (DR) into... [more] SWIM2018-5
SWIM, SC 2017-08-25
Tokyo   (Tokyo) A study on business models for implementation of Smart Cities -- Propose Assessment Index on a smart City Unified Business Execution platform (Urban Operating System) --
Hiroyuki Ogura (Mitsubishi Electric Corp), Shunske Managi (Kyushu Univ.), Yasubumi Chimura (OKI), Masahiko Ishino (Bunkyo Univ.) SWIM2017-14 SC2017-19
Society 5.0 , i.e., Beyond smart society, or Smart Cities, is a "concept proposal" that the Japanese government and Keid... [more] SWIM2017-14 SC2017-19
SWIM 2017-05-19
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Research on performance prediction (approximation method) of low cycle processing system which is useful when introducing IoT in the manufacturing industry (for materials) field
Masahiro Takagi, Masahiko Ishino (Bunkyo Univ.), Hiroyuki Ogura (Kyushu Univ.) SWIM2017-3
This research is a study pertaining to "Performance prediction of low cycle processing system (Approximation method)" wh... [more] SWIM2017-3
SWIM 2017-05-19
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) A study on a Method of Implementation (; Assessment) for Sustainable Development on the Smart Cities -- Part3 ; Creating shared value by use of IoT with systems approach --
Hiroyuki Ogura (Mitsubishi Electric Corp), Shunsuke Managi (Kyushu Univ.), Yasubumi Chimura (OKI), Masahiko Ishino (Bunkyo Univ.) SWIM2017-4
In order to solve large-scale and complicated urban problems, it is urgent to develop a standard implementation and eval... [more] SWIM2017-4
SWIM 2016-08-26
Tokyo (Tokyo) A study on a Method of Implementation (; Assessment) for Sustainable Development on the Smart Cities -- Part2 ; Society5.0 "Software Defined Society" --
Hiroyuki Ogura (Mitsubishi Electric Corp), Shunske Managi (Kyushu Univ.), Yasubumi Chimura (OKI), Masahiko Ishino (Bunkyo Univ.) SWIM2016-7
Assessment Index of the city is a structured indicator system to carry out integrated evaluation in the three aspects of... [more] SWIM2016-7
SWIM 2016-05-20
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) An Implementation of Transaction Processing in MongoDB
Tsukasa Kudo (SIST), Masahiko Ishino (Bunkyo Univ.), Kenji Saotome (Hosei Univ.), Nobuhiro Kataoka (Interprise Lab.) SWIM2016-5
As for the NoSQL databases, there is the problem that they cannot update the plural data with maintaining the ACID prope... [more] SWIM2016-5
SWIM 2016-02-26
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) A study on a Method of Implementation (; Assessment) for Sustainable Development on the Smart Cities -- Software Defined Society --
Hiroyuki Ogura (Mitsubishi Electric), Shunsuke Managi (Kyushu Univ.), Masahiko Ishino (Bunkyo Univ.) SWIM2015-23
In September 2015, the United Nations summit adopted the 2030 Agenda (Sustainable Development Goals; SDGs) to build on e... [more] SWIM2015-23
SWIM 2016-02-26
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) A study for the method of system design completion time prediction based on Bounded Rationality
Masahiro Takagi (TEW), Hiroyuki Ogura (Mitsubishi Electric), Masahiko Ishino (Bunkyo Univ.) SWIM2015-24
This study, the mathematical relationship between the parameters and the productivity evaluation function that determine... [more] SWIM2015-24
SWIM 2015-08-20
Tokyo Interprise modeling, etc. (Tokyo) A Lump-sum Update Method as Transaction for MongoDB
Tsukasa Kudo (SIST), Masahiko Ishino (Bunkyo University), Kenji Saotome (Hosei Univ.), Nobuhiro Kataoka (Interprise Lab..) SWIM2015-8
Along with the progress of the cloud computing, the various NoSQL databases have been proposed and put to practical use.... [more] SWIM2015-8
SWIM 2015-02-27
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Case Study of The Business Model Analysis Method
Masahiko Ishino, Hiroshi Osada (Bunkyo Univ.), Tsukasa Kudo (SIST), Kenji Saotome (Hosei Univ.), Nobuhiro Kataoka (Interprise Labo.) SWIM2014-28
Business model mainly on the Internet business creates remarkably conspicuous innovation now in the ICT company growing ... [more] SWIM2014-28
 Results 1 - 13 of 13  /   
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