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 Results 1 - 18 of 18  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
PRMU, IBISML, IPSJ-CVIM [detail] 2023-03-02
Hokkaido Future University Hakodate (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Investigation of a Method to Obtain Growing Conditions by Object Detection for Cucumber image under Forcing Culture Using IoP Cloud
Yuma Usui, Akihiro Tanikawa, Takaya Matsumoto (KUT/Office asoT), Mitsuhiro Osaki, Kazuma Nishiuchi (Citynet), Masahiro Fukumoto (KUT) PRMU2022-70 IBISML2022-77
Monitoring of plant growth information is essential for proper environmental control of cucumber cultivation, which aims... [more] PRMU2022-70 IBISML2022-77
IA 2022-01-28
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Development of a water level notification system in mountainous areas using 429MHz band LoRa
Takaya Matsumoto, Hidetaka Wada, Yuto Murakoshi (Kochi Univ. of Tech./Office asoT), Kazuma Nishiuchi, Mitsuhiro Osaki (Citynet), Masahiro Fukumoto (Kochi Univ. of Tech.) IA2021-56
In recent years, due to the declining birthrate, aging population, and declining population, the problem of managing loc... [more] IA2021-56
IA 2022-01-28
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Efforts of Advanced Next-Generation Greenhouse Horticulture by IoP (Internet of Plants) in Kochi Prefecture
Masahiro Fukumoto (Kochi Univ. of Tech.) IA2021-58
In the field of facility horticulture where Kochi Prefecture has a leading-advantage, the ``next-generation facility hor... [more] IA2021-58
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM 2021-03-05
Online Online (Online) Counting Fruits and Flowers by Using Object Detection with Time-Lapse Camera Images
Akihiro Tanikawa, Yuma Usui, Takaya Matsumoto (KUT/Office asoT), Mitsuhiro Osaki, Kazuma Nishiuchi (Citynet), Masahiro Fukumoto (KUT) PRMU2020-87
It is important issues to optimize cultivation/production control and prediction of harvest time for improving agricultu... [more] PRMU2020-87
IA 2021-01-29
Online Online (Online) Retrieval in Confined Decodable Secret Sharing Scheme by Comparison of Difference in Coefficient between Shares and Its Security Evaluation
Tomo Nakamura, Ryohei Yoshitomi, Eiji Fukutomi, Masahiro Fukumoto (KUT) IA2020-34
In Kochi Prefecture, an effort is underway to back up medical data such as electronic medical records to remote location... [more] IA2020-34
IA 2019-11-29
Aomori Tsugaru Densho Kougei-kan (Aomori) Wide area disaster drill exploiting network assistance -- To afford remote assistance of medical rescue centers and evacuees in future disasters --
Masahiro Fukumoto (Kochi Univ, of Tech.), Hiroshi Yamamoto (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Toyokazu Akiyama (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.), Youichi Suzuki (NICT), Katsuyuki Yamazaki (KIAI) IA2019-47
To promote countermeasures against disasters that have been increasing in recent years, important issues include the gui... [more] IA2019-47
Kagoshima Amami-shi Syakai Fukushi Center (Kagoshima) Experiments for Detection of Handheld Game Console by UAV with Wi-Fi Sensing Function
Shigeru Kashihara (NAIST), Atsushi Yamamoto, Kenta Matsuzaki, Kosei Miyazaki, Tomoya Seki (Kochi City Fire Department), Go Urakawa (University of Hyogo), Masahiro Fukumoto (Kochi University of Technology), Chikara Ohta (Kobe University) SeMI2019-1
This paper reports results of the following three basic experiments for detecting a handheld game console by using Unman... [more] SeMI2019-1
ICM 2018-03-09
Okinawa (Okinawa) An overlay networking technology for distributed cooperative controller
Tatsuya Tohyama (OOL/OKIT), Yoichi Sato (OOL/NEC), Takashi Kurimoto (NII), Yutaka Kikuchi (KUT), Masashi Hashimoto (Akita University), Masahiro Fukumoto, Eiji Fukutomi (KUT), Yukinori Kishimoto (OOL/NTTCom), Hiroshi Yamada, Shigeo Urushidani (NII) ICM2017-81
(To be available after the conference date) [more] ICM2017-81
IA 2018-01-26
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) 5th Network Disaster Drill of Kochi Academic Information Network
Masahiro Fukumoto, Yutaka Kikuchi (Kochi Univ. of Tech.), Satoru Yamada, Kenji Issiki, Hiroshi Kazama, Shinichi Nawa (Univ. of Kochi), Ryuji Enomoto (NIT, Kochi College), Yasushi Terao (Kochi Gakuen College), Masato Sasaki, Koji Sassa (Kochi Univ.) IA2017-66
The Kochi Academic Information Network (KAIN) was built as a disaster-resistant stable network connects universities and... [more] IA2017-66
Hiroshima Hiroshima city university (Hiroshima) The Reconstruction System of Partial Information by using Partial Restoring Method in Secret Sharing Scheme
Asami Tanaka, Masahiro Fukumoto (KUT) IA2016-70
Recently to prevent medical data from loss and leak, there is the distributed backup project using secret sharing scheme... [more] IA2016-70
Hiroshima Hiroshima city university (Hiroshima) 4th Network Disaster Drill of Kochi Academic Information Network
Masahiro Fukumoto, Yutaka Kikuchi (Kochi Univ. of Tech.), Masato Sasaki (Kochi Univ.), Satoru Yamada, Kenji Isshiki, Hirosji Kazama, Shinichi Nawa (Univ. of Kochi), Ryuji Enomoto (NIT, Kochi College), Yasushi Terao (Kochi Gakuen College), Koji Sassa (Kochi Univ.) IA2016-74
The Kochi Academic Information Network (KAIN) was built as a disaster-resistant stable network connects universities and... [more] IA2016-74
EA, SP, SIP 2016-03-28
Oita Beppu International Convention Center B-ConPlaza (Oita) [Poster Presentation] Voice Recognition using Signal Clustering Neural Network with Wavelet Transform Feature Extraction
Bandhit Suksiri, Masahiro Fukumoto (KUT) EA2015-94 SIP2015-143 SP2015-122
This paper presents a new voice recognition method named as Signal Clustering Neural Network by simple ANN model with a ... [more] EA2015-94 SIP2015-143 SP2015-122
RCS, IT, SIP 2016-01-18
Osaka Kwansei Gakuin Univ. Osaka Umeda Campus (Osaka) Abnormal Respiratory Sound Detection for Auscultatory Sound Using Wavelet Transform
Yuka Yokota, Keita Uchida, Masahiro Fukumoto (Kochi Univ. of Tech.) IT2015-62 SIP2015-76 RCS2015-294
An electronic stethoscope with the recording function of the auscultatory sound has been used in the field of the home-v... [more] IT2015-62 SIP2015-76 RCS2015-294
Hiroshima Hiroshima City University (Hiroshima) The Reconstruction of Partial Information by using Partial Restoring Method in Secret Sharing Scheme
Asami Tanaka, Eiji Fukutomi, Masahiro Fukumoto (KUT) IA2015-74
Recently the medical data which backup and distributed in outside area using the secret sharing scheme (SSS) when the di... [more] IA2015-74
Hiroshima Hiroshima City University (Hiroshima) 3rd Network Disaster Drill of Kochi Academic Information Network
Masahiro Fukumoto, Yutaka Kikuchi (Kochi Univ. of Tech.), Masato Sasaki (Kochi Univ.), Satoru Yamada, Issiki Kenji, Hiroshi Kazama, Shinichi Nawa (Univ. of Kochi), Ryuji Enomoto (Kochi National College of Tech.) IA2015-78
The Kochi Academic Information Network (KAIN) was built as a disaster-resistant stable network connects universities and... [more] IA2015-78
IA, IPSJ-IOT, SITE [detail] 2015-03-06
Fukushima (Fukushima) Network Disaster Drill of Kochi Academic Information Network
Masahiro Fukumoto, Yutaka Kikuchi (Kochi Tech of Univ), Kenji Okamura, Masahiko Toyonaga, Koji Sassa, Masato Sasaki (Kochi Univ.), Kazumasa Imai (Kochi National College of Tech.), Satoru Yamada, Kenji Isshiki, Hiroshi Kazama, Shinichi Nawa (Univ. of Kochi), Takashi Takabatake (Kochi Gakuen College) SITE2014-75 IA2014-107
The Kochi Academic Information Network (KAIN) was built as a disaster-resistant stable network connects universities and... [more] SITE2014-75 IA2014-107
Okinawa Okinawa Convention Center (Okinawa) Network Evaluation Studies with Injection of Artificial Failures
Yutaka Kikuchi, Masahiro Fukumoto (Kochi Univ. of Tech.), Masahiko Toyonaga, Masato Sasaki (Kochi Univ.), Kazumasa Imai (Kochi CT), Satoru Yamada, Hiroshi Kazama, Kenji Isshiki, Shin'ichi Nawa, Takashi Takabatake (Univ. of Kochi), Kenji Okamura (Kochi Univ.) IN2014-126
It is perfectly unawarable to verify the resiliency of networks and the operation of them when disasters or failures wil... [more] IN2014-126
Okinawa Okinawa Convention Center (Okinawa) Fault tolerant mechanism of m-cloud, distributed privacy preserving statistical computation on cloud
Ikuo Nakagawa (INTEC), Masahiro Hiji (tohoku-u), Yutaka Kikuchi, Masahiro Fukumoto (kochi-tech), Shinji Shimojo (osaka-u) IN2014-166
 [more] IN2014-166
 Results 1 - 18 of 18  /   
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