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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 6 of 6  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SDM 2025-02-19
Tokyo Tokyo Univ. Hongo Engineering/Building4-Room43 (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Study on High Thermal Conductivity AlN Films for 3D Chiplets with Excellent Heat Dissipation
Takeshi Takagi, Takeki Ninomiya, Masaaki Niwa, Soken Obara, Takeshi Momose, Yukihiro Shimogaki, Masahiro Nomura, Hiroshi Fujioka (UTokyo), Masakazu Mori (Ryukoku U.), Tadahiro Kuroda (UTokyo)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
SDM 2024-11-07
Tokyo (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Study on High Thermal Conductivity AlN Films and Its Application for Advanced 3D Chiplets
Takeshi Takagi, Takeki Ninomiya, Masaaki Niwa, Soken Obara, Takeshi Momose, Yuhihiro Shimogaki, Masahiro Nomura, Hiroshi Fujioka (The Univ. of Tokyo), Masakazu Mori (Ryukoku Univ), Tadahiro Kuroda (The Univ. of Tokyo) SDM2024-56
 [more] SDM2024-56
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM 2020-03-17
Kyoto (Kyoto)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
Evaluation of Initial Value of Nelder-Mead Method in Hyperparameter Optimization of Deep Learning
Shintaro Takenaga (Kindai Univ), Shuhei Watanabe, Masahiro Nomura, Yoshihiko Ozaki, Masaki Onishi (AIST), Hitoshi Habe (Kindai Univ) PRMU2019-90
(To be available after the conference date) [more] PRMU2019-90
NC, IBISML, IPSJ-MPS, IPSJ-BIO [detail] 2019-06-17
Okinawa Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (Okinawa) A Comparison of Surrogate Models in Bayesian Optimization
Sho Shimoyama (Meiji Univ.), Masahiro Nomura (CA) IBISML2019-7
Bayesian optimization can efficiently select the next search point by using a surrogate model that estimates an objectiv... [more] IBISML2019-7
IBISML 2018-11-05
Hokkaido Hokkaido Citizens Activites Center (Kaderu 2.7) (Hokkaido) [Poster Presentation] Proposal of Hyperparameter Optimization Framework Using a Non-Stationary Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithm
Kenshi Abe, Masahiro Nomura (CA) IBISML2018-62
Hyperparameter optimization problem is an important problem that appears in areas such as machine learning. Hyperparamet... [more] IBISML2018-62
IT, ISEC, WBS 2016-03-11
Tokyo The University of Electro-Communications (Tokyo) Reconsideration of Fail-Stop Signature Schemes and Their UC-Security
Masahiro Nomura (Ex-Chiba Univ.), Katsuhiro Nakamura (Chiba Univ.) IT2015-131 ISEC2015-90 WBS2015-114
Fail-Stop Signature (FSS) schemes [1],[2] are signature schemes which satisfy unforgeability even against a forger with ... [more] IT2015-131 ISEC2015-90 WBS2015-114
 Results 1 - 6 of 6  /   
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