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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 26  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IBISML 2019-03-06
Tokyo RIKEN AIP (Tokyo) Magnetic Resonance Angiography Image Restoration by Super Resolution based on Deep Learning
Shizen Kitazaki, Masanori Kawakita, Yutaka Jitumatu (Kyushu Univ.), Shigehide Kuhara (Kyorin Univ.), Akio Hiwatashi, Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.) IBISML2018-114
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one of the powerful techniques to acquire in vivo information. However, to obtain a ... [more] IBISML2018-114
IBISML 2019-03-06
Tokyo RIKEN AIP (Tokyo) Acceleration of Boosting Discriminators Using Region Partition Learning and Its Application to Face Detectors
Takeshi Mori, Junichi Takeuchi, Masanori Kawakita (Kyushu Univ.) IBISML2018-115
We propose a method of acceleration of boosting discriminators.
Discriminant functions used for boosting are constructe... [more]
IBISML 2018-11-05
Hokkaido Hokkaido Citizens Activites Center (Kaderu 2.7) (Hokkaido) [Poster Presentation] Recommendation for Market Places using Non-negative Matrix Factorization and MDL Priciple
Yosuke Arano (Kyushu Univ.), Yusuke Miyake (GMO Pepabo), Masanori Kawakita, Junichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.) IBISML2018-96
We apply the rank selection method for non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) based on
MDL criterion which was propose... [more]
PRMU, IBISML, IPSJ-CVIM [detail] 2018-09-20
Fukuoka (Fukuoka) MRI Acceleration by Super Resolution
Shizen Kitazaki, Masanori Kawakita, Yutaka Jitsumatsu (Kyushu Univ.), Shigehide Kuhara (Kyorin Univ.), Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.) PRMU2018-39 IBISML2018-16
 [more] PRMU2018-39 IBISML2018-16
NC, IBISML, IPSJ-BIO, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2018-06-13
Okinawa Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (Okinawa) Data Analysis for Market Places by Non-negative Matrix Factorization and MDL Criterion
Yosuke Arano (Kyushu Univ.), Yusuke Miyake (GMO Pepabo), Masanori Kawakita, Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.) IBISML2018-8
The rank selection method for non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) based on MDL criterion which was proposed by [Yama... [more] IBISML2018-8
WBS, IT, ISEC 2018-03-09
Tokyo Katsusika Campas, Tokyo University of Science (Tokyo) Bayes Optimal AMP Decoder for Sparse Superposition Codes
Yuwa Hatae (Kyushu Univ.), Kazushi Mimura (Hiroshima City Univ.), Masanori Kawakita, Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.) IT2017-127 ISEC2017-115 WBS2017-108
Sparse superposition codes (SS codes), proposed by Barron and Joseph
in 2010, are
a class of error-correcting codes f... [more]
IT2017-127 ISEC2017-115 WBS2017-108
ICSS, IPSJ-SPT 2018-03-07
Hokkaido Okinawa Hokubu Koyou Nouryoku Kaihatsu Sougou Center (Hokkaido) A Study on Malware Activity Detection Based on Real-time Analysis of Darknet Data Using Graphical Lasso
Chansu Han (Kyushu Univ.), Jumpei Shimamura (Clwit Inc.), Takeshi Takahashi, Daisuke Inoue (NICT), Masanori Kawakita, Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.), Koji Nakao (NICT) ICSS2017-51
In this study, we considered a method to detect malignant activity (especially botnet) in cyber space automatically and ... [more] ICSS2017-51
PRMU, IBISML, IPSJ-CVIM [detail] 2017-09-15
Tokyo (Tokyo) On MDL Learning of Gaussian Mixture Modlels
Kohei Miyamoto, Masanori Kawakita, Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.) PRMU2017-47 IBISML2017-19
The final goal of this work is model sellection for gaussian mixture models(GMM) based on the minimum description length... [more] PRMU2017-47 IBISML2017-19
IT 2017-09-08
Yamaguchi Centcore Yamaguchi Hotel (Yamaguchi) On Two Part Coding of Gaussian Mixture Models
Kohei Miyamoto, Masanori Kawakita, Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.) IT2017-47
The final goal of this work is model sellection for gaussian mixture
models(GMM) based on the minimum description
leng... [more]
IT 2017-09-08
Yamaguchi Centcore Yamaguchi Hotel (Yamaguchi) Cardinality of Typical Set and the Smallest High Probability Set for Discrete Memoryless Sources and Markov Sources
Munenori Eto, Masanori Kawakita, Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.) IT2017-48
Cardinality of typical sets and tha smallest high probability sets
for discrete memoryless sources and statically Marko... [more]
ISEC, WBS, IT 2017-03-10
Tokyo TOKAI University (Tokyo) MRI Acceleration by Super Resolution
Ayaka Nakashima, Masanori Kawakita, Yutaka Jitsumatsu (Kyushu Univ.), Shigehide Kuhara (Kyorin Univ.), Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.) IT2016-124 ISEC2016-114 WBS2016-100
MR imaging currently takes a long imaging time in some applications such as 3D imaging and faster imaging speed is requi... [more] IT2016-124 ISEC2016-114 WBS2016-100
IT, SIP, RCS 2017-01-20
Osaka Osaka City Univ. (Osaka) A Study on Cardinality of Typical Set and High Probability Set
Munenori Eto, Masanori Kawakita, Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyusyu Univ.) IT2016-87 SIP2016-125 RCS2016-277
 [more] IT2016-87 SIP2016-125 RCS2016-277
IT, SIP, RCS 2017-01-20
Osaka Osaka City Univ. (Osaka) Decoding Algorithm of Sparse Superposition Codes (SSC)
Yuwa Hatae, Kohei Miyamoto, Masanori Kawakita (Kyushu Univ.), Kazushi Mimura (Hiroshima City Univ.), Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.) IT2016-88 SIP2016-126 RCS2016-278
 [more] IT2016-88 SIP2016-126 RCS2016-278
IT 2015-07-13
Tokyo Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo) Design and Analysis of MDL Estimators for Supervised Learning
Jun'ichi Takeuchi, Masanori Kawakita (Kyushu Univ.) IT2015-26
Barron and Coveys theory
to evaluate risk bounds for the MDL estimators (1991)
is basically for unsupervised learning... [more]
(Joint) [detail]
Okinawa Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (Okinawa) Risk Bound of Lasso Based on MDL Theory
Masanori Kawakita, Yushin Toyokihara, Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.) IBISML2015-16
We derive a risk bound of lasso in random design linear regression. Past
works of MDL principle revealed that penalized... [more]
ISEC, IT, WBS 2015-03-03
Fukuoka The University of Kitakyushu (Fukuoka) Bonnet Detection Using Anomaly Detection Based on Sparse Structure Learning
Shu Mukai, Yuki Kawamura, Masanori Kawakita, Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.) IT2014-92 ISEC2014-105 WBS2014-84
 [more] IT2014-92 ISEC2014-105 WBS2014-84
ISEC, IT, WBS 2015-03-03
Fukuoka The University of Kitakyushu (Fukuoka) On Upper Bounds on Estimation Error of Least Squares Rgression with L1 Penalty
Yushin Toyokihara, Masanori Kawakita, Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ) IT2014-93 ISEC2014-106 WBS2014-85
In 1991, Barron and Cover showed for the MDL estimator that its estimation error is bounded by
codelength of the corres... [more]
IT2014-93 ISEC2014-106 WBS2014-85
IT 2014-05-16
Oita Beppu International Convention Center (Oita) Performance Evaluation of Sparse Superposition Codes by Numerical Experiments
Kohei Miyamoto, Misato Takaki, Masanori Kawakita, Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.) IT2014-10
 [more] IT2014-10
IBISML 2013-03-05
Aichi Nagoya Institute of Technology (Aichi) Evaluation of the limit performance of single frame super-resolution
Masanori Kawakita, Kouratarou Yamaguchi, Norikazu Takahashi, Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.) IBISML2012-106
We elucidate the potential limit of single-frame super-resolution by
information theory. A single-frame super-resoluti... [more]
IT 2012-09-28
Gunma Kusatsu Seminar House (Gunma) Sparse Superposition Codes with Bernoulli Dictionary
Yoshinari Takeishi, Masanori Kawakita, Jun'ichi Takeuchi (Kyushu Univ.) IT2012-38
We study some extension of the sparse superposition codes proposed by Barron and Joseph in 2010. The original sparse sup... [more] IT2012-38
 Results 1 - 20 of 26  /  [Next]  
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