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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SP, IPSJ-MUS, IPSJ-SLP [detail] 2022-06-17
Online Online (Online) Issues emerged from implementation of GUIs for WORLD vocoder
Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama Univ.), Masanori Morise (Meiji Umiv.) SP2022-2
 [more] SP2022-2
SP, IPSJ-MUS, IPSJ-SLP [detail] 2022-06-18
Online Online (Online) [Invited Talk] Crazy vocoder is unbreakable -- But let's talk about an informal vision of the future --
Masanori Morise (Meiji Univ.) SP2022-15
When current speech synthesis researchers refer to Vocoder in their papers, they are most likely referring to Neural voc... [more] SP2022-15
NLC, IPSJ-NL, SP, IPSJ-SLP [detail] 2021-12-02
Online Online (Online) Simultaneous measurement of linear, non-linear, random responses of pitch extrctors to frequency modulated voiced sounds -- application of extended time-stretched-pulse sequence with orthogonalization --
Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama Univ.), Ken-Ichi Sakakibara (Health Science Univ. okkaido), Kohei Yatabe (Waseda Univ.), Tatsuya Kitamura (Konan Univ.), Hideki Banno (Meijo Univ.), Masanori Morise (Meiji Univ.) NLC2021-23 SP2021-44
We measured the linear time invariant, the non-linear time invariant, and random and time varying responses, of pitch ex... [more] NLC2021-23 SP2021-44
EMM, EA, ASJ-H 2021-11-16
Online Online (Online) [Poster Presentation] Interactive visualization of EGG speech database based on analysis using time windows without sidelobes
Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama Univ.), Kohei Yatabe (Waseda Univ.), Ken-Ichi Sakakibara (Health Science Univ. Hokkaido), Tatsuya Kitamura (Konan Univ.), Hideki Banno (Meijo Univ.), Masanori Morise (Meiji Univ.) EA2021-48 EMM2021-75
We introduce three objective measurement methods for speech signal periodicity using sidelobe-less windowing functions. ... [more] EA2021-48 EMM2021-75
SP, IPSJ-SLP, IPSJ-MUS 2021-06-18
Online Online (Online) Tools and practice for supporting recommended protocol for acoustic recording of speech data for high usability -- Application of a cascaded all-pass filters with randomized center frequencies and phase polarities --
Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama Univ.), Kohei Yatabe (Waseda Univ.), Ken-Ichi Sakakibara (Health Sci. Univ. Hokkaido), Mitsunori Mizumachi (Kyushu Inst. Tech), Masanori Morise (Meiji Univ.), Hideki Banno (Meijo Univ.), Toshio Irino (Wakayama Univ.) SP2021-1
Objective measurements of speech data acquisition and presentation is clucial for assureing reploducibility and reusabil... [more] SP2021-1
EA, ASJ-H 2020-08-07
Online Online (Online) Application of localized smooth phase manipulation functions to phase compensation of acoustic impulse response
Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama Univ.), Ken-Ichi Sakakibara (Health Science Univ. Hokkaido), Mitsunori Mizumachi (KIT), Masanori Morise (Meiji Univ.), Hideki Banno (Meijo Univ.) EA2020-14
This report investigates the effects of boundary continuity of phase manipulation functions on the distribution of their... [more] EA2020-14
EA, ASJ-H 2020-07-20
Online Online (Online) Acoustic measurement extension based on frequency domain variant of velvet noise -- advantage of combination of four sequences and application to simultaneous three dimensional localization --
Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama Univ.), Ken-Ichi Sakakibara (Health Science Univ. Hokkaido), Mitsunori Mizumachi (Kyushu Inst. Tech.), Masanori Morise (Meiji Univ.), Hideki Banno (Meijo Univ.) EA2020-7
 [more] EA2020-7
SP, EA, SIP 2020-03-03
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
Real-time visualization of reverberation time using frequency domain variants of velvet noise
Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama Univ.), Ken-Ichi Sakakibara (Health Science Univ. Hokkaido), Mitsunori Mizumachi (Kyushu Inst. Tech.), Masanori Morise (Meiji Univ.), Hideki Banno (Meijo Univ.) EA2019-159 SIP2019-161 SP2019-108
We introduce a wavelet-based method for real-time visualization of reverberation time for extending acoustic measurement... [more] EA2019-159 SIP2019-161 SP2019-108
SP, EA, SIP 2020-03-03
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
Application of frequency-domain variant of velvet noise to the measurement of auditory effects on the fundamental frequency of sustained voicing
Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama Univ.), Ken-Ichi Sakakibara (Health Science Univ. of Hoakkaido), Minoru Tsuzaki (KCU), Toshie Matsui (TIT), Masanori Morise (Meiji Univ.), Toshio Irino (Wakayama Univ.) EA2019-161 SIP2019-163 SP2019-110
This report introduces application of a new impulse response measurement test signal (FVN: Frequency domain variant of V... [more] EA2019-161 SIP2019-163 SP2019-110
EA, ASJ-H 2019-10-29
Tokyo NHK Science&Technology Research Lab. (Tokyo) Application of frequency domain variants of velvet noise to multi-aspect measurement of acoustic systems
Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama Univ.), Ken-Ichi Sakakibara (Health Science Univ. Hokkaido), Mitsunori Mizumachi (Kyushu Inst. Tech.), Masanori Morise (Meiji Univ.), Hideki Banno (Meijo Univ.), Toshio Irino (Wakayama Univ.) EA2019-47
We introduce FVN (Frequency domain variants of Velvet Noise), a new member of TSP (Time Stretched Pulse), which consists... [more] EA2019-47
EA, SIP, SP 2019-03-15
Nagasaki i+Land nagasaki (Nagasaki-shi) (Nagasaki) [Poster Presentation] Faster than real-time and audio sampling rate extraction of fo candidates using an analytic signal with prolate spheroidal wave function as envelope
Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama Univ.), Ken-Ichi Sakakibara (Health Science Univ. Hokkaido), Masanori Morise (Univ. Yamanashi), Yuichi Ishimoto (NINJAL) EA2018-151 SIP2018-157 SP2018-113
We propose an extractor of fundamental frequency candidates which runs faster than real-time. It uses power weighted ave... [more] EA2018-151 SIP2018-157 SP2018-113
EA, ASJ-H, EMM, IPSJ-MUS [detail] 2018-11-21
Ishikawa Hotel Koshuen (Ishikawa) An analytic signal with a cosine series envelope for excitation source analyses of voiced speech -- Practical substitute of Flanagan's equation --
Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama Univ.), Ken-Ichi Sakakibara (Health Science Univ.), Hideki Banno (Meijyo Univ.), Masanori Morise (Univ. Yamanashi) EA2018-63 EMM2018-63
We introduce an analytic signal for excitation source analysis of voiced sounds. The envelope of the signal is a six-ter... [more] EA2018-63 EMM2018-63
EA, ASJ-H 2018-08-23
Miyagi Tohoku Gakuin Univ. (Miyagi) Study on sound source separation by spectral subtraction based on instantaneous estimation of noise spectrum
Kenji Ozawa, Masanori Morise (Univ. of Yamanashi), Shuichi Sakamoto (Tohoku Univ.)
This project aims to achieve sound source separation based on the two-dimensional fast Fourier trans- form (2D FFT) of a... [more] EA2018-31
EA, ASJ-H 2018-08-24
Miyagi Tohoku Gakuin Univ. (Miyagi) Acoustic measurements using a frequency domain velvet noise and interference-free power spectral representations of periodic sounds
Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama Univ.), Masanori Morise (Univ. Yamanashi), Mitsunori Mizumachi (Kyu Tech.) EA2018-42
We propose a new framework consisting of a test signal for acoustic impulse response measurement and analysis procedures... [more] EA2018-42
EA, ASJ-H, ASJ-AA 2018-07-25
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Interference-free power spectral representations of periodic sounds and their application to VOCODERs
Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama Univ.), Masanori Morise (Univ. Yamanashi), Kanru Hua (Univ. Illinois) EA2018-23
We propose a method to calculate the spectral envelope of voiced sounds for VOCODER applications. In our previous techni... [more] EA2018-23
PRMU, SP 2018-06-29
Nagano (Nagano) Revisiting interference-free power spectral representations of periodic signals
Hideki Kawahara (Wakayama Univ.), Masanori Morise (Univ. Yamanashi), Kanru Hua (Univ. Illinois) PRMU2018-29 SP2018-9
We propose two algorithms to calculate interference-free power spectra of periodic signals. This set of algorithms is ou... [more] PRMU2018-29 SP2018-9
(Joint) [detail]
Okinawa   (Okinawa) [Poster Presentation] Perceptual influence of spectral envelope and aperiodicity quantization for encoding high-quality speech
Genta Miyashita, Masanori Morise (Univ. of Yamanashi) EA2017-145 SIP2017-154 SP2017-128
In this paper, we investigate the relationship between the degradation of sound quality and the parameter quantization i... [more] EA2017-145 SIP2017-154 SP2017-128
EMM 2018-01-29
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. (Aobayama Campus) (Miyagi) Study on restoration of a spatio-temporal sound pressure distribution image obtained with a microphone array
Kenji Ozawa, Masaaki Ito, Genya Shimizu, Eri Takizawa, Masanori Morise (Univ. Yamanashi), Shuichi Sakamoto (Tohoku Univ.) EMM2017-66
This project aims to achieve sound source separation by two-dimensional fast Fourier transform (2D-FFT) of a spatio-temp... [more] EMM2017-66
SP, ASJ-H 2018-01-20
Tokyo The University of Tokyo (Tokyo) [Poster Presentation] Influence of frame shift in speech parameters on sound quality by high-quality speech analysis/synthesis system
Genta Miyashita, Masanori Morise (Yamanashi Univ.) SP2017-72
Sound quality deterioration occurs when analyzing and synthesizing high--quality speech by using a vocoder.
We conduct ... [more]
SP, ASJ-H 2018-01-20
Tokyo The University of Tokyo (Tokyo) [Poster Presentation] Analysis of timbre changes caused by expressing fatigue speech
Takuro Shono, Masanori Morise (Yamanashi Univ.) SP2017-73
To examine whether speech can be used as a biomarker for human fatigue,
we recorded both usual speech and speech by act... [more]
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