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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ISEC, IT, WBS 2020-03-10
Hyogo University of Hyogo (Hyogo)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
Security of K(+)MVPKC Based on Message-Dependent Transformation -- Along With Proposal of K(++)CBPKC --
Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ.) IT2019-95 ISEC2019-91 WBS2019-44
 [more] IT2019-95 ISEC2019-91 WBS2019-44
ISEC, SITE, LOIS 2019-11-01
Osaka Osaka Univ. (Osaka) Security of K(+)CBPKC Based on Message-Dependent Transformation
Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ.) ISEC2019-70 SITE2019-64 LOIS2019-29
Formerly the author presented a message-dependent transformation scheme, K(I)Scheme [1-3]. Based on K(I)Scheme, we prese... [more] ISEC2019-70 SITE2019-64 LOIS2019-29
ISEC 2019-05-17
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) K(I)Sch-CBPKC Based on Message-Dependent Transformation
Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ.) ISEC2019-6
In this paper we present a message-dependent transformation scheme, K(I)Scheme. Based on K(I)Scheme, we present a new cl... [more] ISEC2019-6
ISEC 2018-09-07
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Considerations of security of K(Xss)CBPKC, a post-quantum cryptosystem
Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ.) ISEC2018-57
The author presented a series of code-based PKC(CBPKC) such as KF(XVI)SE(1)PKC, K(Xs)CBPKC, etc. The author suggested th... [more] ISEC2018-57
IT 2018-07-20
Nara Yamato Kaigishitsu (Nara) Construction of post-quantum cryptosystem, K(Xs)CBPKC realizing coding rate of exactly 1.0 -- along with CRT K(AII)Product-SumPKC --
Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ.) IT2018-23
In this paper we present a modified version of KF (XVI)SE(1)PKC formerly presented by the author. The modifed version wi... [more] IT2018-23
WBS, IT, ISEC 2018-03-09
Tokyo Katsusika Campas, Tokyo University of Science (Tokyo) Attacks on several Multivariate PKCs -- Attack on K(AVII)MVPKC --
Ryuichi Sakai (Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.), Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ.) IT2017-138 ISEC2017-126 WBS2017-119
One of the anthers, Kasahara, have been proposed several public key cryptosystems based on multivariate polynomials wit... [more] IT2017-138 ISEC2017-126 WBS2017-119
LOIS, ISEC, SITE 2017-11-09
Kyoto   (Kyoto) Construction of code based PKC based on binary cyclic code realizing coding rate of exactly 1.0 -- Along with revised K(V)PKC --
Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ.) ISEC2017-58 SITE2017-40 LOIS2017-35
In this paper we present a modified version of K(V)Scheme formerly presented by the author. The modified scheme will be ... [more] ISEC2017-58 SITE2017-40 LOIS2017-35
SITE, EMM, ISEC, ICSS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2017-07-14
Tokyo (Tokyo) Presentation of fundamental schemes for augmenting several public key cryptosystems
Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ.) ISEC2017-21 SITE2017-13 ICSS2017-20 EMM2017-24
 [more] ISEC2017-21 SITE2017-13 ICSS2017-20 EMM2017-24
IT 2017-07-14
Chiba Chiba University (Chiba) Exponential Error Bounds for Block Codes Constructed by Unit Memory Trellis Codes
Shigeichi Hirasawa (Waseda Univ.), Hideki Yagi (UEC), Manabu Kobayashi (Shonan Inst. of Tech.), Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ.) IT2017-33
 [more] IT2017-33
ISEC, WBS, IT 2017-03-10
Tokyo TOKAI University (Tokyo) Notes on a new fundamental scheme K(V)Scheme for constructing secure product-sum PKC, K(V) ΣΠPKC and multivariate PKC, K(V)MVPKC
Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ.) IT2016-127 ISEC2016-117 WBS2016-103
 [more] IT2016-127 ISEC2016-117 WBS2016-103
ISEC 2016-09-02
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) A New Class of Public Key Cryptosystems Constructed Based on Cyclic Codes, K(XVII)SE(1)PKC, along with Revisit to K(AII)Scheme and Proposals of K(AII・V)?ΠPKC
Masao Kasahara (21CICRC) ISEC2016-42
 [more] ISEC2016-42
RCS, IT, SIP 2016-01-18
Osaka Kwansei Gakuin Univ. Osaka Umeda Campus (Osaka) New class of quadratic multivariate public key cryptosystem K(XVI)SE(2)PKC constructed based on Reed-Solomon code
Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ./Chuo Univ.) IT2015-63 SIP2015-77 RCS2015-295
 [more] IT2015-63 SIP2015-77 RCS2015-295
ISEC 2015-12-18
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Fast decodable PKC, KF(XVI)SE(1)PKC realizing coding rate of exactly 1.0, constructed based on cyclic code over F2.
Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ./Chuo Univ.) ISEC2015-54
In this paper we present a very fast decodable code-based PKC constructed based on the cyclic code over F2, KF (XVI)SE(1... [more] ISEC2015-54
ISEC 2015-09-04
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Proposal of new classes of pseudo-random multivariate PKC, PR•MPKC -- Along with a comment on K(II) Transformation --
Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ./Chuo Univ.), Ryuichi Sakai (OECU) ISEC2015-29
 [more] ISEC2015-29
IPSJ-CSEC, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, EMM, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2015-07-02
Aichi NAGOYA TRADE & INDUSTRY CENTER (Aichi) Proposals of K(AI), K(AII) and K(AIII)Schemes for augmenting code-based PKC, product-sum type PKC and multivariate PKC
Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ./Chuo Univ.) ISEC2015-13 SITE2015-11 ICSS2015-23 EMM2015-21
In this paper we present three new schemes for augmenting the conventional code-based PKC(CBPKC), product-sum type PKC($... [more] ISEC2015-13 SITE2015-11 ICSS2015-23 EMM2015-21
IA, ICSS 2015-06-12
Fukuoka Kyushu Institute of Technology Univ. (Fukuoka) Knapsack Cryptosystems with Random Secret Sequences using Logical And Operation
Yasuyuki Murakami, Shinsuke Hamasho (OECU), Masao Kasahara (WU/CU) IA2015-11 ICSS2015-11
In 2012, the present authors proposed a knapsack public-key cryptosystem using a random secret sequence, which will be r... [more] IA2015-11 ICSS2015-11
EMM, IT 2015-05-21
Kyoto Kyoto International Community House (Kyoto) New Classes of Public Key Cryptosystems Constructed Based on Cyclic Codes, K(XV)SE(1)PKC and K(XVI)SE(1)PKC
Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ./Chuo Univ.) IT2015-4 EMM2015-4
 [more] IT2015-4 EMM2015-4
ISEC, IT, WBS 2015-03-03
Fukuoka The University of Kitakyushu (Fukuoka) Knapsack Cryptosystem Using Three Random Secret Sequences
Yasuyuki Murakami, Shinsuke Hamasho (OECU), Masao Kasahara (WU/CU) IT2014-91 ISEC2014-104 WBS2014-83
In 2012, the present authors proposed a knapsack public-key cryptosystem using a random secret sequence, which will be r... [more] IT2014-91 ISEC2014-104 WBS2014-83
 Results 1 - 18 of 18  /   
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