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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Online Online (Online) [Invited Lecture] A Study on Path Loss Prediction Formula for IoT wireless system close to Concrete Ceiling with Flat Surface in 920MHz band
Naotake Yamamoto, Taichi Sasaki, Atsushi Yamamoto, Tetsuya Hishikawa (Panasonic), Kentaro Saito (Tokyo Denki Univ.), Junichi Takada (Tokyo Tech.), Toshiyuki Maeyama (Takushoku Univ.) AP2021-32
With the growth of the IoT (Internet of Things) market in recent years, wireless devices in the 920MHz band have been im... [more] AP2021-32
Online Online (Online) A Study of Indoor Propagation Analysis Using the FDTD Method
Yuya Arakawa, Hiro Shimada, Toshiyuki Maeyama (Takushoku Univ.), Naotake Yamamoto, Tetsuya Hishikawa (Panasonic), Kentaro Saito, Jun-ichi Takada (Tokyo Tech) AP2020-93
The authors use the FDTD method (Finite Difference Time Domain method) and ray tracing method, which are electromagnetic... [more] AP2020-93
AP 2019-08-21
Hokkaido Hokkai-Gakuen Univ. (Hokkaido) Study of Electromagnetic Analysis Method in Large Indoor Space
Hiro Shimada, Toshiyuki Maeyama (Takushoku Univ.), Naotake Yamamoto, Tetsuya Hishikawa (Panasonic) AP2019-51
FDTD method and Ray-tracing method are often used as analysis methods of radio wave propagation in a large area. Analysi... [more] AP2019-51
AP 2019-08-23
Hokkaido Hokkai-Gakuen Univ. (Hokkaido) Experimental Evaluation and Design of the 920MHz Band Antennas with Directivity, Polarization, and Space Diversity for Indoor IoT Devices
Naotake Yamamoto (Panasonic), Kobayashi Hiroaki, Yasunori Komukai, Masayuki Obata, Takashi Izumi (PSNRD), Toshiyuki Maeyama (Takushoku Univ.) AP2019-64
A IoT (Internet of Things) system using the 920 MHz band in indoor environment has become widespread.
The IoT devices a... [more]
 Results 1 - 4 of 4  /   
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