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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
COMP, IPSJ-AL 2021-05-07
Online Online (Online) An Improvement of the Biased-PPSZ Algorithm for the 3SAT Problem
Osamu Watanabe, Tong Qin (Tokyo Tech) COMP2021-2
Hansen, Kaplan, Zamir and Zwick (STOC 2019) introduced a systematic way to use ``bias''
for predicting an assignment to... [more]
COMP 2019-09-02
Okayama Tsushima Campus, Okayama University (Okayama) Space efficient separator algorithms for planar graphs
Osamu Watanabe (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) COMP2019-13
The Separator Theorem states that any planar graph G with n vertices has a separator of size O(n^{1/2}), that is, a set ... [more] COMP2019-13
SSS 2018-06-20
Tokyo (Tokyo) Development of Train Control System for Secondary Lines
Natsuki Terada, Yuto Ono, Hideki Arai, Kazuki Nakamura (RTRI), Satoru Kishimoto, Muneyuki Harada, Masako Hisanaga (JR Kyushu), Kazuhiro Tanaka, Osamu Watanabe (Nippon Signal) SSS2018-8
We developed a new train control system for secondary line, based on position recognition function of ATS(Automatic Trai... [more] SSS2018-8
COMP 2017-10-27
Tokyo   (Tokyo) An Improvement of the Algorithm of Hertli for the Unique 3SAT Problem
Tong Qin, Osamu Watanabe (Tokyo Tech) COMP2017-21
We propose a simple idea for improving the randomized algorithm of Hertli for the Unique 3SAT problem. Using recently de... [more] COMP2017-21
COMP 2017-03-07
Aichi Nanzan University (Aichi) Extension of the Vertex Cover Problem to the Size-t Cycle Cover Problems
Batchunag Dashdemberel, Osamu Watanabe (Tokyo Tech.) COMP2016-52
We consider an extension of the Vertex Cover (VC) problem.
For a given graph,
its (edge) vertex cover (in short, VC) i... [more]
VLD, CAS, MSS, SIP 2016-06-16
Aomori Hirosaki Shiritsu Kanko-kan (Aomori) Image retrieval in JPEG 2000 codestream domain by a deep learning approach
Yusuke Sugawara (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ), Osamu Watanabe (Takushoku Univ), Sayaka Shiota, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ) CAS2016-15 VLD2016-21 SIP2016-49 MSS2016-15
A codestream-level image retrieval scheme for JPEG 2000 images by
using a deep learning approach is proposed in this
a... [more]
CAS2016-15 VLD2016-21 SIP2016-49 MSS2016-15
SIS 2015-12-03
Fukui Matsuya-sensen (Awara city, Fukui) (Fukui) A JPEG-XT encoder considering effects of quantization error
Ryo Suzuki, Toshiyuki Dobashi (TMU), Osamu Watanabe (TU), Hitoshi Kiya (TMU) SIS2015-34
A new standard referred to as JPEG XT has been designing to provide coded data for HDR images. JPEG XT coded data contai... [more] SIS2015-34
HIP 2015-07-18
Fukuoka Kyushu Sangyo University (Fukuoka) An EEG investigation on sound contingent visual motion aftereffects
Ryo Teraoka (MuroranIT), Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ), Osamu Watanabe (MuroranIT) HIP2015-50
It has recently been demonstrated that an association between sound sequence and visual motion is rapidly formed and, af... [more] HIP2015-50
 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
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