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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 9 of 9  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SC 2024-06-08
Fukushima Univ. of Aizu
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Poster Presentation] Time Series Analysis for Detecting Depression in Twitter Users
Shen Zheqi, Paik Incheon (UoA) SC2024-8
 [more] SC2024-8
SC 2024-06-08
Fukushima Univ. of Aizu
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Poster Presentation] Few-Shot Medical Image Classification: A Multimodal Approach with Prompt Engineering
Dao Ngoc Hong, Paik Incheon (UoA) SC2024-9
 [more] SC2024-9
SC 2023-06-03
Fukushima UBIC 3D Theater, University of Aizu
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Poster Presentation] Understanding transfer learning for medical image classification.
Dao Ngoc HOng, Paik Incheon (UoA) SC2023-9
Transfer learning is one of the critical solutions to deal with the problem of data scarcity, where the learning process... [more] SC2023-9
SC 2023-06-03
Fukushima UBIC 3D Theater, University of Aizu
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Poster Presentation] Predicting Depression on Twitter with Word Embedding by Pretrained Language Model
Shen Zheqi, Paik Incheon (UoA) SC2023-10
Depression is a common mental illness. In the field of Natural Language Processing, the research of how to detect and an... [more] SC2023-10
SC 2022-05-27
Online Online [Poster Presentation] [Poster Presentation] An Experimental Study of Stable Periodic Patterns in Big Columnar Temporal Databases
Dao Ngoc Hong, Paik Incheon, Rage Uday Kiran (UoA) SC2022-10
 [more] SC2022-10
SC 2022-05-27
Online Online [Poster Presentation] Improving the accuracy of machine translation of sentences including scientific terms
Kaoru Kato, Paik Incheon (Aizu Univ.) SC2022-14
Machine translation has long been a subject of research as a method of translation. In the past, dictionary-based machin... [more] SC2022-14
SC 2021-05-28
Online Online [Poster Presentation] Generation of New Question and Answer using Extracted Ontology and Neural Language Model from SQuAD Data Set
Ayato Kuwana, Paik Incheon (UoA)
KBSE, SC 2020-11-13
Online Online + Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg.
(Primary: Online, Secondary: On-site)
[Poster Presentation] Automation of Ontology Generation by Pre-trained Language Model
Atusi Oba, Ayato Kuwana, Paik Incheon (UoA) KBSE2020-22 SC2020-26
As an initial attempt of ontology generation with neural network, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based method is propose... [more] KBSE2020-22 SC2020-26
SC 2016-06-03
Fukushima The University of Aizu [Short Paper] Optimal allocation algorithms for geo-distributed data center topology
Yuichi Yamada, Wuhui Chen, Paik Incheon (Aizu Univ.) SC2016-3
Virtual machine allocation problem in cloud computing has been widely studied in recent years and a lot of algorithms ha... [more] SC2016-3
 Results 1 - 9 of 9  /   
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