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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 4 of 4  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
AP 2018-02-16
Tokyo Kozo Keikaku Engineering, Inc. (Tokyo) Self-Interference Suppression of Receiving Antenna Array Integrated with 180 Degree Hybrid Circuits for MIMO Full-Duplex System
Qiaowei Yuan, Riri Niizeki, Yudai Hashimoto (NIT, Sendai Collge), Yoshiyuki Yamamoto (Tohoku Univ.), Naoki Honma (Iwate Univ.), Quiang Chen (Tohoku Univ.) AP2017-187
Self-Interference suppression is essential for realizing the MIMO Full-Duplex system. The self-interference suppression ... [more] AP2017-187
AP 2017-08-25
Hokkaido National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College (Hokkaido) Experimental Evaluation of Self-Interference Suppression Method Using 180 Degree Hybrid Circuit in MIMO Full-Duplex System
Yoshiyuki Yamamoto (Tohoku Univ.), Riri Niizeki, Yudai Hashimoto (NIT, Sendai Collge), Naoki Honma (Iwate Univ.), Qiaowei Yuan (NIT, Sendai Collge), Quiang Chen (Tohoku Univ.) AP2017-82
A self-interference suppression is essential for realizing the full-duplex system. We have proposed the self-interferenc... [more] AP2017-82
WPT 2016-02-12
Kanagawa YRP center, 1st Bldg. (Kanagawa) Design method of matching circuit with elements' loss
Riri Niizeki, Qiaowei Yuan (NIT, Sendai College) WPT2015-73
 [more] WPT2015-73
WPT, MW 2015-04-17
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Comparison of kQ product and maximum transfer efficiency between various electronic/magnetic field coupling WPT systems
Riri Niizeki, Qiaowei Yuan (SNCT) WPT2015-17 MW2015-17
 [more] WPT2015-17 MW2015-17
 Results 1 - 4 of 4  /   
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