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 Results 1 - 12 of 12  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
EMM, BioX, ISEC, SITE, ICSS, HWS, IPSJ-CSEC, IPSJ-SPT [detail] 2024-07-22
Hokkaido Sapporo Convention Center Spoofing Attack for Payment Systems based on Barcode Wristbands and its Coutermeasure
Yoshiteru Hibino, Ryo Kumagai, Shu Takemoto, Yusuke Nozaki, Masaya Yoshikawa (Meijo Univ.) ISEC2024-29 SITE2024-26 BioX2024-39 HWS2024-29 ICSS2024-33 EMM2024-35
A wristband payment system is a payment system that allows any payment in an area to be made and settled together later,... [more] ISEC2024-29 SITE2024-26 BioX2024-39 HWS2024-29 ICSS2024-33 EMM2024-35
IBISML, NC, IPSJ-BIO, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2024-06-20
Okinawa OIST Evaluation of Transferability for Adversarial Examples
Shunichi Kato, Ryo Kumagai, Shu Takemoto, Yusuke Nozaki, Masaya Yoshikawa (Meijo Univ.) NC2024-6 IBISML2024-6
Adversarial Example (AE) has been reported as a threat to AI. AE is an attack that misclassify prediction results by add... [more] NC2024-6 IBISML2024-6
IBISML, NC, IPSJ-BIO, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2024-06-20
Okinawa OIST Performance Evaluation of Quantized MLP-Mixer
Ryo Kumagai, Shu Takemoto, Yusuke Nozaki, Masaya Yoshikawa (Meijo Univ.) NC2024-11 IBISML2024-11
MLP-Mixer is an image classification model consisting only of multi-layer perceptrons, and is competitive with the lates... [more] NC2024-11 IBISML2024-11
CAS, CS 2024-03-15
Okinawa   Recoloring aware Countermeasure against Adversarial Examples
Chisei Ishida, Ryo Kumagai, Shu Takemoto, Yusuke Nozaki, Masaya Yoshikawa (Meijo Univ.) CAS2023-134 CS2023-127
Adversarial Examples(AEs) which cause artificial intelligence (AI) to make a false prediction by embedded slight perturb... [more] CAS2023-134 CS2023-127
ITS, IE, ITE-MMS, ITE-ME, ITE-AIT [detail] 2024-02-19
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. Brightness Adjustment based Countermeasure against Adversarial Examples
Takumi Tojo, Ryo Kumagai, Shu Takemoto, Yusuke Nozaki, Masaya Yoshikawa (Meijo Univ.) ITS2023-47 IE2023-36
Recently, image classification using deep learning AI has been used for in-vehicle AI, and its accuracy and response spe... [more] ITS2023-47 IE2023-36
AI 2023-09-12
Hokkaido   Variational Autoencoder Oriented Protection for Intellectual Property
Ryo Kumagai, Shu Takemoto, Yusuke Nozaki, Masaya Yoshikawa (Meijo Univ.) AI2023-31
In recent years, generative AI, which generates images based on instructions in natural language, has developed rapidly ... [more] AI2023-31
IE, ITS, ITE-MMS, ITE-ME, ITE-AIT [detail] 2023-02-22
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. Generation Method of Targeted Adversarial Examples using Gradient Information for the Target Class of the Image
Ryo Kumagai, Shu Takemoto, Yusuke Nozaki, Masaya Yoshikawa (Meijo Univ.) ITS2022-61 IE2022-78
With the advancement of AI technology, the vulnerability of AI system is pointed out. The adversarial examples (AE), whi... [more] ITS2022-61 IE2022-78
SIP 2022-08-26
Okinawa Nobumoto Ohama Memorial Hall (Ishigaki Island)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Generation method of Adversarial Examples using XAI
Ryo Kumagai, Shu Takemoto, Yusuke Nozaki, Masaya Yoshikawa (Meijo Univ.) SIP2022-72
With the advancement of AI technology, AI can be applied to various fields. Therefore the accountability for the decisio... [more] SIP2022-72
MWPTHz, EST, MW, EMT, OPE, IEE-EMT [detail] 2022-07-19
Hokkaido Asahikawa Civic Culture Hall
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Experimental Study on Circularly Polarized Rectangular Horn Antenna Using Parasitic Elements Array
Ryo Kumagai, Sota Nakano, Tomoki Uwano, Ryosuke Suga (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.) EMT2022-10 MW2022-34 OPE2022-13 EST2022-11 MWPTHz2022-8
The author has been proposing a circularly polarized rectangular horn antenna using parasitic elements array and its cha... [more] EMT2022-10 MW2022-34 OPE2022-13 EST2022-11 MWPTHz2022-8
AI 2022-02-28
Miyazaki Youth Hostel Sunflower MIYAZAKI
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Basic Study for Backdoor Attack based on Invisible Trigger
Ryo Kumagai, Shu Takemoto, Yusuke Nozaki, Masaya Yoshikawa (Meijo Univ.) AI2021-21
A backdoor attack is a threat to deep neural networks (DNN). In an attack on a DNN for the purpose of image classificati... [more] AI2021-21
IE, ITS, ITE-AIT, ITE-ME, ITE-MMS [detail] 2022-02-22
Online Online Bit-plane oriented Detection method of Malicious Code Hidden in the Image
Ryo Kumagai, Shu Takemoto, Yusuke Nozaki, Masaya Yoshikawa (Meijo Univ.) ITS2021-50 IE2021-59
With the increasing importance of cyberspace, the threat of malware has also been increasing. Malware which hides malici... [more] ITS2021-50 IE2021-59
Tokyo Tamagawa University The Evaluation of Mental Workload by Using Handwriting
Ryo Kumagai, Masafumi Uchida (UEC) MBE2015-126
Handwriting is one of voluntary movements that human used to do. Previously, it was known that the noise of hand writing... [more] MBE2015-126
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