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 Results 1 - 20 of 20  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IT 2022-07-21
Okayama Okayama University of Science (Okayama, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Relationship between Intrinsic Randomness Problem with Normalized KL Divergence and Fixed-Length Source Coding
Ryo Nomura (Waseda Univ.) IT2022-18
 [more] IT2022-18
SIP, IT, RCS 2021-01-21
Online Online (Online) Information Spectrum Approach to Binary Hypothesis Testing in the Presence of Noise
Ryo Nomura, Shunsuke Horii (Waseda Univ.) IT2020-75 SIP2020-53 RCS2020-166
 [more] IT2020-75 SIP2020-53 RCS2020-166
IT 2020-12-02
Online Online (Online) Intrinsic Randomness Rate with Respect to Subclass of f-Divergences Using the Smooth Min Entropy
Ryo Nomura (Waseda Univ.), Hideki Yagi (The Univ. of Electro-Comm.) IT2020-37
 [more] IT2020-37
IT 2019-07-25
Tokyo NATULUCK-Iidabashi-Higashiguchi Ekimaeten (Tokyo) Relationship between the source resolvability problem with respect to a normalized f-divergence and the fixed-length source coding problem
Ryo Nomura (Waseda Univ.) IT2019-21
 [more] IT2019-21
IT, ISEC, WBS 2019-03-07
Tokyo University of Electro-Communications (Tokyo) Second-Order Source Resolvability Rate with respect to a Subclass of f-divergence
Ryo Nomura (Senshu Univ.) IT2018-91 ISEC2018-97 WBS2018-92
 [more] IT2018-91 ISEC2018-97 WBS2018-92
IT 2018-07-20
Nara Yamato Kaigishitsu (Nara) Source resolvability with respect to a subclass of f-divergence
Ryo Nomura (Senshu Univ.) IT2018-25
(To be available after the conference date) [more] IT2018-25
IT 2017-09-08
Yamaguchi Centcore Yamaguchi Hotel (Yamaguchi) First- and Second-Order Optimistic Coding Theorems on Variable-Length Codes Allowing Non-Vanishing Error Probability
Ryo Nomura (Senshu Univ.), Hideki Yagi (Univ. of Electro-Comm.) IT2017-42
 [more] IT2017-42
ISEC, WBS, IT 2017-03-10
Tokyo TOKAI University (Tokyo) Overflow Probability of Variable-Length Codes Allowing Non-Vanishing Error Probability
Ryo Nomura (Senshu Univ.), Hideki Yagi (Univ. of Electro-Comm.) IT2016-126 ISEC2016-116 WBS2016-102
We consider the variable-length coding allowing the error probability up to some constant. The optimum mean codeword len... [more] IT2016-126 ISEC2016-116 WBS2016-102
IT 2014-07-17
Hyogo Kobe University (Hyogo) Fixed-Length Lossy Source Coding Theorems with Small Excess Distortion Probability
Ryo Nomura (Senshu Univ.), Hideki Yagi (Univ. of Electro-Comm.) IT2014-24
 [more] IT2014-24
IT 2014-07-17
Hyogo Kobe University (Hyogo) Coding with a Fidelity Criterion Allowing Some Overflow Probability
Hideki Yagi (Univ. of Electro-Comm.), Ryo Nomura (Senshu Univ.) IT2014-25
This paper describes $varepsilon$-achievable rate of variable length coding with a fidelity criterion for general source... [more] IT2014-25
ISEC, IT, WBS 2014-03-10
Aichi Nagoya Univ., Higashiyama Campus (Aichi) Single-Letter Characterization of Epsilon-Capacity for Mixed Memoryless Channels
Hideki Yagi (Univ. of Electro-Comm.), Ryo Nomura (Senshu Univ.) IT2013-57 ISEC2013-86 WBS2013-46
For the class of mixed channels decomposed into stationary memoryless channels, single-letter characterizations of the $... [more] IT2013-57 ISEC2013-86 WBS2013-46
IT 2013-01-21
Tokyo Univ. of Electro-Communications (Tokyo) Overflow Probability of Variable Length Codes with Cost Function for Mixed Sources
Ryo Nomura (Senshu Univ.) IT2012-59
 [more] IT2012-59
IT 2011-09-30
Tokyo Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo) Second-Order Source Coding Theorem for Slepian-Wolf Coding Problem
Ryo Nomura (Senshu Univ.) IT2011-31
 [more] IT2011-31
PN 2009-11-27
Tokyo Japan Women's University (Tokyo) Optical Path Connection Control on WDM Passive Local Network (APN)
Hidekazu Kobayashi, Jun-ichi Mizusawa, Ryo Nomura (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.) PN2009-30
CWDM (Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing) technology applied to a local optical network. Plural wavelengths are car... [more] PN2009-30
IT 2009-09-30
Tokyo Sophia Univ. (Tokyo) A Note on the Fixed-Length Source Coding Theorem for Sources with Side Information
Ryo Nomura (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.), Toshiyasu Matsushima (Waseda Univ.) IT2009-38
 [more] IT2009-38
IT 2008-01-17
Tokyo Waseda Univ. (Tokyo) A Note on the Weak Universal Joint Source-Channel Coding
Ryo Nomura (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.), Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa (Waseda Univ.) IT2007-25
 [more] IT2007-25
IT 2007-05-18
Yamagata Denkoku-No-Mori (Yonezawa) (Yamagata) On the Condition of Achievable Overflow Thresholds for the Parametric Compound Source
Ryo Nomura (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.), Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa (Waseda Univ.) IT2007-7
In the previous result, we generalized the achievability of variable-length coding from two viewpoints. One is the defin... [more] IT2007-7
ET 2007-01-26
Tokyo   (Tokyo) An improvement and open source of technical term's leaning system.
Yoichi Miyama, Jun-ichi Mizusawa, Ryo Nomura (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)
 [more] ET2006-84
MBE 2006-09-25
Nagano Faculty of Textile Sci. & Tech., Shinshu Univ. (Nagano) Development and Evaluation of stress measuring mouse
Yuuichi Hamanaka, Ryo Nomura, Yoshimi Nakazono, Jun-ichi Mizusawa (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)
In this research, we propose and develop a stress monitoring system of workers by using a mouse device. The system cons... [more] MBE2006-56
ET 2005-09-17
Shiga (Shiga) Lecture Support System for Technical Term Learning
Atsumasa Oya, Jun-ichi Mizusawa, Ryo Nomura (Aogaku Univ.)
In the higher education including the university, students major specialized field and learn many technical terms. A dri... [more] ET2005-34
 Results 1 - 20 of 20  /   
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