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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SCE 2023-10-30
Miyagi RIEC, Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Demonstration of a Fast Modulated Microwave SQUID Multiplexer Readout of Optical Transition Edge Sensors
Ryota Hayakawa (KEK), Daiji Fukuda, Kaori Hattori, Fuminori Hirayama, Takahiro Kikuchi, Satoshi Kohjiro, Akira Sato, Hirotake Yamamori (AIST) SCE2023-15
Optical-TES is a TES based detector optimized for the visible to near-infrared wavelength range.
Recently, it begins t... [more]
SCE 2022-01-21
Online Online (Online) Gamma-ray transition edge sensors with a thick-trilayer membrane; Thermal Property & Microwave Multiplexing
Takahiro Kikuchi, Go Fujii (AIST), Ryota Hayakawa (TMU), Ryan Smith (UTokyo), Fuminori Hirayama, Yasushi Sato, Satoshi Kohjiro, Masahiro Ukibe (AIST), Masashi Ohno (UTokyo), Akira Sato, Hirotake Yamamori (AIST) SCE2021-16
Thick membranes of the gamma-ray transition-edge sensor (γ-TES) generally exhibit great mechanical strength and can supp... [more] SCE2021-16
SCE 2021-01-19
Online Online (Online) Thermal Conductance of Tri-layer Membranes for Multi-Pixel Gamma-Ray Transition Edge Sensors
Takahiro Kikuchi, Satoshi Kohjiro, Ryota Hayakawa, Go Fujii, Fuminori Hirayama, Masahiro Ukibe (AIST), Ryan Smith, Masashi Ohno (U-Tokyo) SCE2020-18
We have been developing the Gamma-ray Transition Edge Sensors (TESs) which is able to achieve high energy resolution. Mu... [more] SCE2020-18
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