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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MI 2017-01-18
Okinawa Tenbusu Naha (Okinawa) [Short Paper]
Takuya Kojima, Xiangrong Zhou (Gifu Univ.), Kagaku Azuma (University of Occupational and Environmental Health), Ryujiro Yokoyama, Takeshi Hara (Gifu Univ.), Huiyan Jiang (Northeastern Univ.), Masayuki Matsuo, Hiroshi Fujita (Gifu Univ.) MI2016-89
(To be available after the conference date) [more] MI2016-89
MI 2016-01-20
Okinawa Bunka Tenbusu Kan (Okinawa) Preliminary study on automated recognition of iliopsoas muscle based on muscle direction model of psoas major and iliac muscle
Naoki Kamiya (Aichi Pref. Univ.), Xiangrong Zhou, Chisako Muramatsu, Takeshi Hara, Hiroki Kato (Gifu Univ.), Huayue Chen (Univ. of Occupational and Environmental Health), Ryujiro Yokoyama (Gifu Univ.), Huiyan Jiang (Northeastern Univ.), Masayuki Matsuo, Hiroshi Fujita (Gifu Univ.) MI2015-111
We have proposed an automatic recognition method of skeletal muscle in CT images based on a shape model. We also propose... [more] MI2015-111
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