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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 38  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MW 2024-12-20
Aichi Toyohashi University of Technology (Aichi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Evaluation of Mismatched Transmission Lines for Verification of the VNA Measurement
Makoto Yoshida (CDEX), Yo Tsubaki, Taiyo Ushiyama (UEC), Toshiyuki Yakabe (MPL), Satoshi Ono (UEC) MW2024-151
The measurement using a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) is more important than ever in R&D and manufacturing fields for th... [more] MW2024-151
MW 2024-11-14
Okinawa JA Kume-jima Yuntaku house (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Design and Evaluation of a Broadband Transition between Stripline and Coaxial line
Mai Sasaki, Taiyo Ushiyama, Sayu Tomioka, Tsuyoshi Hazemoto, Satoshi Ono (UEC), Sho Masui, Takafumi Kojima (NAOJ), Takeshi Sakai (UEC) MW2024-124
 [more] MW2024-124
ED, MW 2024-01-26
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Study of Determining the Target Characteristics of Quadrature Hybrids and Power Dividers Consisting a Six-Port Reflectometer-type VNA
Yo Tsubaki, Taiyo Ushiyama, Satoshi Ono (UEC) ED2023-76 MW2023-168
A vector network analyzer (VNA) using six-port reflectometers is expected to be less expensive than a conventional VNA b... [more] ED2023-76 MW2023-168
Miyagi Tohoku Univ. (Miyagi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A design of ultra-low power reservoir computing system with analog CMOS spiking neural network circuits
Satoshi Ono, Satoshi Moriya, Hideaki Yamamoto (Tohoku Univ.), Yasushi Yuminaka (Gunma Univ.), Yoshihiko Horio, Shigeo Sato (Tohoku Univ.) NC2023-29
Spiking neural network (SNN) is expected to be applied to edge computing due to its low power consumption when implement... [more] NC2023-29
EST, MW, EMT, OPE, MWPTHz, IEE-EMT [detail] 2023-07-21
Hokkaido Muroran Institute of Technology (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Design and Optimization of Nine-Section Broadband Quadrature Hybrid Coupler Using Strip Line Structure
Taiyo Ushiyama, Tsuyoshi Narita, Sayu Tomioka, Satoshi Ono (UEC), Sho Masui, Takafumi Kojima (NAOJ), Takeshi Sakai (UEC) EMT2023-50 MW2023-68 OPE2023-50 EST2023-50 MWPTHz2023-46
To upgrade the IF bandwidth of radio telescopes, we are developing a broadband quadrature hybrid coupler using strip lin... [more] EMT2023-50 MW2023-68 OPE2023-50 EST2023-50 MWPTHz2023-46
Ehime The Museum of Art, EHIME (Ehime, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Study of Tunable BPF for Software Defined Radio with High Tuning Ratio of Center Frequency
Akehito Shiotake, Satoshi Ono, Koji Wada (UEC) MW2022-69
Software-defined radio (SDR) technique is widely used as receivers in many wireless systems.
The Bandwidth of the SDR r... [more]
NC, IBISML, IPSJ-BIO, IPSJ-MPS [detail] 2022-06-29
Okinawa (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
LSI implementation of analog CMOS majority circuit for neural network applications
Satoshi Ono, Satoshi Moriya, Yuka Kanke, Hideaki Yamamoto (Tohoku Univ.), Yasushi Yuminaka (Gunma Univ.), Shigeo Sato (Tohoku Univ.) NC2022-27 IBISML2022-27
Majority logic circuit is a circuit whose output is the majority value of multiple binary inputs. It can be applied to b... [more] NC2022-27 IBISML2022-27
MW 2022-06-09
Nagano Naganoken Nokyo Building (Nagano, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Design and fabrication of stripline type of quadrature hybrid couplers for 3 to 21 GHz band
Satoshi Ono, Tsuyoshi Narita (UEC), Sho Masui (OPU/NAOJ), Takafumi Kojima (NAOJ), Takeshi Sakai (UEC) MW2022-24
In this study, design and fabrication of broadband quadrature hybrid couplers are shown. Broadside Stripline type of cou... [more] MW2022-24
ED, MW 2022-01-27
Online Online (Online) [Invited Lecture] Study of compact diplexer using common resonators consisting of coupled lines and chip capacitors
Satoshi Ono, Koji Wada (UEC) ED2021-65 MW2021-107
A chip capacitor coupled common resonator which consisted chip capacitor loaded type coupled line resonators is proposed... [more] ED2021-65 MW2021-107
(Joint) [detail]
Online Online (Online) Analog CMOS implementation of majority logic for neuromorphic circuit applications
Satoshi Ono, Satoshi Moriya, Yuka Kanke, Hideaki Yamamoto (Tohoku Univ.), Yasushi Yuminaka (Gunma Univ.), Shigeo Sato (Tohoku Univ.) NC2021-41
A majority logic circuit is a circuit whose output is the majority value of multiple binary inputs. In addition to its c... [more] NC2021-41
MW 2021-12-17
Kanagawa Kawasaki City Industrial Promotion Hall (Kanagawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
High-precision design of microstrip BPF considering the influence of cross coupling and the deviation of resonance frequency
Yuga Umemoto, Satoshi Ono, Koji Wada (UEC) MW2021-95
In this study, we propose a calculation method of design parameters for bandpass filter (BPF) considering a cross-coupli... [more] MW2021-95
EST, MW, EMCJ, IEE-EMC [detail] 2021-10-08
Online Online (Online) Design of a three-section-type Quadrature Hybrid Coupler using broad-side and offset coupled lines in stripline structure
Tsuyoshi Narita, Satoshi Ono, Koji Wada (UEC) EMCJ2021-49 MW2021-61 EST2021-51
In this study, a three-section-type quadrature hybrid coupler for an IF(Intermediate frequency)-band image rejection mix... [more] EMCJ2021-49 MW2021-61 EST2021-51
AI 2020-12-10
Shizuoka Online and HAMAMATSU ACT CITY (Shizuoka, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Study on Depth Estimation from 4D Light Field Videos
Takahiro Kinoshita, Satoshi Ono (Kagoshima Univ.) AI2020-1
Depth (disparity) estimation from 4D Light Field (LF) images has been a research topic for the last couple of years. Mos... [more] AI2020-1
AI 2020-12-11
Shizuoka Online and HAMAMATSU ACT CITY (Shizuoka, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
An application of Differentiable Neural Architecture Search to Multimodal Neural Networks
Yushiro Funoki, Satoshi Ono (Kagoshima Univ) AI2020-11
This paper proposes a method that designs an architecture of a deep neural network for multimodal sequential data using ... [more] AI2020-11
ICTSSL, CAS 2020-01-31
Tokyo   (Tokyo) Study on a tunable multiplexer composed of tunable second-order BPFs using BST varactor loaded asymmetric hairpin resonators featuring easy adjustable of coupling coefficients.
Haruka Ogikubo, Satoshi Ono, Koji Wada (UEC) CAS2019-89 ICTSSL2019-58
This report proposed an asymmetric hairpin resonator loaded with a BST varactor which is a variable capacitor made of ${... [more] CAS2019-89 ICTSSL2019-58
ICTSSL, CAS 2020-01-31
Tokyo   (Tokyo) Study on high accurate equivalent circuit of EBG structure for suppressing unwanted waveguide modes and design for miniaturized BPF using PRGW structure
Keisuke Furuya, Satoshi Ono, Koji Wada (UEC) CAS2019-96 ICTSSL2019-65
 [more] CAS2019-96 ICTSSL2019-65
(Joint) [detail]
Kagoshima Kagoshima University (Kagoshima) [Invited Talk] Pattern Optimization Using Evolutionary Computation
Satoshi Ono (Kagoshima Univ.) IMQ2018-51 IE2018-135 MVE2018-82
This study focuses Evolutionary Computation (EC) that is a black-box optimization framework for non-differentiable, glob... [more] IMQ2018-51 IE2018-135 MVE2018-82
MW 2018-11-16
Nagasaki Fukue Cultural Hall (Nagasaki) Realization of Flat Passband Characteristics for BPF Using Resistor Loaded Hairpin Shaped Resonators
Tomohiro Tsukushi, Satoshi Ono, Koji Wada (UEC) MW2018-109
In this study, firstly, the single mode resistor loaded hairpin shaped resonator is proposed. It is shown using some equ... [more] MW2018-109
AI 2018-08-27
Osaka (Osaka) A Preliminary Study on Change Point Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network and Visualization of Range of Interests for Weather Time Series Data
Sotaro Maehara (Kagoshima Univ.), Ken-ichi Fukui (Osaka Univ.), Tomohiko Tomita (Kumamoto Univ.), Satoshi Ono (Kagoshima Univ.) AI2018-21
 [more] AI2018-21
EST, MW, OPE, MWP, EMT, IEE-EMT, THz [detail] 2018-07-20
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) Low-Pass Filter with multiple attenuation poles using Stub loaded type Dumb-Bell-Shaped Defected Ground Structure
Tetsu Takahashi, Satoshi Ono, Koji Wada (UEC) EMT2018-34 MW2018-49 OPE2018-37 EST2018-32 MWP2018-33
In this study, we focus on the structure of Defected Ground Structure (DGS) whose copper foil on backside
is patterned.... [more]
EMT2018-34 MW2018-49 OPE2018-37 EST2018-32 MWP2018-33
 Results 1 - 20 of 38  /  [Next]  
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