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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 14 of 14  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
EMM, EA, ASJ-H 2023-11-23
Toyama (Toyama) [Poster Presentation] Performance evaluation of noise suppression methods in dimensionally extended spectral domain
Naoto Kotake, Suehiro Shimauchi, Shigeaki Aoki (KIT) EA2023-31 EMM2023-62
 [more] EA2023-31 EMM2023-62
EA, EMM, ASJ-H 2022-11-21
Online Online (Online) [Poster Presentation] Sound image localization using two parametric loudspeakers and HRTF
Satoshi Homma, Takeru Yamamoto, Kentarou Todoroki, Kazuki Sakurai, Shigeaki Aoki, Suehiro Simauti (KIT) EA2022-42 EMM2022-42
Parametric loudspeakers have sharp directivity characteristics. In recent years, studies have been conducted on the use ... [more] EA2022-42 EMM2022-42
EA, EMM, ASJ-H 2022-11-21
Online Online (Online) [Poster Presentation] Study on Iterative Phase Estimation Method with Mixture Consistency
Keishin Miyamura, Suehiro Shimauchi, Shigeaki Aoki (KIT) EA2022-45 EMM2022-45
[more] EA2022-45 EMM2022-45
EMM, EA, ASJ-H 2021-11-15
Online Online (Online) [Poster Presentation] Implementation and evaluation of spatial-derivative-sampling microphone array
Kazuya Inoue, Yuya Houda, Atsushi Nakayama, Suehiro Shimauchi, Shigeaki Aoki (KIT) EA2021-31 EMM2021-58
We have been studying spatial derivative sampling, which is a fusion of the spatial sampling theorem and the Taylor expa... [more] EA2021-31 EMM2021-58
EA, ASJ-H, EMM 2020-11-20
Online Online (Online) [Poster Presentation] Study of the mixing ratio of anti-noise dual microphone
Hiryu Matsumoto, Masaharu Kori, Shinya Shamoto, Shigeaki Aoki, Suehiro Shimauchi (KIT) EA2020-35 EMM2020-50
We have been studying a dual microphone system that achieves both noise resistance and high sound quality by combining a... [more] EA2020-35 EMM2020-50
EA, ASJ-H, EMM 2020-11-20
Online Online (Online) [Poster Presentation] Study on high-resolution Fourier analysis with reconstructed bases
Sora Oura, Suehiro Shimauchi, Shigeaki Aoki (KIT) EA2020-36 EMM2020-51
 [more] EA2020-36 EMM2020-51
EA, EMM 2019-11-22
Ishikawa Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Ishikawa) [Poster Presentation] Study of the synthetic condition of anti-noise dual microphone
Hiryu Matsumoto, Wataru Anami, Shigeaki Aoki, Suehiro Shimauchi (KIT) EA2019-50 EMM2019-78
To make it easy to talk in a noisy environment using a communication terminal such as a mobile phone, a dual microphone ... [more] EA2019-50 EMM2019-78
EA, EMM 2019-11-22
Ishikawa Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Ishikawa) [Poster Presentation] Study on front, back, left and right sound localization by arrangement of two parametric loudspeakers in vertical region
Takato Fukuda, Takaki Furuta, Shigeaki Aoki, Suehiro Shimauchi (KIT) EA2019-56 EMM2019-84
Sound localization using two parametric loudspeakers with Head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) are affected by the az... [more] EA2019-56 EMM2019-84
EA, EMM 2019-11-22
Ishikawa Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Ishikawa) [Poster Presentation] Study on visualization of stereo music signals based on GMM
Akihiro Shimizu, Suehiro Shimauti, Shigeaki Aoki (KIT) EA2019-58 EMM2019-86
 [more] EA2019-58 EMM2019-86
EA, EMM 2019-11-22
Ishikawa Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Ishikawa) [Poster Presentation] Effects of differential approximation of spatial derivatives in spatial sampling theorem extended by Taylor expansion
Sho Ouchi, Kazuya Inoue, Ryohei Suzuki, Suehiro Shimauchi, Shigeaki Aoki (KIT) EA2019-61 EMM2019-89
 [more] EA2019-61 EMM2019-89
EA 2015-12-12
Ishikawa Kanazawa Univ., Satellite Plaza (Ishikawa) [Poster Presentation] Influence of the delay time in the evacuation system utilizing the precedence effect
Mariko Ishii, Shota Okuno, Yukiya Yamazaki, Shigeaki Aoki (KIT) EA2015-50
When a listener perceives the direction of a sound source in reflective sounds, the directional information of the first... [more] EA2015-50
Kyoto Doshisha Univ. (Kyoto) [Invited Talk] Sound localization in reproduction with parametric loudspeakers
Shigeaki Aoki, Kazuhiro Shimizu, Kouki Ito (KIT) US2014-87 EA2014-65
 [more] US2014-87 EA2014-65
pp.69-74(US), pp.33-38(EA)
US 2014-11-13
Ishikawa Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Ishikawa) Study of Sound Localization using Parametric Loudspeakers in Front of Listener
Kazuhiro Shimizu, Kouki Ito, Shigeaki Aoki (Kanazawa Inst. of Tech.) US2014-64
A parametric loudspeaker has very sharp directivity in comparing with a conventional dynamic loudspeaker. In reproducing... [more] US2014-64
US 2012-11-29
Shizuoka Shizuoka Univ. (Shizuoka) Sound localization of stereo reproduction with parametric loudspeakers
Shigeaki Aoki, Masayoshi Toba, Norihisa Tsujita (KIT) US2012-77
We can perceive sound localization in stereo reproduction using ordinary left and right loudspeakers. A parametric louds... [more] US2012-77
 Results 1 - 14 of 14  /   
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