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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SIP, SP, EA, IPSJ-SLP [detail] 2024-03-01
Okinawa (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Improving training recipe of Remixed2Remixed for speech enhancement
Li Li, Shogo Seki (CyberAgent) EA2023-95 SIP2023-142 SP2023-77
In the use of deep learning for speech enhancement, supervised learning models that use pairs of clean speech and artifi... [more] EA2023-95 SIP2023-142 SP2023-77
SP, EA, SIP 2020-03-03
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa)
(Cancelled but technical report was issued)
Semi-supervised Self-produced Speech Enhancement and Suppression Based on Joint Source Modeling of Air- and Body-conducted Signals Using Variational Autoencoder
Shogo Seki, Moe Takada, Kazuya Takeda, Tomoki Toda (Nagoya Univ.) EA2019-140 SIP2019-142 SP2019-89
This paper proposes a semi-supervised method for enhancing and suppressing self-produced speech, using a variational aut... [more] EA2019-140 SIP2019-142 SP2019-89
SP 2019-08-28
Kyoto Kyoto Univ. (Kyoto) [Poster Presentation] Intelligibility enhancement based on speech waveform modification using hearing impairment simulator
Shu Hikosaka, Kazuhiro Kobayashi, Tomoki Hayashi, Shogo Seki, Kazuya Takeda (Nagoya Univ.), Hideki Banno (Meijo Univ.), Tomoki Toda (Nagoya Univ.) SP2019-13
For sensory hearing loss, which is difficult to treat medically, a hearing aid is commonly used to assist the hearing fu... [more] SP2019-13
EA, SIP, SP 2019-03-15
Nagasaki i+Land nagasaki (Nagasaki-shi) (Nagasaki) [Poster Presentation] An Evaluation of Underdetermined Source Separation Based on Multichannel Variational Autoencoder
Shogo Seki (Nagoya Univ.), Hirokazu Kameoka (NTT), Li Li (Univ. Tsukuba), Tomoki Toda, Kazuya Takeda (Nagoya Univ.) EA2018-154 SIP2018-160 SP2018-116
This paper deals with a multichannel audio source separation problem under underdetermined conditions. Multichannel Non-... [more] EA2018-154 SIP2018-160 SP2018-116
EA, ASJ-H 2018-08-23
Miyagi Tohoku Gakuin Univ. (Miyagi) Self-produced speech enhancement and suppression method with wearable air- and body-conductive microphones
Moe Takada, Shogo Seki, Tomoki Toda (Nagoya Univ.) EA2018-29
This paper presents a self-produced speech enhancement and suppression method for multichannel signals recorded with bot... [more] EA2018-29
(Joint) [detail]
Okinawa   (Okinawa) [Poster Presentation] An investigation of singing voice separation methods for a statistical approach to singing voice modification in music
Tomoya Yamada, Shogo Seki, Kazuhiro Kobayashi, Tomoki Toda (Nagoya Univ.) EA2017-139 SIP2017-148 SP2017-122
 [more] EA2017-139 SIP2017-148 SP2017-122
SP, SIP, EA 2017-03-01
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa) Missing Component Restoration for Speech Spectrogram Based on Time-domain Signal Estimation
Shogo Seki (Nagoya Univ.), Hirokazu Kameoka (NTT), Tomoki Toda, Kazuya Takeda (Nagoya Univ.) EA2016-85 SIP2016-140 SP2016-80
This study proposes a missing component restoration method for time-frequency masked speech spectrogram based on time-do... [more] EA2016-85 SIP2016-140 SP2016-80
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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