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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
CAS, MSS, IPSJ-AL [detail] 2017-11-16
Tokyo   (Tokyo) [Invited Talk] On the Recognition of Unit Grid Intersection Graphs
Satoshi Tayu, Shuichi Ueno (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) CAS2017-44 MSS2017-28
We show that the recognition problem for unit grid intersection graphs is NP-complete. [more] CAS2017-44 MSS2017-28
MSS, CAS, IPSJ-AL [detail] 2016-11-25
Hyogo Kobe Institute of Computing (Hyogo) A Note on the Spanning Subgraph Isomorphism Problem
Satoshi Tayu, Kenji Ichikawa, Shuichi Ueno (Tokyo Tech) CAS2016-69 MSS2016-49
We consider the subgraph isomorphism problem of two graphs which is to decide if a pattern graph is isomorphic to a subg... [more] CAS2016-69 MSS2016-49
MSS, CAS, IPSJ-AL [detail] 2016-11-25
Hyogo Kobe Institute of Computing (Hyogo) On the Complexity of Finding a Largest Common Subtree of Trees
Hiroki Katsumata, Satoshi Tayu, Shuichi Ueno (Tokyo Tech) CAS2016-70 MSS2016-50
The largest common subtree problem (LCST) is to find a tree with the maximum number of edges that is a subtree of all th... [more] CAS2016-70 MSS2016-50
MSS, CAS, IPSJ-AL [detail] 2016-11-25
Hyogo Kobe Institute of Computing (Hyogo) A 3/2-Approximation Algorithm for the Bipartite Dense Subgraph Problem on Bipartite Permutation Graphs
Yuta Inaba, Satoshi Tayu, Shuichi Ueno (Tokyo Tech) CAS2016-71 MSS2016-51
(To be available after the conference date) [more] CAS2016-71 MSS2016-51
MSS, CAS, IPSJ-AL [detail] 2015-11-20
Kagoshima Ibusuki CityHall (Kagoshima) On Evasion Games on Graphs
Satoshi Tayu, Shuichi Ueno (Tokyo Tech) CAS2015-52 MSS2015-26
We consider an evasion game on a connected simple graph. We first show that the pursuit number of a graph G, the smalles... [more] CAS2015-52 MSS2015-26
MSS, CAS, SIP, VLD 2015-06-17
Hokkaido Otaru University of Commerce (Hokkaido) On the Complexity of Mining Maximal Frequent Subgraphs
Satoshi Tayu, Shuni Go, Shuichi Ueno (Tokyo Tech) CAS2015-7 VLD2015-14 SIP2015-38 MSS2015-7
 [more] CAS2015-7 VLD2015-14 SIP2015-38 MSS2015-7
COMP 2015-03-09
Kyoto Ritsumeikan University (Kyoto) A Note on Irreversible 2-Conversion Sets in Subcubic Graphs
Asahi Takaoka, Shuichi Ueno (Tokyo Tech) COMP2014-43
Irreversible $k$-conversion set is introduced in connection with the mathematical modeling of the spread of diseases or ... [more] COMP2014-43
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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