Committee |
Date Time |
Place |
Paper Title / Authors |
Abstract |
Paper # |
2023-12-07 14:50 |
Tokyo |
AIST Tokyo Waterfront (TBD) (Tokyo) |
Cooking support database for visually impaired people
-- Basic study of information presentation method based on consumption behavior process model SIPS -- Yuka Kanno, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2023-35 |
The cooking process for the visually impaired involves various potential hazards and errors, and it is not easy for the ... [more] |
WIT2023-35 pp.56-63 |
2023-01-21 16:20 |
Kyoto |
Kyoto Institute of Technology (Kyoto, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Sign language learning support system for beginners
-- Automatic playback speed adjustment function using the amount of spatial movement of hand images -- Kazuki Matsumaru (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2022-63 |
Textbooks with illustrations and video materials with live-action images are used for sign language learning. Textbooks ... [more] |
HCS2022-63 pp.48-53 |
2023-01-22 10:40 |
Kyoto |
Kyoto Institute of Technology (Kyoto, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Extraction of Nodding Scenes in Sign Language Videos Ayaka Takahama (Sojo Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ.) HCS2022-66 |
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HCS2022-66 pp.65-70 |
2021-12-09 10:55 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Sign Language Learning Support System
-- Proposal of Synchronized Video Feedback Function using Sign Keyframes -- Sho Inooka (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2021-36 |
Sign language learners need to learn both individual elements and overall elements how each element works together. Exam... [more] |
WIT2021-36 pp.22-27 |
2021-12-09 15:20 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Study on navigation system for supporting blind people's indoor shopping using acoustic landmarks Mitsutaka Kanamori, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2021-40 |
In recent years, the travel needs of blind people have increased. As a walking navigation for blind people, the Non-prof... [more] |
WIT2021-40 pp.42-47 |
2021-08-22 13:50 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Features of Non-Face-to-Face Communication in Romantic Relationships Misaki Karube, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2021-30 |
It is known that communication is important to maintain romantic relationship. Long-distance relationships generally bre... [more] |
HCS2021-30 pp.72-77 |
2021-01-23 15:00 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Basic study of sound design for acoustic cursor on a video game for visually impaired Zhaohong Deng, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2020-55 |
In the action games for visually impaired, it is necessary for players to recognize game objects by sound. In the previo... [more] |
HCS2020-55 pp.17-22 |
2020-12-10 15:45 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
A study of landmark generation method in the tourism navigation system for visually impaired person Masaki Watanabe, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2020-22 |
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WIT2020-22 pp.21-26 |
2020-09-08 14:45 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Sign Language Learning Support System
-- Proposal of Functions as Clearly Indicate Learning Points using Sign Keyframe -- Sho Inooka (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2020-8 |
In case of novices learn sign language in self-study, they use books and videos as learning materials. Although illustra... [more] |
WIT2020-8 pp.15-20 |
2019-12-05 13:15 |
Tokyo |
AIST Tokyo Waterfront (TBD) (Tokyo) |
A study of sign language sentence structure considering deaf person sign language video reading strategy Sayaka Shinada (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2019-40 |
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WIT2019-40 pp.101-106 |
2019-12-05 14:05 |
Tokyo |
AIST Tokyo Waterfront (TBD) (Tokyo) |
Tactile communicator using foot interaction for deaf-blindness
-- Basic study on a tactile stimulation time for improving a word intelligibility -- Daisuke Onozawa, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2019-42 |
We have proposed a "foot interface" as a communication tool for deafblind people. This tool gives tactile stimulation to... [more] |
WIT2019-42 pp.113-118 |
2019-12-05 15:35 |
Tokyo |
AIST Tokyo Waterfront (TBD) (Tokyo) |
Study on navigation system for supporting blind people's shopping using acoustic landmarks Kenta Shiro, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2019-45 |
In recent years, the travel needs of blind people have increased, however, it is not easy to obtain travel information t... [more] |
WIT2019-45 pp.131-136 |
2018-12-05 10:55 |
Tokyo |
AIST Tokyo Waterfront (Tokyo) |
Usability evaluation of dental interview scenario writing system by dental doctors. Natsuki Koshikawa, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT), Tamotsu Uehara (Nihon Univ.) WIT2018-37 |
Although the dental interview scenario is used for exercise lesson of medical students, it has been a significant worklo... [more] |
WIT2018-37 pp.7-12 |
2018-12-05 15:15 |
Tokyo |
AIST Tokyo Waterfront (Tokyo) |
Investigation of information accessibility support method for hearing impaired using multiple speech recognition software in small group conference
-- Development of prototype system and evaluating effectiveness -- Masayoshi Bando, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2018-42 |
In recent years, it has been attempted to use speech recognition software as a means of information accessibility suppor... [more] |
WIT2018-42 pp.47-52 |
2018-12-06 11:15 |
Tokyo |
AIST Tokyo Waterfront (Tokyo) |
Tactile communicator using foot interaction for deaf-blindness
-- Proposal of hybrid tactile stimulation method -- Takuya Nakamura, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2018-46 |
We have proposed a "foot interface" that stimulates fingers in deaf blind people as a communication tool that you do not... [more] |
WIT2018-46 pp.77-82 |
2018-12-06 15:35 |
Tokyo |
AIST Tokyo Waterfront (Tokyo) |
Basic study of support system to promote Park Debut for novice Mama Yuki Ooe, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2018-48 |
Many mothers who have a little child are worries about how to raise their children and they need to share and consult th... [more] |
WIT2018-48 pp.117-122 |
2018-08-26 14:00 |
Osaka |
(Osaka) |
Development of the user interface of the scenario writing support system for dental interview. Natsuki Koshikawa, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2018-34 |
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HCS2018-34 pp.13-18 |
2018-05-22 15:25 |
Okinawa |
Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa) |
Study for extracting key frame images by tracking the locus of dominant hands in two hand sign language video. Sayaka Shinada (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo University), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2018-28 HIP2018-28 |
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HCS2018-28 HIP2018-28 pp.197-202 |
2017-05-16 14:20 |
Okinawa |
Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa) |
User interface design of scenario description support system for dental interview. Natsuki Koshikawa, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2017-9 HIP2017-9 |
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HCS2017-9 HIP2017-9 pp.59-64 |
2017-05-16 18:00 |
Okinawa |
Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa) |
Study on a method for easily extracting spatially characterized video frames with color gloves for Japanese sign language. Sayaka Shinada, Kota Akiyama (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (NTT), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2017-22 HIP2017-22 |
This paper proposes a method for easily extracting spatially characterized video frames with color gloves for Japanese s... [more] |
HCS2017-22 HIP2017-22 pp.151-155 |