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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2023-12-07
Tokyo AIST Tokyo Waterfront (TBD) (Tokyo) Cooking support database for visually impaired people -- Basic study of information presentation method based on consumption behavior process model SIPS --
Yuka Kanno, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2023-35
The cooking process for the visually impaired involves various potential hazards and errors, and it is not easy for the ... [more] WIT2023-35
HCS 2023-01-21
Kyoto Kyoto Institute of Technology (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Sign language learning support system for beginners -- Automatic playback speed adjustment function using the amount of spatial movement of hand images --
Kazuki Matsumaru (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2022-63
Textbooks with illustrations and video materials with live-action images are used for sign language learning. Textbooks ... [more] HCS2022-63
HCS 2023-01-22
Kyoto Kyoto Institute of Technology (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Extraction of Nodding Scenes in Sign Language Videos
Ayaka Takahama (Sojo Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ.) HCS2022-66
 [more] HCS2022-66
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2021-12-09
Online Online (Online) Sign Language Learning Support System -- Proposal of Synchronized Video Feedback Function using Sign Keyframes --
Sho Inooka (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2021-36
Sign language learners need to learn both individual elements and overall elements how each element works together. Exam... [more] WIT2021-36
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2021-12-09
Online Online (Online) Study on navigation system for supporting blind people's indoor shopping using acoustic landmarks
Mitsutaka Kanamori, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2021-40
In recent years, the travel needs of blind people have increased. As a walking navigation for blind people, the Non-prof... [more] WIT2021-40
HCS 2021-08-22
Online Online (Online) Features of Non-Face-to-Face Communication in Romantic Relationships
Misaki Karube, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2021-30
It is known that communication is important to maintain romantic relationship. Long-distance relationships generally bre... [more] HCS2021-30
HCS 2021-01-23
Online Online (Online) Basic study of sound design for acoustic cursor on a video game for visually impaired
Zhaohong Deng, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2020-55
In the action games for visually impaired, it is necessary for players to recognize game objects by sound. In the previo... [more] HCS2020-55
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2020-12-10
Online Online (Online) A study of landmark generation method in the tourism navigation system for visually impaired person
Masaki Watanabe, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2020-22
 [more] WIT2020-22
WIT 2020-09-08
Online Online (Online) Sign Language Learning Support System -- Proposal of Functions as Clearly Indicate Learning Points using Sign Keyframe --
Sho Inooka (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2020-8
In case of novices learn sign language in self-study, they use books and videos as learning materials. Although illustra... [more] WIT2020-8
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2019-12-05
Tokyo AIST Tokyo Waterfront (TBD) (Tokyo) A study of sign language sentence structure considering deaf person sign language video reading strategy
Sayaka Shinada (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2019-40
 [more] WIT2019-40
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2019-12-05
Tokyo AIST Tokyo Waterfront (TBD) (Tokyo) Tactile communicator using foot interaction for deaf-blindness -- Basic study on a tactile stimulation time for improving a word intelligibility --
Daisuke Onozawa, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2019-42
We have proposed a "foot interface" as a communication tool for deafblind people. This tool gives tactile stimulation to... [more] WIT2019-42
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2019-12-05
Tokyo AIST Tokyo Waterfront (TBD) (Tokyo) Study on navigation system for supporting blind people's shopping using acoustic landmarks
Kenta Shiro, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2019-45
In recent years, the travel needs of blind people have increased, however, it is not easy to obtain travel information t... [more] WIT2019-45
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2018-12-05
Tokyo AIST Tokyo Waterfront (Tokyo) Usability evaluation of dental interview scenario writing system by dental doctors.
Natsuki Koshikawa, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT), Tamotsu Uehara (Nihon Univ.) WIT2018-37
Although the dental interview scenario is used for exercise lesson of medical students, it has been a significant worklo... [more] WIT2018-37
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2018-12-05
Tokyo AIST Tokyo Waterfront (Tokyo) Investigation of information accessibility support method for hearing impaired using multiple speech recognition software in small group conference -- Development of prototype system and evaluating effectiveness --
Masayoshi Bando, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2018-42
In recent years, it has been attempted to use speech recognition software as a means of information accessibility suppor... [more] WIT2018-42
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2018-12-06
Tokyo AIST Tokyo Waterfront (Tokyo) Tactile communicator using foot interaction for deaf-blindness -- Proposal of hybrid tactile stimulation method --
Takuya Nakamura, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2018-46
We have proposed a "foot interface" that stimulates fingers in deaf blind people as a communication tool that you do not... [more] WIT2018-46
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2018-12-06
Tokyo AIST Tokyo Waterfront (Tokyo) Basic study of support system to promote Park Debut for novice Mama
Yuki Ooe, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) WIT2018-48
Many mothers who have a little child are worries about how to raise their children and they need to share and consult th... [more] WIT2018-48
HCS 2018-08-26
Osaka (Osaka) Development of the user interface of the scenario writing support system for dental interview.
Natsuki Koshikawa, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2018-34
 [more] HCS2018-34
HCS, HIP, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2018-05-22
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa) Study for extracting key frame images by tracking the locus of dominant hands in two hand sign language video.
Sayaka Shinada (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo University), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2018-28 HIP2018-28
 [more] HCS2018-28 HIP2018-28
HCS, HIP, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2017-05-16
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa) User interface design of scenario description support system for dental interview.
Natsuki Koshikawa, Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2017-9 HIP2017-9
 [more] HCS2017-9 HIP2017-9
HCS, HIP, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2017-05-16
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa) Study on a method for easily extracting spatially characterized video frames with color gloves for Japanese sign language.
Sayaka Shinada, Kota Akiyama (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (NTT), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) HCS2017-22 HIP2017-22
This paper proposes a method for easily extracting spatially characterized video frames with color gloves for Japanese s... [more] HCS2017-22 HIP2017-22
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