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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
US 2022-05-19
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Focusing mechanism of Tube-Type Double-Parabolic-Reflectors Ultrasonic Transducer
Kyohei Yamada, Chen Kang (The Univ. of Tokyo), Takasuke Irie (Microsonic), Takashi Iijima (AIST), Susumu Miyake, Takeshi Morita (The Univ. of Tokyo) US2022-8
(To be available after the conference date) [more] US2022-8
US 2021-06-18
Online Online (Online) Fundamental Study of Tube-Type Double-Parabolic-Reflectors Ultrasonic Transducer
Kyohei Yamada, Kang Chen (The Univ. of Tokyo), Takasuke Irie (Microsonic), Takashi Iijima (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Susumu Miyake, Takeshi Morita (The Univ. of Tokyo) US2021-9
(To be available after the conference date) [more] US2021-9
US 2020-05-18
Online Online (Online) Propagation characteristics of high-frequency ultrasound in metallic glass waveguide
Kohei Shinoda, Kang Chen (The Univ. of Tokyo), Takasuke Irie (Microsonic), Takashi Iijima (AIST), Takeshi Morita (The Univ. of Tokyo) US2020-8
In developing an ultrasonic microscope using a thin waveguide, quartz glass has been used as a waveguide material. Howev... [more] US2020-8
US 2019-05-20
Tokyo (Tokyo) Improvement of degradation due to echo distortion of ultrasound range super-resolution imaging with carrier frequency sweep
Nguyen Chi Hai, Norio Tagawa (Tokyo Metro. Univ.), Masasumi Yoshizawa (Tokyo Metro. College of Tech.), Takasuke Irie (Microsonic) US2019-15
We have implemented this study by evaluating the effect of two things on ultrasound imaging. The first one is proposing ... [more] US2019-15
US 2018-12-10
Tokyo (Tokyo) Acoustic focusing to the waveguides utilizing double parabolic reflectors
Kang Chen (The Univ. of Tokyo), Takasuke Irie (Microsonic Co), Takashi Iijima (AIST), Takeshi Morita (The Univ. of Tokyo) US2018-71
Acoustic waveguides are utilized for guiding sound waves and have been universally exploited for low-loss ultrasound tra... [more] US2018-71
US 2014-05-26
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Characteristic of Π Shaped Coiled Stator Ultrasound motor (CS-USM) -- Estimation of Revolution Speed and Torque --
Toshinobu Abe (Toin Univ. of Yokohama), Tadashi Moriya (Professor emeritus of Tokyo Met. Univ.), Takasuke Irie (Microsonic), Shinichi Takeuchi (Toin Univ. of Yokohama) US2014-10
A CS-USM (Coiled stator Ultra-Sound Motor) was developed for the purpose of application to medical equipments. The CS-US... [more] US2014-10
EMD 2011-03-04
Saitama Nippon Institute of Technology (Saitama) In Vitro Measurement by Vibration Scanning Method for Puncture Needle-Type Ultrasonography
Masayuki Kiya, Kouichi Karasawa, Masasumi Yoshizawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Coll. of Ind Tech.), Takasuke Irie (Microsonic co., ltd.), Tadashi Moriya (Tokyo Metro Univ.), Kouichi Itoh (Hitachi-Omiya Saiseikai Hospital) EMD2010-161
For realization of low-cost, faster scanning rate, and improvement of scanning resolution of puncture needle-type ultras... [more] EMD2010-161
US 2010-02-24
Tokyo TOKYO KEIKI INC. (Tokyo) Development of Ultrasound Breast Imaging System with Probe Rotation Scanning
Satoshi Ozawa (Tokyo Metro Univ.), Masakazu Sato, Hiroshi Kitunai (Microsonic), Takasuke Irie (Tokyo Metro Univ/Microsonic), Kan Okubo, Norio Tagawa (Tokyo Metro Univ.), Masasumi Yoshizawa (Tokyo Metropolitan College), Hiroshi Yokoi (Yokoi Orthopedic Clinic), Nobuyuki Honda (Teramoto Memorial Hospital) US2009-114
We have proposed an ultrasound breast imaging system by developing a mechanical scanner having a manipulator which holds... [more] US2009-114
 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
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