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 Results 1 - 16 of 16  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ICM 2023-07-13
Hokkaido Sun Reflation Hakodate (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Examination of Ledger Capacity Reduction Function in Managed Blockchain Platform Service
Takayuki Nagai (Hitachi) ICM2023-12
Managed blockchain platform services are being applied to enterprise systems to accelerate the development of blockchain... [more] ICM2023-12
SC 2022-03-11
Online EventIn (Online) Study of Functions for Reducing Security Risks of Blockchain Platform Service
Takayuki Nagai (Hitachi) SC2021-42
Managed blockchain platform services are being applied to enterprise systems to accelerate the development of blockchain... [more] SC2021-42
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM 2022-03-11
Online Online (Online) A Study on Understanding the Meaning of Adverbs by Frequency Spectrum Analysis Using Gaussian Process
Tomoe Taniguchi (Ochanomizu Univ.), Daichi Mochihashi (ISM), Masatoshi Nagano, Tomoaki Nakamura (UEC), Takayuki Nagai (Osaka Univ.), Tetsunari Inamura (NII), Ichiro Kobayashi (Ochanomizu Univ.) PRMU2021-74
In this study, we attempt to understand the meaning of adverbs through the features of human actions.
Specifically, the... [more]
Online Online (Online) Study of System Migration Technology between Blockchain Platform Service for Enterprise Systems
Takayuki Nagai, Yoji Ozawa (Hitachi) NS2020-170
 [more] NS2020-170
MVE, IPSJ-CVIM 2020-01-23
Nara (Nara) [Invited Talk] Multimodal Information Processing and Intelligence -- Multimodal Categorization Revisited --
Takayuki Nagai (Osaka Univ.) MVE2019-31
(To be available after the conference date) [more] MVE2019-31
KBSE 2019-03-01
Kyoto Doshisha University Kambaikan (Kyoto) Development of People Behavior Tracking System for Teaching Assisting
Bin Zhang (KU), Tomoaki Nakamura, Takayuki Nagai (UEC), Takashi Omori (TU), Masahide Kaneko (UEC), Lim Hunok (KU) KBSE2018-61
(To be available after the conference date) [more] KBSE2018-61

Mie Sinfonia Technology Hibiki Hall Ise (Mie) Estimation of Child's Interest in Cleaning Behavior
Marina Ohno, Yuka Abe, Misa Yoshizaki, Nobuaki Yabunouchi (Panasonic), Kazuki Miyazawa, Kasumi Abe, Takayuki Nagai (Electro-Communications Univ.)
In recent years, the increase of the mother’s childcare burden becomes a serious problem.
In order to solve this proble... [more]

IBISML 2018-11-05
Hokkaido Hokkaido Citizens Activites Center (Kaderu 2.7) (Hokkaido) [Poster Presentation] Realizing Large Scale Model by Integration of Stochastic Models -- Implementation and Evaluation of Integrated Model of VAE, GMM, HMM and MLDA --
Ryo Kuniyasu, Tomoaki Nakamura, Tatsuya Aoki (UEC), Akira Taniguchi, Ryo Ozaki, Tomoro Ishimine (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Hiroki Yokoyama (Tamagawa Univ.), Tadashi Ogura (SOKENDAI), Takayuki Nagai (UEC), Tadahiro Taniguchi (Ritsumeikan Univ.) IBISML2018-77
In order to realize human-like intelligence artificially, large-scale cognitive models are required for robots to unders... [more] IBISML2018-77
ICM 2018-03-09
Okinawa (Okinawa) Investigation and Evaluation of Traceability Management System Using Blockchain
Takayuki Nagai (Hitachi) ICM2017-73
Many companies have expectation for blockchain as a technology that brings innovation to their businesses. Especially, s... [more] ICM2017-73
HCS 2018-01-27
Kagoshima Daiichi Institute of Technology (Kagoshima) Development of Independence and Sociality in Group Dynamics of Children during the Eurhythmics
Jun Ichikawa (KIT), Keisuke Fujii (RIKEN), Natsuki Oka (KIT), Takayuki Nagai (UEC), Takashi Omori (Tamagawa Univ.) HCS2017-89
 [more] HCS2017-89
AI 2017-11-24
Fukuoka (Fukuoka) Comment Mining to Estimate Junior High-school Student Performance toward Improvement of Student Learning
Ichiro Niiya, Takayuki Nagai, Tsunenori Mine (Kyushu Univ) AI2017-12
Estimating student performance is very useful for estimating students with poor grades early. In this research, we will ... [more] AI2017-12
WIT 2016-03-04
Ibaraki Tusukuba Univ. of Tech.(Tsukuba) (Ibaraki) Development of a Mobile Application for HMD Devices to Enhance the Visibility of Person with Low Vision
Yuki Koga, Rie Nakamura, Takayuki Nagai, Hiroshi Nakano (Kumamoto Univ.) WIT2015-96
In recent years, a variety of wearable device has attracted attention. We thought that a wearable device equipped with a... [more] WIT2015-96
CNR 2015-12-17
Kanagawa (Kanagawa) Symbol Emergence in Robotics for Future Human-Machine Collaboration
Takayuki Nagai (UEC Tokyo), Tadahiro Taniguchi (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Tetsuya Ogata (Waseda Univ.), Naoto Iwahashi (Okayama Prefectural Univ.), Komei Sugiura (NICT), Tetsunari Inamura (NII), Hiroyuki Okada (Tamagawa Univ.) CNR2015-20
``Symbol emergence in Robotics for Future Human-Machine Collaboration'' has been launched recnetly as a CREST program.
... [more]
CNR 2015-12-17
Kanagawa (Kanagawa) Multimodal Learning of Object Concepts and Word Meanings by Robots
Joe Nishihara, Tatsuya Aoki, Tomoaki Nakamura, Takayuki Nagai (UEC) CNR2015-21
In previous works, we have shown that robots can learn concepts and word meanings by categorizing multimodal information... [more] CNR2015-21
CNR 2015-10-30
Nara (Nara) A Telepresence Robot and Environmental Sensors for Childcare Support
Masahiro Shiomi (ATR), Kasumi Abe, Pei Yachao, Zhang Tingyi, Narumitsu Ikeda, Takayuki Nagai (UEC) CNR2015-14
 [more] CNR2015-14
ICM 2015-03-20
Okinawa Ishigaki-City-Hall (Okinawa) A feasibility study on applying the automation technology to IT system management
Jun Nakajima, Masataka Nagura, Takayuki Nagai (Hitachi) ICM2014-66
Use of the cloud technolygy become popular and datacenter is bigger and more complex. It becomes overloaded with the adm... [more] ICM2014-66
 Results 1 - 16 of 16  /   
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