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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
COMP 2019-10-25
Hokkaido Sapporo Campus, Hokkaido University (Hokkaido) Constant Amortized Time Enumeration of Independent Sets for Graphs with Bounded Clique Number
Kazuhiro Kurita (Hokkaido Univ.), Kunihiro Wasa, Takeaki Uno (NII), Hiroki Arimura (Hokkaido Univ.) COMP2019-19
(To be available after the conference date) [more] COMP2019-19
COMP 2019-10-25
Hokkaido Sapporo Campus, Hokkaido University (Hokkaido) Simple Fold and Cut Problem for Line Segments
Guoxin Hu (JAIST), Shin-ichi Nakano (Gunma University), Ryuhei Uehara (JAIST), Takeaki Uno (NII) COMP2019-20
We investigate a natural variant of the fold-and-cut problem. We are given a long paper strip P and n line segments draw... [more] COMP2019-20
COMP 2019-09-02
Okayama Tsushima Campus, Okayama University (Okayama) Shortest Universal Sequences of Adjacent Transpositions
Takehiro Ito (Tohoku Univ.), Jun Kawahara, Shin-ichi Minato (Kyoto Univ.), Yota Otachi (Kumamoto Univ.), Toshiki Saitoh (Kyutech), Akira Suzuki (Tohoku Univ.), Ryuhei Uehara (JAIST), Takeaki Uno (NII), Katsuhisa Yamanaka (Iwate Univ.), Ryo Yoshinaka (Tohoku Univ.) COMP2019-10
Let $S = {s_1,s_2, ... , s_m}$ be a sequence of adjacent transpositions of $[n]={1,2,ldots ,n}$. We denote by $Comp(S) =... [more] COMP2019-10
COMP 2019-09-02
Okayama Tsushima Campus, Okayama University (Okayama) [Invited Talk] New Polynomial Delay Bounds for Maximal Subgraph Enumeration by Proximity Search
Alessio Conte, Takeaki Uno (NII) COMP2019-12
 [more] COMP2019-12
COMP 2018-12-12
Miyagi Tohoku University (Miyagi) Max-Min Dispersion Problems
Takashi Horiyama (Saitama Univ.), Shin-ichi Nakano (Gunma Univ.), Toshiki Saitoh (KIT), Koki Suetsugu (Kyoto Univ.), Akira Suzuki (Tohoku Univ.), Ryuhei Uehara (JAIST), Takeaki Uno, Kunihiro Wasa (NII) COMP2018-31
 [more] COMP2018-31
ISEC, COMP 2017-12-22
Kochi Eikokuji Campus, Kochi University of Technology (Kochi) Efficient Enumeration of Dominating Sets in K-Degenerate graphs
Kazuhiro Kurita (HU), Kunihiro Wasa, Takeaki Uno (NII), Hiroki Arimura (HU) ISEC2017-89 COMP2017-43
A dominating set is one of the fundamental graph structure, like clique, independent set, s-t path, and cut. It is known... [more] ISEC2017-89 COMP2017-43
COMP, IPSJ-AL 2016-06-25
Ishikawa (Ishikawa) Computational Complexity of Sequential Token Swapping Problem
Katsuhisa Yamanaka (Iwate Univ.), Erik D. Demaine (MIT), Takashi Horiyama (Saitama Univ.), Akitoshi Kawamura (Univ. of Tokyo), Shin-ichi Nakano (Gunma Univ.), Yoshio Okamoto (UEC), Toshiki Saitoh (Kobe Univ.), Akira Suzuki (Tohoku Univ.), Ryuhei Uehara (JAIST), Takeaki Uno (NII) COMP2016-13
We consider a puzzle consisting of colored tokens on an $n$-vertex graph, where each token has a distinct starting verte... [more] COMP2016-13
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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