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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
DE 2024-06-22
Tokyo Recruit (Headquarter) (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Study on Automatic Diary Generation System using LLM and Lifelog to encourage Behavioral Change for Individual Health Conditions
Musashi Kawauchi, Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.) DE2024-3
In this study, We focused once again on the value of "diaries." Diaries are useful for individuals to reflect on their b... [more] DE2024-3
DE, IPSJ-DBS, IPSJ-IFAT [detail] 2023-09-21
Fukuoka Kitakyushu International Conference Center (Fukuoka) Improving the Performance of Toxic Comments Prediction by Adjusting the Level of Personalization Appropriate to Comments
Teruki Nakahara, Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.) DE2023-11
When reading news articles on social networking services and news sites, readers can view comments marked by other peopl... [more] DE2023-11
DE, IPSJ-DBS, IPSJ-IFAT [detail] 2023-09-21
Fukuoka Kitakyushu International Conference Center (Fukuoka) Fundamental Study for Interactive Appreciation of Paintings Using Large Language Models
Haruto Tani, Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.) DE2023-13
 [more] DE2023-13
DE, IPSJ-DBS, IPSJ-IFAT [detail] 2023-09-22
Fukuoka Kitakyushu International Conference Center (Fukuoka) A Method of Generating Images to Represent Impressions of a Piece of Music Using the Text2Image Model
Shoichi Sasaki, Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.) DE2023-26
In this study, we propose a method for automatically generating images that represent impressions of songs using informa... [more] DE2023-26
DE, IPSJ-DBS, IPSJ-IFAT [detail] 2023-09-22
Fukuoka Kitakyushu International Conference Center (Fukuoka) POI recommendation method with explanatory nature based on user objectives using BERT
Hajime Katayama, Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.) DE2023-27
 [more] DE2023-27
DE 2023-06-16
Tokyo Musashino University (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A POI recommendation method with explanatory nature for user's purpose based on online review information
Hajjime Katayama, Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.) DE2023-2
In this study, we propose a method in which the purpose of searching for a POI is entered as a query, and a POI suitable... [more] DE2023-2
DE 2020-06-27
Online Online (Online) Estimation of Sports Broadcast Situations based on Character-level Auto Encoder for Live Tweets
Nodoka Fujimoto, Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.) DE2020-10
In this paper, we propose a method to generate vectors of each situation on video content from the latest small number o... [more] DE2020-10
DE 2016-09-13
Kanagawa Keio Univ. (Hiyoshi Campus) (Kanagawa) Item Recommendation Method for Collaborative Filtering Based on Empathy with Reviewers
Daichi Minami, Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.) DE2016-17
Today, it has become difficult for people to find books that fulfill their preference because the number of books in the... [more] DE2016-17
DE 2016-09-14
Kanagawa Keio Univ. (Hiyoshi Campus) (Kanagawa) Relation between Usual Interests and Reacted News of Twitter Users
Tenyu Kawaguchi, Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.) DE2016-18
With the spread of SNS in recent years, the mass media such as newspaper offices came to distribute news articles positi... [more] DE2016-18
DE 2016-09-14
Kanagawa Keio Univ. (Hiyoshi Campus) (Kanagawa)
Shogo Kusumure, Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.) DE2016-19
 [more] DE2016-19
DE 2014-06-21
Tokyo Ricoh IT Solutions (Tokyo) Study of a digital infrastructure supporting collaborations in local community
Tomoaki Imajo, Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.) DE2014-3
In recent years, it is said that awareness of general trust and mutual help in local communities has been lost. We are d... [more] DE2014-3
DE 2014-06-21
Tokyo Ricoh IT Solutions (Tokyo) Analysis of Relationships between Browsing Behaviors and Interests on Social Streams
Hong Yan, Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.) DE2014-13
In recent years, the performance of smart phones become high and could be treated as same as personal computers in vario... [more] DE2014-13
DE 2013-06-22
Tokyo ASTUDIO, Aoyama Gakuin Univ. (Tokyo) Effective Auditory Browsing of a Social Stream Based on the Cocktail-Party Effect
Shogo Iwanaga, Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.) DE2013-12
Up to now some studies on sound browsing for web pages have been performed. A social stream used on SNSs such as Faceboo... [more] DE2013-12
DE 2013-06-22
Tokyo ASTUDIO, Aoyama Gakuin Univ. (Tokyo) A Method for Composing an Ad-hoc Follow Network on Twitter for Sharing Real World Event Information
Shingo Tajima, Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.) DE2013-13
Twitter is one of the most popular micro blog services in the world and provides many kinds of information in real time.... [more] DE2013-13
DE 2007-07-04
Miyagi Akiu hot springs (Sendai) (Miyagi) A Ranking Method for Experience Content Search Based on Implicit Link Structure
Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.), Toyohide Watanabe (Nagoya Univ.) DE2007-113
Recently years, according to the remarkable increasing of the number of
personal contents, such as e-mail messages and... [more]
DE 2006-07-14
Niigata HOTEL SENKEI (Niigata) Personal Content Browsing on Experience Web
Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.), Toyohide Watanabe (Nagoya Univ.)
Recently, we are working on X-Web, which is a system for managing personal contents based on experiences of a user. X-We... [more] DE2006-94
DE 2005-07-14
Aomori OIRASE (Aomori) *
Taketoshi Ushiama (Kyushu Univ.), Toyohide Watanabe (Nagoya Univ.)
 [more] DE2005-92
 Results 1 - 17 of 17  /   
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