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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MVE 2023-09-07
Osaka (Osaka, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A study on visual guidance system for table tennis swing assist using machine learning
Hanif Fermanda Putra, Tomoaki Konno, Haruhisa Kato, Tatsuya Kobayashi (KDDI Research) MVE2023-15
In table tennis, the ability to predict the trajectory of the ball is necessary to hit back a ball hit by an opponent an... [more] MVE2023-15
MVE 2023-09-07
Osaka (Osaka, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A study on the emotional expression of virtual agents providing punishment and reward for behavior modification
Keishi Tainaka, Tatsuya Kobayashi (KDDI Research) MVE2023-18
In this study, we aim to modify the user's behavior by having a virtual agent (VA) punish and reward the user with a com... [more] MVE2023-18
EMD 2022-03-04
Online Online (Online) Research on Degradation Process by Sliding Contact Energization of Gold-plated Slip-ring
Toshinari Saito, Tatsuya Kobayashi, Koichiro Sawa, Takahiro Ueno (NIT) EMD2021-15
An electric sliding contact mechanism is a means of transmitting power and signals between stationary and moving objects... [more] EMD2021-15
- 2019-12-13
Hiroshima Hiroshima-ken Joho Plaza (Hiroshima) (Hiroshima) Detecting dish images from comics using deep learning
Tatsuya Kobayashi, Mitsunori Matsushita (Kansai Univ.)
In recent years, it has been studied that various methods for detecting objects depicted in a comic by learning comic im... [more]
EA, EMM 2019-11-22
Ishikawa Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Ishikawa) [Poster Presentation] Production and evaluation of announcements for disaster prevention
Tatsuya Kobayashi, Takahiro Itou, Yoshio Tsuchida, Sayoko Takano (KIT)
ASN 2019-01-29
Kagoshima Kyuukamura Ibusuki (Kagoshima) [Poster Presentation] An Optimization of Drone Flight Plan based on Simulation for Precise Three-Dimensional Reconstruction
Tatsuya Kobayashi, Zhang Heming, Shin Kawai, Hajime Nobuhara (Univ. Tsukuba) ASN2018-95
In the present three-dimensional reconstruction scheme using drone, various parameters such as the photographing positio... [more] ASN2018-95
OFT 2017-05-25
Shimane Shimane Univ. (Matsue campus) (Shimane) [Poster Presentation] Optical data format conversion from WDM to OTDM using FWM
Tatsuya Kobayashi, Naoto Kishi (UEC) OFT2017-11
(Advance abstract in Japanese is available) [more] OFT2017-11
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, MVE [detail] 2017-01-19
Kyoto (Kyoto) Fish Detection and Recognition for AR-based Learning Support System in an Aquarium
Chihiro Dogo (TUS), Tatsuya Kobayashi, Masaru Sugano (KDDI Research), Seiichiro Hangai (TUS) PRMU2016-139 MVE2016-30
This paper presents fish detection and recognition method for AR-based learning support system, which helps users to lea... [more] PRMU2016-139 MVE2016-30
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, MVE [detail] 2017-01-20
Kyoto (Kyoto) Robust Multi-person Tracking using an Omnidirectional Camera
Tatsuya Kobayashi, Haruhisa Kato, Masaru Sugano (KDDI Research) PRMU2016-146 MVE2016-37
 [more] PRMU2016-146 MVE2016-37
ET 2016-07-09
Miyagi Tohoku Gakuin University (Miyagi) An Approach to the Support Creating of Learning Contents Using Motion Data
Tatsuya Kobayashi (Takushoku Univ.) ET2016-29
 [more] ET2016-29
ET 2016-06-11
Aichi Nagoya Institute of Technology (Aichi) Development of A Check System to Assist Modifying Documents that Matched Readers
Tatsuya Kobayashi, Hitoshi Sasaki (Takushoku Univ.), Nana Yamamoto ET2016-8
 [more] ET2016-8
ET, IPSJ-CLE 2016-05-21
Nagano Nagano (department of technology) campus, Shinshu Univ. (Nagano) An Approach to the Support Aimed at Acquiring Skills by using Augmented Reality and Motion Data
Tatsuya Kobayashi (Takushoku Univ.) ET2016-5
 [more] ET2016-5
IA 2016-01-29
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. B3 Kenshu-2 room (Tokyo) Development and Evaluation of ZigBee Network System for Observing Operating Activities of Work Vehicles
Tatsuya Kobayashi (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.), Hiroshi Yamamoto (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Katsuyuki Yamazaki (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.) IA2015-84
Observing activities of working vehicles on a work site, such as a factory, is important in regard to managing the lifet... [more] IA2015-84
Nagano JA Naganoken Bldg. (Nagano) A study of energy problems in M2M device
Suguru Minamikawa, Tatsuya Kobayashi, Fumiya Imamura, Toshiyuki Maeyama, Hitoshi Sasaki, Mari Abe (Takushoku Univ.) ASN2015-20
M2M (Machine to Machine) is system that has possible to collect various information without the intervention of human by... [more] ASN2015-20
MI 2011-01-20
Okinawa Naha-Bunka-Tembusu (Okinawa) Assessment of effect of braces on 3D motion of knee joint
Takashi Ohnishi, Masahiko Suzuki, Tatsuya Kobayashi (Chiba Univ.), Shinji Naomoto, Atsushi Nawata (Alcare), Hideaki Haneishi (Chiba Univ.) MI2010-93
Three-dimensional(3D) motion information of bones of knee joint during knee bends is helpful for evaluation and developm... [more] MI2010-93
LQE, OPE, OCS 2010-10-28
Fukuoka Mojiko Retro Town, Minato house (Fukuoka) A Study of compensation for 43Gbps spectrum narrowing using pre-equalization
Takafumi Fujimori, Soichiro Kametani, Tatsuya Kobayashi, Takashi Sugihara, Kazuumi Koguchi, Takashi Mizuochi (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.) OCS2010-71 OPE2010-107 LQE2010-80
In case of changing 40Gbps ROADM (Reconfigurable Optical Add Drop Multiplexer) from 10Gbps ROADM, a signal spectrum beco... [more] OCS2010-71 OPE2010-107 LQE2010-80
MI 2010-01-28
Okinawa Naha-Bunka-Tenbusu (Okinawa) Extraction of clinically used parameters from three-dimensional motion data of a knee joint
Takashi Ohnishi, Masahiko Suzuki, Tatsuya Kobayashi (Chiba Univ.), Shinji Naomoto, Atsushi Nawata (Alcare Co,. Ltd.), Hideaki Haneishi (Chiba Univ.) MI2009-108
We have proposed a method for 3D motion acquisition using bi-plane fluoroscopy and CT images. It only provides rotation ... [more] MI2009-108
CS 2009-07-02
Nagasaki Fukue Bunkakaikan (Nagasaki) MMSE Equalization Scheme for Fractional Sampling OFDM Receivers in Time Varying Channels
Tatsuya Kobayashi, Yukitoshi Sanada (Keio Univ.), M. Ghavami (King's College London) CS2009-17
Both Doppler diversity on multipath fading channels and path diversity with fractional sampling (FS) in OFDM receivers h... [more] CS2009-17
OCS 2009-02-03
Shizuoka (Shizuoka) A Study on Advanced FEC for LDPC Codes with Soft-Decision Decoding
Takashi Mizuochi, Yoshikuni Miyata, Toshiyuki Ichikawa, Yoshiaki Konishi, Tatsuya Kobayashi, Tokoka Inoue, Kiyoshi Onohara, Soichiro Kametani, Kazuo Kubo, Hideo Yoshida, Katsuhiro Shimizu, Hiroshi Ichibangase (Mitsubishi Electric Co.) OCS2008-118
Novel and strong forward error correction (FEC) for 100Gb/s optical transport networks is presented. Comparing with exis... [more] OCS2008-118
Okinawa Okinawa industry support center (Okinawa) Effect of Pulse Shaping Filters on Fractional Sampling OFDM Systems with Subcarrier-based Maximal Ratio Combining
Mamiko Inamori, Takashi Kawai, Tatsuya Kobayashi, Haruki Nishimura, Yukitoshi Sanada (Keio Univ.) SR2008-42
In this paper, effect of an impulse response of a pulse shaping filter on a fractional sampling orthogonal
frequency d... [more]
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