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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 49  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
- 2024-12-13
Ishikawa The Kanazawa Theatre (Ishikawa) Children who Imitate More at 14 Months Show Better Adaptive Functions at 8 Years -- Evidence from Large-Scale Birth Cohort Study in Japan --
Miyuki Kondo, Asami Shinohara, Hiroki Higuchi, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT), Tomoko Nishimura, Toshiki Iwabuchi, Kenji Tsuchiya (Hamamatsu Univ. School of Medicine)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
- 2024-12-13
Ishikawa The Kanazawa Theatre (Ishikawa) Neighboring residents' response to signs of child abuse -- Exploratory research based on a vignette survey --
Masafumi Matsuda, Yuko Okumura, Tessei Kobayashi, Hiroki Higuchi (NTT)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
HCS 2024-08-25
Hyogo (Hyogo) Early prediction for autism spectrum disorder using vocabulary checklist in children aged 1 year -- A machine learning approach --
Yuki Kurauchi, Hiroki Higuchi, Asami Shinohara, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT Corp.), Tomoko Nishimura, Toshiki Iwabuchi, Kenji J. Tsuchiya (Hamamatsu Univ Sch Med.) HCS2024-46
(To be available after the conference date) [more] HCS2024-46
HIP, HCS, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2024-05-13
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa) A robot is watching me! -- Five-year-old children care about their reputation after interaction with a robot --
Yuko Okumura, Takashi Hattori, Sanae Fujita, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT) HCS2024-1 HIP2024-1
(To be available after the conference date) [more] HCS2024-1 HIP2024-1
- 2023-12-13
Fukuoka Asia pacific Import Mart (Kitakyushu) (Fukuoka, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
The effect of birth order on language development -- Longitudinal analysis using Hamamatsu birth cohort for mothers and children --
Shiori Sato, Hiroki Higuchi, Asami Shinohara, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT), Tomoko Nishimura, Toshiki Iwabuchi, Kenji Tsuchiya (Hamamatsu University School of Medicine)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
HCS 2023-01-21
Kyoto Kyoto Institute of Technology (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
The Relations between Exposure to Picture Books or Video Images and Emotional Development of Young Children.
Moeko Kanazashi (Sophia Univ.), Naomi Watanabe, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT), Atsuko Saito (Sophia Univ.) HCS2022-62
We examined the relation between home exposure to picture books and TV and digital media and preschoolers' emotion under... [more] HCS2022-62
HCS, HIP, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2022-05-15
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Regional differences in reporting abuse to child guidance centers -- Examination using publicly available government data --
Masafumi Matsuda, Yuko Okumura, Tessei Kobayashi, Hiroki Higuchi (NTT) HCS2022-3 HIP2022-3
 [more] HCS2022-3 HIP2022-3
HCS, HIP, HI-SIGCOASTER [detail] 2022-05-15
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center (Okinawa, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Understanding of television contents in infants -- Through empirical efforts to supervise NHK children's programs --
Yuko Okumura, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT) HCS2022-5 HIP2022-5
(To be available after the conference date) [more] HCS2022-5 HIP2022-5
HCS 2021-03-16
Online Online (Online) A creative Bouba/Kiki effect -- Analysis of relation between phonological properties and illustration in the drawing task --
Chinatsu Ishikawa, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT) HCS2020-86
(To be available after the conference date) [more] HCS2020-86
HCS 2021-03-16
Online Online (Online) Preference estimation on cover-front of picture books using visual features
Minoru Mori (KAIT), Takashi Hattori, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT) HCS2020-87
(To be available after the conference date) [more] HCS2020-87
HCS 2020-01-26
Oita Room407, J:COM HorutoHall OITA (Oita) (Oita) Do population density and economic situation affect residents' life history strategies? -- An analysis via web survey --
Masafumi Matsuda, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT) HCS2019-69
(To be available after the conference date) [more] HCS2019-69
HCS 2020-01-26
Oita Room407, J:COM HorutoHall OITA (Oita) (Oita) Linguistic input features of children's picture book and child-directed speech -- Focusing on transitive verbs, case-markers and arguments --
Akiko Zhao, Tessei Kobayashi, Sanae Fujita (NTT) HCS2019-71
(To be available after the conference date) [more] HCS2019-71
HCS 2020-01-26
Oita Room407, J:COM HorutoHall OITA (Oita) (Oita) Evaluation of visual preference for cover-front of picture books using Deep Learning
Taiga Ishimaru (KAIT), Takashi Hattori, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT), Minoru Mori (KAIT) HCS2019-72
(To be available after the conference date) [more] HCS2019-72
HCS 2020-01-26
Oita Room407, J:COM HorutoHall OITA (Oita) (Oita) Early sensitivity to hiragana letters in Japanese 18-month-olds -- An eye tracking study --
Hiroki Higuchi, Yuko Okumura, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT) HCS2019-78
(To be available after the conference date) [more] HCS2019-78
HCS 2020-01-26
Oita Room407, J:COM HorutoHall OITA (Oita) (Oita) When dose social bouba/kiki effect begin to occur? -- A developmental investigation of the correspondence between phonological features and social stimuli --
Chinatsu Ishikawa, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT) HCS2019-79
 [more] HCS2019-79
HCS 2020-01-26
Oita Room407, J:COM HorutoHall OITA (Oita) (Oita) Characteristic of language development mechanism of children in the residential care institution for children -- Analysis from number of vocabulary, lexical acquisition order and part of speech --
Yuka Sakamoto (UEC), Yuko Okumura (NTT Corporation), Yasuhiro Minami (UEC), Ryoko Mugitani (JWU), Kayoko Ito (OPU), Tessei Kobayashi (NTT Corporation) HCS2019-81
(To be available after the conference date) [more] HCS2019-81
HCS 2020-01-26
Oita Room407, J:COM HorutoHall OITA (Oita) (Oita) Children's emotion recognition based on vocal cues -- A review of the literature on vocal emotion recognition --
Naomi Watanabe, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT) HCS2019-82
(To be available after the conference date) [more] HCS2019-82
HCS 2020-01-26
Oita Room407, J:COM HorutoHall OITA (Oita) (Oita) Development of third-party evaluation based on gossip -- Experimental research with preschoolers and elementary school children --
Asami Shinohara (Nagoya Univ.), Yasuhiro Kanakogi (Otemon Gakuin Univ.), Yuko Okumura, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT) HCS2019-83
(To be available after the conference date) [more] HCS2019-83
HCS 2019-02-01
Niigata Niigata Nippo Media Ship (Niigata) Does a social bouba/kiki effect really exist? -- A test for the universality of a correspondence between facial featuress and phonological features of names --
Chinatsu Ishikawa, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT) HCS2018-51
 [more] HCS2018-51
HCS 2019-02-02
Niigata Niigata Nippo Media Ship (Niigata) Visual preference of picture books by children and parents
Taro Murakami (Kyushu Women's Univ.), Yuko Okumura, Takashi Hattori, Sanae Fujita, Tessei Kobayashi (NTT), Ayano Ueda, Ami Kimoto (Kyushu Women's Univ.) HCS2018-57
(To be available after the conference date) [more] HCS2018-57
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