Committee |
Date Time |
Place |
Paper Title / Authors |
Abstract |
Paper # |
2025-03-13 16:45 |
Okinawa |
Miyakojima City Central Community Center (Okinawa) |
On numerical computation of the Shilnikov bifurcation
-- Formulation of a connecting orbit between manifolds -- Shintaro Fujimoto (Tokushima Univ.), Daisuke Ito (Gifu Univ.), Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.) |
[more] |
2024-05-09 13:40 |
Kagawa |
Kagawa Prefecture Social Welfare Center (Kagawa) |
Bifurcation of the Hindmarsh-Rose neuron under electromagnetic induction Masato Saito, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.) NLP2024-2 |
In recent years, electromagnetic induction effects have attracted much interest because of their potential to have a sig... [more] |
NLP2024-2 pp.7-10 |
2024-03-13 - 2024-03-14 |
Osaka |
Osaka Univ. (Suita Campus) (Osaka) |
Comparison of accuracy of classification methods using machine learning for imaged malware Kenta Usui, Hiroki Tanioka, Masahiko Sano, Kenji Matsuura, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.) IT2023-114 ISEC2023-113 WBS2023-102 RCC2023-96 |
In recent years, the damage caused by malware has become more serious, and the increase in the number of variants of exi... [more] |
IT2023-114 ISEC2023-113 WBS2023-102 RCC2023-96 pp.254-258 |
2024-03-13 - 2024-03-14 |
Osaka |
Osaka Univ. (Suita Campus) (Osaka) |
Improving The Classification Accuracy of Imaged Malware through Data Expansion Kaoru Yokobori, Hiroki Tanioka, Masahiko Sano, Kenji Matsuura, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.) IT2023-115 ISEC2023-114 WBS2023-103 RCC2023-97 |
Although malware-based attacks have existed for years,
malware infections increased in 2019 and 2020.
One of the reaso... [more] |
IT2023-115 ISEC2023-114 WBS2023-103 RCC2023-97 pp.259-264 |
NC, MBE, NLP, MICT (Joint) [detail] |
2024-01-24 11:30 |
Tokushima |
Naruto University of Education (Tokushima) |
Bifurcation of three Wilson-Cowan neuron models Masaki Yoshikawa, Seiya Amoh, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.) NLP2023-89 MICT2023-44 MBE2023-35 |
[more] |
NLP2023-89 MICT2023-44 MBE2023-35 pp.30-33 |
NC, MBE, NLP, MICT (Joint) [detail] |
2024-01-24 17:00 |
Tokushima |
Naruto University of Education (Tokushima) |
On inverse-time responses and bifurcations in 2-dimensional non-autonomus systems Michiru Katayama, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.) NLP2023-96 MICT2023-51 MBE2023-42 |
A dynamical system represented by the signal response of an electric circuit is expressed as a non-autonomous system. So... [more] |
NLP2023-96 MICT2023-51 MBE2023-42 pp.66-69 |
NC, MBE, NLP, MICT (Joint) [detail] |
2024-01-25 11:30 |
Tokushima |
Naruto University of Education (Tokushima) |
Canard Cycles in Multivibrators with Piece-wise Constant Identical Operational Amplifier Seiya Amoh, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.) NLP2023-106 MICT2023-61 MBE2023-52 |
The multi-vibrator is an electronic circuit with multiple stable states, often built using operational amplifiers.
Ther... [more] |
NLP2023-106 MICT2023-61 MBE2023-52 pp.106-109 |
NC, MBE, NLP, MICT (Joint) [detail] |
2024-01-25 17:50 |
Tokushima |
Naruto University of Education (Tokushima) |
Visualization of a 2-dimensionally stable manifold of an equilibrium in 3 dimensional autonomous system Ryuto Ishigaki, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.) NLP2023-121 MICT2023-76 MBE2023-67 |
In various field such engineering and biology, to analyze systems, people have been analyzing them by building
models. ... [more] |
NLP2023-121 MICT2023-76 MBE2023-67 pp.174-177 |
2023-06-09 13:30 |
Tokyo |
Tokyo City Univ. (Tokyo) |
Bifurcation analysis and simulation of a biological switch model Quankai Zhang, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ) NLP2023-23 CCS2023-11 |
Using a mathematical model of biological switches, we examine the phenomenon of cell differentiation under a cyclic exte... [more] |
NLP2023-23 CCS2023-11 pp.45-48 |
2023-06-09 15:25 |
Tokyo |
Tokyo City Univ. (Tokyo) |
Multivibrator as Slow-fast Dynamics
-- Canard Explosion and its Circuit Response -- Seiya Amoh, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.) NLP2023-27 CCS2023-15 |
Slow-fast dynamical systems are ordinary differential equations with significantly different time scales, which can exhi... [more] |
NLP2023-27 CCS2023-15 pp.61-64 |
2023-06-09 15:50 |
Tokyo |
Tokyo City Univ. (Tokyo) |
Laminar stabilization control in chaos intermittency Michiru Katayama, Kenji Ikeda, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.) NLP2023-28 CCS2023-16 |
Intermittency gives the irregular switching of almost periodic (laminar)
and chaotic (burst) motions, and can be confi... [more] |
NLP2023-28 CCS2023-16 pp.65-68 |
2023-03-15 13:00 |
Nagasaki |
(Nagasaki, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
A scenario obtaining periodic solutions from third-order autonomous system without equilibrium points Ryuichi Yoshida, Seya Amoh, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.) MSS2022-68 NLP2022-113 |
The generation of periodic solutions is one example of a bifurcation in an autonomous system. Usually, periodic solution... [more] |
MSS2022-68 NLP2022-113 pp.31-36 |
2023-03-15 13:20 |
Nagasaki |
(Nagasaki, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Global bifurcations in a two-link robot Rikiya Yamaguchi (Tokushima Univ), Daisuke Ito (Gifu Univ), Yuu Miino (Naruto Univ), Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ) MSS2022-69 NLP2022-114 |
A two-link robot is modeled as a four-dimensional autonomous system, and its motion is chaotic.
The global motion of t... [more] |
MSS2022-69 NLP2022-114 pp.37-42 |
2023-01-28 14:00 |
Hokkaido |
Future University Hakodate (Hokkaido, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Revisit on Computations for Bifurcation Problems-a follow-up Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.) NLP2022-88 NC2022-72 |
Python is gaining attention as a fundamental programming language for machine learning and data science. This report des... [more] |
NLP2022-88 NC2022-72 pp.36-41 |
2022-06-10 10:15 |
Osaka |
(Osaka, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Multivibrator as Slow-fast Dynamics
-- Basic Bifurcation Phenomena and Canard Solutions -- Seiya Amoh, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.), Hiroshi Kawakami NLP2022-15 CCS2022-15 |
Slow-fast dynamical systems are systems of ordinary differential equations involving different time constants.
Systems ... [more] |
NLP2022-15 CCS2022-15 pp.72-77 |
2021-12-17 16:20 |
Oita |
J:COM Horuto Hall OITA (Oita) |
[Invited Talk]
Revisit on Computations for Bifurcation Problems Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.) NLP2021-55 |
We are developing a bifurcation analysis tool written by Python. In this computer language, reliable functions which hav... [more] |
NLP2021-55 p.56 |
2019-09-23 09:50 |
Kochi |
Eikokuji Campus, University of Kochi (Kochi) |
Numerical calculation of unstable periodic points in the logistic map based on the symbolic dynamics Yuu Miino (Tokyo Univ. of Tech.), Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.) NLP2019-36 |
In this study, we propose a numerical method to calculate unstable periodic points in the chaos of the logistic map. The... [more] |
NLP2019-36 pp.11-14 |
2019-09-24 13:45 |
Kochi |
Eikokuji Campus, University of Kochi (Kochi) |
Recognition of a horseshoe map and its controlling chaos Shohei Miyazaki, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.), Yuu Miino (TUT), Hiroshi Kawakami (Tokushima Univ.) NLP2019-58 |
[more] |
NLP2019-58 pp.117-122 |
2019-02-28 14:15 |
Tokushima |
(Tokushima) |
Local Zoo Guide Application using Image Recognition Rabarison Misamanana Felicia, Kohei Kawanaka, Hiroki Tanioka, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.) PRMU2018-118 CNR2018-41 |
Most of the information for guide in the Tokushima zoo is in Japanese. However, it is difficult to understand Japanese g... [more] |
PRMU2018-118 CNR2018-41 pp.21-26 |
2018-08-08 13:45 |
Kagawa |
Saiwai-cho Campus, Kagawa Univ. (Kagawa) |
Bifurcations in the ship capsizing problem Yuu Miino, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami (Tokushima Univ.), Atsuo Maki, Naoya Umeda (Osaka Univ.) NLP2018-55 |
In the field of ship stability, the softening Duffing equation is used for the ship capsizing problem. However, most of ... [more] |
NLP2018-55 pp.15-19 |