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 Results 1 - 20 of 67  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
CCS 2025-03-18
Hokkaido RUSUTSU RESORT (Hokkaido) Integration of DCT Block Structures and Vision Transformer Patch Mechanisms for Efficient Image Feature Extraction
Syusei Kawai, Kota Kanno, Itsuki Akeno, Fumiya Arai, Takao Marukame, Tetsuya Asai (Hokkaido Univ.), Alexandre Schmid (EPFL), Kota Ando (Hokkaido Univ.)
CCS 2025-03-18
Hokkaido RUSUTSU RESORT (Hokkaido) A Framework for Adaptive Decentralized Federated Learning over Non-stationary Networks with Partial Model Sharing
Berhe Gebreegziabher Hagos, Fumiya Arai, Takao Marukame, Tetsuya Asai, Kota Ando (Hokkaido Univ.)
CCS 2025-03-18
Hokkaido RUSUTSU RESORT (Hokkaido) Encoding Methodology for Improving Accuracy of Classifiers based on Hyperdimensional Computing
Takuma Nakamura, Takao Marukame, Tetsuya Asai (Hokkaido Univ.), Alexandre Schmid (EPFL), Kota Ando (Hokkaido Univ.)
NLP, MSS 2025-03-13
Okinawa Miyakojima City Central Community Center (Okinawa) A Near-Memory Seq2seq Accelerator Architecture toward Edge Implementation of Lightweight Generative AI
Koki Nobori, Kota Ando (Hokkaido Univ.), Ling Yuanchieh, Yukiya Saito (TEL), Tetsuya Asai (Hokkaido Univ.)
NLP, MSS 2025-03-13
Okinawa Miyakojima City Central Community Center (Okinawa) Adaptive Tuning of Multi-Task Cooperative Learning Based on Task Similarity
Fumiya Arai, Itsuki Akeno, Syusei Kawai, Takao Marukame, Tetsuya Asai, Kota Ando (Hokkaido Univ.)
NLP, MSS 2025-03-13
Okinawa Miyakojima City Central Community Center (Okinawa) Prompt engineering methods for estimation and analysis of latent parameters using generative AI
Hiiro Yamazaki, Tetsuya Asai, Kota Ando (Hokkaido Univ.)
CCS 2024-11-12
Miyagi Tohoku University (Miyagi) Performance evaluation of a physical reservoir consisting of analog electronic circuits with real-world temporal data
Shimon Matsuno, Yuki Abe, Kota Ando, Tetsuya Asai (Hokkadio Univ.) CCS2024-43
This report describes popular benchmark tasks & time series prediction with real-world temporal datas by using physical ... [more] CCS2024-43
CCS 2024-11-12
Miyagi Tohoku University (Miyagi) Semi-Supervised Learning Algorithms for Online Training of Edge AI
Itsuki Akeno, Takao Marukame, Tetsuya Asai (Hokkaido Univ.), Alexandre Schmid (EPFL), Kota Ando (Hokkaido Univ.) CCS2024-44
 [more] CCS2024-44
CCS 2024-11-12
Miyagi Tohoku University (Miyagi) Acquisition of physical kinetics of reciprocating machines by reservoir computing
Shohei Tatsumi, Kota Ando, Tetsuya Asai (Hokkaido Univ.) CCS2024-45
This report focuses on a method for anomaly detection in reciprocating machines by reservoir computing. We propose an al... [more] CCS2024-45
CCS 2024-11-12
Miyagi Tohoku University (Miyagi) Cost-oriented adaptive concurrency control architecture toward scalable relational database applications
Kota Kanno, Takao Marukame, Tetsuya Asai, Kota Ando (Hokkaido Univ.) CCS2024-47
There is a demand for high-performance concurrency control suitable for relational databases. Optimistic concurrency con... [more] CCS2024-47
Hokkaido Moerenuma Park Glass Pyramid (Hokkaido) Prompt-engineering-based methodology for generating diverse conversations and its evaluation
Hiiro Yamazaki, Tetsuya Asai, Kota Ando (Hokkaido Univ.) CCS2024-40
 [more] CCS2024-40
Hokkaido Moerenuma Park Glass Pyramid (Hokkaido) Random number processing in the predictive updating of ensemble Kalman filters and its application to ring reservoir learning
Kota Tamada, Tetsuya Asai (Hokkaido Univ.) CCS2024-42
This study develops a prediction update architecture for ensemble Kalman filter-based reservoir computing and applies it... [more] CCS2024-42
CPSY, DC, RECONF, IPSJ-ARC [detail] 2024-06-12
Yamanashi Isawa View Hotel (Yamanashi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Memory-centric CGRA with variable parallelism for neural networks
Atsushi Hori, Fumiya Arai, Tetsuya Asai, Kota Ando (Hokkaido Univ.) CPSY2024-15 DC2024-15 RECONF2024-15
(To be available after the conference date) [more] CPSY2024-15 DC2024-15 RECONF2024-15
CCS 2024-03-27
Hokkaido RUSUTSU RESORT (Hokkaido) Training of Encoder-Decoder models and its application towards edge computing
Koki Nobori, Hiiro Yamazaki, Kota Ando, Tetsuya Asai (Hokkaido Univ.) CCS2023-42
This study investigates the use of the Encoder-Decoder architecture and its application to generative AI for learning on... [more] CCS2023-42
CCS 2024-03-27
Hokkaido RUSUTSU RESORT (Hokkaido) Physical Reservoirs Replication using a small-scale digital calibration reservoir
Shohei Tatsumi, Yuki Abe, Kohei Nishida, Tetsuya Asai (Hokkaido Univ) CCS2023-43
We propose a technique for replicating physical reservoirs using a small-scale digital calibration reservoir.
Recently... [more]
CCS 2024-03-27
Hokkaido RUSUTSU RESORT (Hokkaido) Evaluation of recurrent neural network training using multi-phase quantization optimizer
Hiiro Yamazaki, Itsuki Akeno, Koki Nobori, Tetsuya Asai, Kota Ando (Hokkaido Univ.) CCS2023-44
In this research, we apply "Holmes", an optimizer dedicated to edge training of neural networks, to recurrent neural net... [more] CCS2023-44
CCS 2024-03-27
Hokkaido RUSUTSU RESORT (Hokkaido) Multi-task Collaborative Learning Based on Common Bases of Neural Networks
Fumiya Arai, Atsushi Hori, Tetsuya Asai, Kota Ando (Hokkaido Univ.) CCS2023-45
(To be available after the conference date) [more] CCS2023-45
VLD, DC, RECONF, ICD, IPSJ-SLDM [detail] 2023-11-15
Kumamoto Civic Auditorium Sears Home Yume Hall (Kumamoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Itsuki Akeno, Hiro Yamazaki, Tetsuya Asai, Kota Ando (Hokkaido Univ) VLD2023-41 ICD2023-49 DC2023-48 RECONF2023-44
We propose a processor architecture for neural network (NN) training in edge and prototype it on an FPGA (Field--Program... [more] VLD2023-41 ICD2023-49 DC2023-48 RECONF2023-44
VLD, DC, RECONF, ICD, IPSJ-SLDM [detail] 2023-11-17
Kumamoto Civic Auditorium Sears Home Yume Hall (Kumamoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Hardware Compression Method Applying Bernoulli Approximation for Bayesian Neural Networks
Taisei Saito, Kota Ando, Tetsuya Asai (Hokkaido Univ.) VLD2023-73 ICD2023-81 DC2023-80 RECONF2023-76
This study focuses on efficiently lightweighting Bayesian deep learning algorithms and implementing them on FPGA. It com... [more] VLD2023-73 ICD2023-81 DC2023-80 RECONF2023-76
CCS 2023-11-11
Toyama Toyama Prefectural University (Toyama) Evaluation of a Small Signal Detection Circuit for Artificial Action Potentials in an Alginate Gel Membrane
Soichiro Yamakawa, Kota Ando, Tetsuya Asai (Hokkaido Univ.) CCS2023-26
In recently years, AI has been applied to a wide range of applications, and the concept of having the human brain itself... [more] CCS2023-26
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