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 Results 1 - 12 of 12  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
WIT, HI-SIGACI 2021-12-09
Online Online (Online) Acceptability of Distributed Audio Descriptions Complementing Live TV Sports Programs through Practical Experiment
Manon Ichiki, Masaru Miyazaki (NHK), Atsushi Imai, Tohru Takagi (NHK-ES) WIT2021-37
We are conducting research with the aim of realizing a new type of audio descriptions with the aim of further enhancing ... [more] WIT2021-37
WIT, SP 2018-10-28
Fukuoka Kyushu Institute of Technology(Kitakyushu) (Fukuoka) Timing determination method to insert an automated audio description in live television broadcast
Manon Ichiki, Tadashi Kumano, Atsushi Imai (NHK), Tohru Takagi (NHK-ES) SP2018-41 WIT2018-29
We are conducting research on "automated audio description (ADD)" which automatically generates audio descriptions for v... [more] SP2018-41 WIT2018-29
PRMU, SP, WIT, ASJ-H 2016-06-13
Tokyo (Tokyo) Improvement and evaluation of emotional speech conversion method using difference between emotional and neutral acoustic features of another speaker
Reiko Takou, Kazuo Onoe, Nobumasa Seiyama, Atsushi Imai (NHK), Tohru Takagi (NHK-ES) PRMU2016-41 SP2016-7 WIT2016-7
 [more] PRMU2016-41 SP2016-7 WIT2016-7
SP, WIT 2013-06-14
Niigata (Niigata) Development of an Adjusting Device for Elderly Person's TV -- Aim to make broadcasting sounds easier to listen to --
Tomoyasu Komori (NHK Engineering System), Atsushi Imai, Nobumasa Seiyama, Reiko Takou (NHK), Tohru Takagi (NHK Engineering System), Yasuhiro Oikawa (Waseda Univ.) SP2013-49 WIT2013-19
With the aim of making speech easier to listen to on a TV receiver. We are researching effective ways of combining speec... [more] SP2013-49 WIT2013-19
SP, WIT 2012-09-29
Tokyo Shibaura Institute of Technology (Tokyo) A fast speech rate conversion technology to assist efficient information acquisition for visually impaired persons
Naoyuki Tazawa (NHK-ES), Atsushi Imai (NHK STRL), Yukio Iwahana, Tohru Takagi (NHK-ES), Shinichi Torihara (Keio Research Institute at SFC) SP2012-69 WIT2012-21
We have performed studies and evaluation experiments of more acceptable rapid speech, aimed at implementation in applica... [more] SP2012-69 WIT2012-21
WIT, SP 2011-10-07
Tokyo TFT Bldg. (Tokyo) A Study on Switch Method to Suppress the Background Sound using Speech Segments Detection
Tomoyasu Komori (NHK ES), Atsushi Imai, Nobumasa Seiyama, Reiko Takou, Toru Imai, Shinichi Homma (NHK), Tohru Takagi (NHK ES) SP2011-66 WIT2011-48
(To be available after the conference date) [more] SP2011-66 WIT2011-48
WIT 2010-08-06
Tokyo NHK Sci. Tech. Res. Labs. (Tokyo) An Objective Evaluation Method of Appropriate Broadcasting Sound Balance for Elderly Listeners
Tomoyasu Komori, Tohru Takagi (NHK), Koichi Kurozumi (NHK ES), Kiyotake Shoda (NHK), Kazuhiro Murakawa (Yamaki Electric Corp.) WIT2010-24
Elderly people complain that they sometimes have a hard time hearing the narration of broadcast TV programs because the ... [more] WIT2010-24
SP, NLC 2008-12-10
Tokyo Waseda Univ. (Tokyo) Discriminative Rescoring Based on Minimization of Word Errors for Speech Recognition
Akio Kobayashi, Takahiro Oku, Shinichi Homma, Shoei Sato, Toru Imai, Tohru Takagi (NHK) NLC2008-67 SP2008-122
This paper describes a novel method of rescoring that reflects tendencies of errors in word hypotheses in speech recogni... [more] NLC2008-67 SP2008-122
SP 2008-03-21
Tokyo Univ. Tokyo (Tokyo) A study on perceptual naturalness and spectrum features of a phoneme replaced with other speaker's one in short sentence.
Reiko Takou, Hiroyuki Segi (NHK Sci. & Tech. Res.), Nobumasa Seiyama (NHK Eng. Serv., Inc.), Tohru Takagi (NHK Sci. & Tech. Res.) SP2007-207
It could be useful to apply other speaker's speech data to a concatenative speech synthesis system for complementing lac... [more] SP2007-207
WIT, TL, SP 2008-01-24
Shimane Shimane Univ. (Shimane) Investigation of the Audio Balance Control based on the Loudness Level
Tomoyasu Komori, Setu Komiyama, Hiroya Dan, Tohru Takagi, Kiyotake Shoda (NHK), Koichi Kurozumi (NHK-ES), Hideaki Hoshi, Kazuhiro Murakawa (Yamaki) TL2007-61 SP2007-156 WIT2007-61
We conducted the subjective evaluation test of the TV program audio balance between narration and BGM(Back Ground Music)... [more] TL2007-61 SP2007-156 WIT2007-61
HIP 2007-12-06
- 2007-12-07
Miyagi RIEC (Miyagi) Detection/tolerance thresholds of audio-visual asynchrony between time-expanded speech and talker's moving face in spoken word recognition
Shun Numahata, Shuichi Sakamoto (Tohoku Univ.), Akihiro Tanaka (Univ. Tokyo), Atsushi Imai, Tohru Takagi (NHK), Yo-iti Suzuki (Tohoku Univ.) HIP2007-139
Speech-rate conversion techniques are useful to support speech recognition, especially for aged person. However, if only... [more] HIP2007-139
EA 2006-04-21
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) [Invited Talk] Development of a Radio and Television Receiver with Function to Slow Down the Speech Rate
Tohru Takagi (NHK), Hiroyuki Takeishi (Victor)
 [more] EA2006-6
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