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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 13 of 13  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
SWIM, KBSE 2024-05-17
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A RAG Method for Source Code Inquiry Tailored to Long-Context LLMs
Toshihiro Kamiya (Shimane Univ.) KBSE2024-2 SWIM2024-2
Although the context length limitation of large language models (LLMs) has been mitigated, it still hinders their applic... [more] KBSE2024-2 SWIM2024-2
KBSE 2024-01-24
Kagoshima (Kagoshima, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Traceability Link Recovery Method based on Text Embedding Considering Structure of Artifacts
Toshihiro Kamiya (Shimane Univ.) KBSE2023-59
This paper proposes a method for recovering traceability links, aimed at efficiently identifying necessary source code and... [more] KBSE2023-59
SS, KBSE, IPSJ-SE [detail] 2023-07-20
Hokkaido (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Experimental Evaluation of Large Language Model Vicuna's Accuracy in Detecting Violations of MISRA C:2012 Rules
Katsuhiko Fujie, Toshihiro Kamiya (Shimane univ.) SS2023-2 KBSE2023-13
 [more] SS2023-2 KBSE2023-13
SS, KBSE, IPSJ-SE [detail] 2023-07-21
Hokkaido (Hokkaido, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Evaluation of ChatGPT's Performance on Programming Course Assignments
Tomoya Suzuki, Toshihiro Kamiya (Shimane Univ.) SS2023-10 KBSE2023-21
 [more] SS2023-10 KBSE2023-21
DC, SS 2020-10-19
Online Online (Online) A Prototype Tool to Predict Comment Line Positions for Code Review
Toshihiro Kamiya (Shimane Univ.) SS2020-12 DC2020-29
Comments in source code play an important role in code comprehension.
This paper presents a method and its prototype to... [more]
SS2020-12 DC2020-29
SS, MSS 2020-01-14
Hiroshima (Hiroshima) A Prototype Algorithm and Implementation of Code-Clone Detection with MapReduce-Style Prallel Processing
Toshihiro Kamiya (Shimane Univ.), Eunjong Choi (KIT) MSS2019-48 SS2019-32
This report presents a scalable type-3 code-clone (duplicated code) detection method running in a
MapReduce style paral... [more]
MSS2019-48 SS2019-32
DC, SS 2018-10-05
Aichi Inuyama City Kokusai-Kanko Center Freud (Aichi) Comparison of a Question-and-Answer Website and Source Code Repositories as Information Sources for Source Code Completion or Modification
Toshihiro Kamiya (Shimane Univ.) SS2018-23 DC2018-24
 [more] SS2018-23 DC2018-24
SS, KBSE, IPSJ-SE [detail] 2017-07-19
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) A Data-Flow Analysis Method Based on Differences Among Execution Traces
Toshihiro Kamiya (Shimane Univ.) SS2017-10 KBSE2017-10
In some techniques and methods of dynamic analysis of execution trace
for debugging or program comprehension proposes d... [more]
SS2017-10 KBSE2017-10
SS 2017-03-09
Okinawa (Okinawa) Analysis of Relation Betweeen on Changes Content and Code Dependency
Yuki Ueda, Toshihiro Kamiya (Shimane Univ) SS2016-72
A change impact analysis is one of analytical methods
to predict the source files that are depending on some of changed... [more]
KBSE, SS, IPSJ-SE [detail] 2016-07-14
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) A Prototype of an Intrusive Spy for Backward-In-Time Debugging
Toshihiro Kamiya (Shimane Univ.) SS2016-9 KBSE2016-15
An intrusive spy is a method/tool aiming to support a backward-in-time debugging, especially in debugging of non-crashin... [more] SS2016-9 KBSE2016-15
SS 2016-03-10
Okinawa (Okinawa) Introducing and Evaluation of Cleaning Methods into a Code Search and Recommendation Method
Takeru Uchiyama (FUN), Toshihiro Kamiya (Shimane Univ.), Ayahiko Niimi (FUN) SS2015-84
In this study, we apply a machine-learning method for a natural language processing, namely Word2Vec, to source code of ... [more] SS2015-84
DC, SS 2015-10-14
Nara Todaiji Culture Center (Nara) (Nara) Towards Comprehension of Refactoring Tasks with Arbitrary-Granularity-Model Code Clone Detection
Toshihiro Kamiya (Fun) SS2015-42 DC2015-32
Abstract This study describes an extended method of AGM code-clone detection for understanding refactroing. The proposed... [more] SS2015-42 DC2015-32
SS 2015-05-11
Kumamoto Kumamoto University (Kumamoto) An Approach for Software Repository Mining Using a Natural Langage Processing Method, Word2Vec
Takeru Uchiyama, Toshihiro Kamiya (FUN) SS2015-6
In this study, we apply a natural language processing technique, namely Word2Vec, to source code of software products, t... [more] SS2015-6
 Results 1 - 13 of 13  /   
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