Committee |
Date Time |
Place |
Paper Title / Authors |
Abstract |
Paper # |
2024-12-16 10:30 |
Miyagi |
RIEC (Miyagi) |
Visual and Proprioceptive Integration in Hand Position Perception in Older Adults
-- A Bayesian Causal Inference Model Approach -- Naoki Kuroda (Kumamoto Univ.), Yoshiyuki Sato (Aichi Shukutoku Univ.), Shinya Harada (Kumamoto Univ.), Ryo Teraoka (Muroran Inst. Tech.), Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2024-51 |
Hand position perception is reported to be established through visuo-proprioceptive integration. Previous studies have s... [more] |
HIP2024-51 pp.1-6 |
2024-12-16 11:00 |
Miyagi |
RIEC (Miyagi) |
Does auditory motion information affect visual motion perception in older adults? Shinya Harada (Kumamoto Univ.), Ryo Teraoka (Muroran Inst Tecn), Naoki Kuroda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2024-52 |
This study investigated the audio-visual integration in visual motion perception among both young and older adults, base... [more] |
HIP2024-52 pp.7-10 |
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY, ASJ-H [detail] |
2024-02-23 14:00 |
Okinawa |
(Okinawa) |
The Effects of Aging on Audio-visual Integration in Motion Perception Shinya Harada (Kumamoto Univ.), Ryo Teraoka (Muroran IT), Naoki Kuroda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2023-107 |
This study investigated the multimodal integration in audio-visual motion perception among both young and older adults. ... [more] |
HIP2023-107 pp.70-73 |
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY, ASJ-H [detail] |
2024-02-23 15:10 |
Okinawa |
(Okinawa) |
Effect of Visual Self-Motion Information on Peripersonal Space Representation in Older Adults Naoki Kuroda, Shinya Harada, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2023-109 |
Peripersonal space (PPS) refers to the immediate area around the body where interactions between the body and the extern... [more] |
HIP2023-109 pp.80-83 |
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY [detail] |
2023-02-22 11:30 |
Toyama |
(Toyama, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Effects of target sound distance on auditory spatial attention Yuki Tanaka, Ryo Teraoka, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2022-78 |
When human listeners perceive auditory information in noisy environments, auditory spatial attention plays a key role in... [more] |
HIP2022-78 pp.15-18 |
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY [detail] |
2023-02-22 14:10 |
Toyama |
(Toyama, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Effect of other's walking on personal space Airi Sozu, Naoki Kuroda, Shinya Harada, Ryo Teraoka, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2022-81 |
Personal space (PS) is a region that surrounds the body and causes discomfort when others enter it. Previous research ha... [more] |
HIP2022-81 pp.29-32 |
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY [detail] |
2023-02-23 11:00 |
Toyama |
(Toyama, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Effect of the active movement of hand on temporal characteristic of body position perception Naoki Kodama, Ryo Teraoka, Naoki Kuroda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2022-88 |
Previous studies on mirror illusions have reported that body perception was induced by the integration of body processin... [more] |
HIP2022-88 pp.59-63 |
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY [detail] |
2023-02-23 11:50 |
Toyama |
(Toyama, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Effect of temporal characteristic on hand-centered peripersonal space Karin Takeo, Naoki Kuroda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2022-90 |
Peripersonal space (PPS) is the space immediately around the body and represented as a part of the body. PPS is plastic ... [more] |
HIP2022-90 pp.68-71 |
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY [detail] |
2023-02-23 13:40 |
Toyama |
(Toyama, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Effect of aging on trunk-centered peripersonal space Naoki Kuroda, Shinya Harada, Ryo Teraoka, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2022-91 |
Peripersonal space (PPS) is where the body strongly interacts with the external environment. Previous research has shown... [more] |
HIP2022-91 pp.72-75 |
2022-10-18 11:15 |
Kyoto |
Kyoto Terrsa (Kyoto, Online) (Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online) |
Does non-spatial auditory cue enhance visual search in older adults? Shinya Harada, Ryo Teraoka, Naoki Kuroda (Kumamoto Univ), Souta Hidaka (Rikkyo Univ), Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ) HIP2022-53 |
A non-spatial auditory cue reportedly enhances visual search performance when the auditory cue is synchronized with a ch... [more] |
HIP2022-53 pp.32-35 |
HIP, ITE-HI, ASJ-H, VRPSY [detail] |
2022-02-28 15:05 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Effect of action ability on peripersonal space representation Naoki Kuroda, Kaori Naruse, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2021-72 |
Peripersonal space (PPS) is the space immediately around the body in which the body interacts directly with its surround... [more] |
HIP2021-72 pp.72-75 |
HIP, ITE-HI, ASJ-H, VRPSY [detail] |
2022-02-28 15:30 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Age-related changes in intentional binding induced by hand and foot actions Yoshitka Fujii, Ryo Teraoka, Naoki Kuroda, Shinya Harada, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2021-73 |
When a stimulus is presented after a voluntary action with short time interval, the perceptual time interval between the... [more] |
HIP2021-73 pp.76-80 |
HIP, ITE-HI, ASJ-H, VRPSY [detail] |
2022-02-28 15:55 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Temporal characteristics of body position perception in older adults
-- From an interoceptive accuracy perspective -- Ryo Teraoka, Naoki Kuroda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2021-74 |
Body representation is shaped by integrating information from various sensory modalities, such as visual and propriocept... [more] |
HIP2021-74 pp.81-86 |
2021-12-24 09:15 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Directional selectivity of auditory time-to-contact estimation Yushiro Hayashida, Ryo Teraoka, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2021-55 |
Time-to-contact (TTC) estimation is essential for us to avoid collision with external moving objects. While the auditory... [more] |
HIP2021-55 pp.39-42 |
2021-02-18 11:35 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Cross-modal correspondence between instrument sounds and colors
-- its relationship with the period of musical experience -- Hirotaka Yamasaki, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2020-73 |
Studies have investigated crossmodal correspondence between instrumental sounds and colors. Here we investigated whether... [more] |
HIP2020-73 pp.6-11 |
2021-02-18 16:40 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Quantitative Measurement of "zoku-zoku" sensation by approaching visual stimulus Ryo Teraoka, Naoki Kuroda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2020-81 |
When someone is being located nearby we can sometimes sense the situation with a "zoku-zoku'' (frisson) sensation even i... [more] |
HIP2020-81 pp.44-47 |
2021-02-19 10:05 |
Online |
Online (Online) |
Passable width perception during bike riding in virtual environments Naoki Kuroda, Kazuhiro Ikeda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2020-84 |
When confronted with a narrow aperture during locomotion, one needs to judge whether the aperture is passable and to tak... [more] |
HIP2020-84 pp.53-56 |
2020-02-15 16:50 |
Okinawa |
IT Souzou-kan Bldg. (Naha) (Okinawa) |
Peripersonal space during active and passive self-motion Naoki Kuroda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2019-85 |
A space immediately around the body, known as peripersonal space (PPS), plays an important role in our interactions with... [more] |
HIP2019-85 pp.43-46 |
2019-03-09 17:40 |
Kochi |
(Kochi) |
Characteristics of motor imagery in young adults Kohei Kotegawa (Kumamoto Univ./Kumamoto Health Science Univ.), Akira Yasumura, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2018-89 |
Motor imagery is a mental process that simulates actions without actual motor execution. The present study investigated ... [more] |
HIP2018-89 pp.33-36 |
2017-12-26 11:45 |
Miyagi |
Reserach Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University (Miyagi) |
Detection threshold of auditory apparent motion during linear acceleration motion Miharu Noda, Shuichi Sakamoto, Cui Zhenglie (Tohoku Univ.), Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.), Yoiti Suzuki, Jiro Gyoba (Tohoku Univ.) HIP2017-92 |
Listeners use changes in binaural information as perceptual cues for sound image motion. Some researchers have pointed o... [more] |
HIP2017-92 pp.43-46 |