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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HIP 2024-12-16
Miyagi RIEC (Miyagi) Visual and Proprioceptive Integration in Hand Position Perception in Older Adults -- A Bayesian Causal Inference Model Approach --
Naoki Kuroda (Kumamoto Univ.), Yoshiyuki Sato (Aichi Shukutoku Univ.), Shinya Harada (Kumamoto Univ.), Ryo Teraoka (Muroran Inst. Tech.), Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2024-51
Hand position perception is reported to be established through visuo-proprioceptive integration. Previous studies have s... [more] HIP2024-51
HIP 2024-12-16
Miyagi RIEC (Miyagi) Does auditory motion information affect visual motion perception in older adults?
Shinya Harada (Kumamoto Univ.), Ryo Teraoka (Muroran Inst Tecn), Naoki Kuroda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2024-52
This study investigated the audio-visual integration in visual motion perception among both young and older adults, base... [more] HIP2024-52
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY, ASJ-H [detail] 2024-02-23
Okinawa (Okinawa) The Effects of Aging on Audio-visual Integration in Motion Perception
Shinya Harada (Kumamoto Univ.), Ryo Teraoka (Muroran IT), Naoki Kuroda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2023-107
This study investigated the multimodal integration in audio-visual motion perception among both young and older adults. ... [more] HIP2023-107
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY, ASJ-H [detail] 2024-02-23
Okinawa (Okinawa) Effect of Visual Self-Motion Information on Peripersonal Space Representation in Older Adults
Naoki Kuroda, Shinya Harada, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2023-109
Peripersonal space (PPS) refers to the immediate area around the body where interactions between the body and the extern... [more] HIP2023-109
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY [detail] 2023-02-22
Toyama (Toyama, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Effects of target sound distance on auditory spatial attention
Yuki Tanaka, Ryo Teraoka, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2022-78
When human listeners perceive auditory information in noisy environments, auditory spatial attention plays a key role in... [more] HIP2022-78
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY [detail] 2023-02-22
Toyama (Toyama, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Effect of other's walking on personal space
Airi Sozu, Naoki Kuroda, Shinya Harada, Ryo Teraoka, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2022-81
Personal space (PS) is a region that surrounds the body and causes discomfort when others enter it. Previous research ha... [more] HIP2022-81
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY [detail] 2023-02-23
Toyama (Toyama, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Effect of the active movement of hand on temporal characteristic of body position perception
Naoki Kodama, Ryo Teraoka, Naoki Kuroda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2022-88
Previous studies on mirror illusions have reported that body perception was induced by the integration of body processin... [more] HIP2022-88
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY [detail] 2023-02-23
Toyama (Toyama, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Effect of temporal characteristic on hand-centered peripersonal space
Karin Takeo, Naoki Kuroda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2022-90
Peripersonal space (PPS) is the space immediately around the body and represented as a part of the body. PPS is plastic ... [more] HIP2022-90
HIP, ITE-HI, VRPSY [detail] 2023-02-23
Toyama (Toyama, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Effect of aging on trunk-centered peripersonal space
Naoki Kuroda, Shinya Harada, Ryo Teraoka, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2022-91
Peripersonal space (PPS) is where the body strongly interacts with the external environment. Previous research has shown... [more] HIP2022-91
HIP 2022-10-18
Kyoto Kyoto Terrsa (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Does non-spatial auditory cue enhance visual search in older adults?
Shinya Harada, Ryo Teraoka, Naoki Kuroda (Kumamoto Univ), Souta Hidaka (Rikkyo Univ), Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ) HIP2022-53
A non-spatial auditory cue reportedly enhances visual search performance when the auditory cue is synchronized with a ch... [more] HIP2022-53
HIP, ITE-HI, ASJ-H, VRPSY [detail] 2022-02-28
Online Online (Online) Effect of action ability on peripersonal space representation
Naoki Kuroda, Kaori Naruse, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2021-72
Peripersonal space (PPS) is the space immediately around the body in which the body interacts directly with its surround... [more] HIP2021-72
HIP, ITE-HI, ASJ-H, VRPSY [detail] 2022-02-28
Online Online (Online) Age-related changes in intentional binding induced by hand and foot actions
Yoshitka Fujii, Ryo Teraoka, Naoki Kuroda, Shinya Harada, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2021-73
When a stimulus is presented after a voluntary action with short time interval, the perceptual time interval between the... [more] HIP2021-73
HIP, ITE-HI, ASJ-H, VRPSY [detail] 2022-02-28
Online Online (Online) Temporal characteristics of body position perception in older adults -- From an interoceptive accuracy perspective --
Ryo Teraoka, Naoki Kuroda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2021-74
Body representation is shaped by integrating information from various sensory modalities, such as visual and propriocept... [more] HIP2021-74
HIP 2021-12-24
Online Online (Online) Directional selectivity of auditory time-to-contact estimation
Yushiro Hayashida, Ryo Teraoka, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2021-55
Time-to-contact (TTC) estimation is essential for us to avoid collision with external moving objects. While the auditory... [more] HIP2021-55
HIP, VRSJ 2021-02-18
Online Online (Online) Cross-modal correspondence between instrument sounds and colors -- its relationship with the period of musical experience --
Hirotaka Yamasaki, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2020-73
Studies have investigated crossmodal correspondence between instrumental sounds and colors. Here we investigated whether... [more] HIP2020-73
HIP, VRSJ 2021-02-18
Online Online (Online) Quantitative Measurement of "zoku-zoku" sensation by approaching visual stimulus
Ryo Teraoka, Naoki Kuroda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2020-81
When someone is being located nearby we can sometimes sense the situation with a "zoku-zoku'' (frisson) sensation even i... [more] HIP2020-81
HIP, VRSJ 2021-02-19
Online Online (Online) Passable width perception during bike riding in virtual environments
Naoki Kuroda, Kazuhiro Ikeda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2020-84
When confronted with a narrow aperture during locomotion, one needs to judge whether the aperture is passable and to tak... [more] HIP2020-84
HIP, ASJ-H 2020-02-15
Okinawa IT Souzou-kan Bldg. (Naha) (Okinawa) Peripersonal space during active and passive self-motion
Naoki Kuroda, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2019-85
A space immediately around the body, known as peripersonal space (PPS), plays an important role in our interactions with... [more] HIP2019-85
HIP 2019-03-09
Kochi (Kochi) Characteristics of motor imagery in young adults
Kohei Kotegawa (Kumamoto Univ./Kumamoto Health Science Univ.), Akira Yasumura, Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.) HIP2018-89
Motor imagery is a mental process that simulates actions without actual motor execution. The present study investigated ... [more] HIP2018-89
HIP 2017-12-26
Miyagi Reserach Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University (Miyagi) Detection threshold of auditory apparent motion during linear acceleration motion
Miharu Noda, Shuichi Sakamoto, Cui Zhenglie (Tohoku Univ.), Wataru Teramoto (Kumamoto Univ.), Yoiti Suzuki, Jiro Gyoba (Tohoku Univ.) HIP2017-92
Listeners use changes in binaural information as perceptual cues for sound image motion. Some researchers have pointed o... [more] HIP2017-92
 Results 1 - 20 of 22  /  [Next]  
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