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 Results 1 - 20 of 35  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IMQ 2022-12-16
Chiba Nishi-Chiba Campus, Chiba Univ. (Chiba) Development of a Breast Cancer Surgery Support System with Stable MRI Image Superimposition by Colorization of Fiducial Markers
Mizuki Hattori, Takaya Oguchi, Hiroshi Fujimoto (Chiba Univ.), Yoshihiro Kuroda (Univ. of Tsukuba), Katsuhiro Nasu, Yukihiro Nomura, Hideki Hayashi, Toshiya Nakaguchi (Chiba Univ.) IMQ2022-16
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is used to determine the extent of resection in breast cancer surgery, but tumor resect... [more] IMQ2022-16
MI 2022-01-25
Online Online (Online) Development of manipulation assistance for OMS drilling training simulator using VR devices in sagittal split ramus osteotomy
Shunichi Tanaka, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Norihiro Nakamura, Koichiro Ueki, Akinori Moroi (Univ. of Yamanashi), Yoshihiro Kuroda (Univ. of Tsukuba), Yasumi Ito, Yoshiyuki Noda (Univ. of Yamanashi), Shunsuke Yoshimoto (The Univ. of Tokyo), Osamu Oshiro (Osaka Univ.) MI2021-48
Sagittal split ramus osteotomy is the most commonly performed for jaw deformity patients in oral and maxillofacial surge... [more] MI2021-48
MI, MICT [detail] 2019-11-05
Ibaraki Univ. of Tsukuba (Ibaraki) MICT2019-28 MI2019-55  [more] MICT2019-28 MI2019-55
MVE 2019-10-10
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) Effects of vibration when presenting roughness perception in an Encountered type haptic interface using drone
Yuta Saito, Naoya Isoyama (NAIST), Photchara Ratsamee (Osaka Univ.), Nobuchika Sakata (NAIST), Yoshihiro Kuroda (Tsukuba Univ.), Kiyoshi Kiyokawa (NAIST) MVE2019-24
In the present study, we report on a user study that investigated the roughness perception in a drone-based encounter-ty... [more] MVE2019-24
Kyoto (Kyoto) A study on measurement of urinary glucose concentration based on time division dual wavelength light absorption
Shota Natsume, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro (Osaka Univ.) MBE2018-48
Measuring urine sugar concentration in daily life is useful for early detection of diabetes.
However, it is difficult t... [more]
MI 2017-01-18
Okinawa Tenbusu Naha (Okinawa) Surgical Training Simulator handling Multiple Surgical instruments for Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy -- Haptic Guidance and Visualization of Manipulation Status using Haptic Device --
Wonbin Lee, Keiji Onoe, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Kento Suzuki, Yasumi Ito, Koichirou Ueki, Akinori Moroi, Yoshiyuki Noda (Univ. of Yamanashi), Yoshihiro Kuroda (Osaka Univ.) MI2016-104
The purpose of this study is to develop a surgical training simulator using haptic device handling multiple surgical ins... [more] MI2016-104
MBE, BioX, NC 2016-10-22
Osaka Osaka Electro-Communication University (Osaka) Estimation of finger contact point based on the arrival time difference of the wave
Ryohei Hosoda, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, Osamu Oshiro (Osaka Univ.) BioX2016-24 MBE2016-38 NC2016-23
Contact position between an object and a finger is valuable for a user interface, estimation of a finger manipulation an... [more] BioX2016-24 MBE2016-38 NC2016-23
MBE 2016-07-30
Okayama Okayama University (Okayama) Musculoskeletal simulation of a hand considering the relationship between external force and muscle activation
Shuhei Nishiyama, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Haruo Takemura (Osaka Univ.) MBE2016-19
(To be available after the conference date) [more] MBE2016-19
(Joint) [detail]
Okinawa (Okinawa) An AR Furniture Arrangement System with Automatic View Recommendation
Mami Mori, Tomohiro Mashita, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Haruo Takemura (Osaka Univ.) IMQ2015-65 IE2015-164 MVE2015-92
In this article a new AR furniture arrangement system is proposed. AR furniture arrangement systems are useful because u... [more] IMQ2015-65 IE2015-164 MVE2015-92
(Joint) [detail]
Okinawa (Okinawa) Automated Backlight Adjustment of Optical See-through HMDs for Improved Visibility
Chang Liu, Alexander Plopski, Tomohiro Mashita, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Haruo Takemura (Osaka Univ.) IMQ2015-66 IE2015-165 MVE2015-93
We propose a novel approach to improve the information visibility of optical see-through head mounted displays by adjust... [more] IMQ2015-66 IE2015-165 MVE2015-93
MI 2016-01-19
Okinawa Bunka Tenbusu Kan (Okinawa) Development of Surgical Training Simulator using Haptic Device for Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy
Kento Suzuki, Keiji Onoe, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Yasumi Ito, Koichirou Ueki, Akinori Moroi, Yoshiyuki Noda (Univ. of Yamanashi), Yoshihiro Kuroda, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, Osamu Oshiro (Osaka Univ.) MI2015-104
The purpose of this study is to develop a surgical training simulator using a haptic device for sagittal split ramus ost... [more] MI2015-104
MI 2015-03-02
Okinawa Hotel Miyahira (Okinawa) Development of 3D Surgical Preoperative Planning System for Stem with Haptic Device -- Haptic Force Guidance based on Amount of Protrusion of Stem from Boundaries of Cortical Bone --
Keiji Onoe, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Yasumi Ito (Univ. of Yamanashi), Yoshihiro Kuroda, Shunsuke Yoshimoto, Masataka Imura, Osamu Oshiro (Osaka Univ.) MI2014-56
The purpose of this study is to develop a 3D surgical planning system for stem with haptic force guidance. The haptic fo... [more] MI2014-56
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, MVE [detail] 2015-01-22
Nara (Nara) A Prototype of Non-Grounded Force Feedback Device by Controlling Wind Direction
Kazuteru Seki, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Haruo Takemura (Osaka Univ.) PRMU2014-93 MVE2014-55
In recent years, non-grounded force feedback devices, which are unconstrainted from the ground and a human body, have be... [more] PRMU2014-93 MVE2014-55
MI 2014-01-27
Okinawa Bunka Tenbusu Kan (Okinawa) Development of 3D Surgical Preoperative Planning System with Haptic Device for Total Hip Arthroplasty -- Haptic Assisted Guidance for Interactive Manipulation of Cup Position based on Residual Bone Thickness and Stress State --
Ryosuke Abe, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Yasumi Ito (Univ. of Yamanashi), Yoshihiro Kuroda, Masataka Imura, Osamu Oshiro (Osaka Univ.) MI2013-121
The purpose of this study is to develop a computer aided surgical planning system for acetablur cup with haptic assistan... [more] MI2013-121
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, MVE [detail] 2014-01-24
Osaka (Osaka) Estimation of Spatial Distribution of Smoke Using a Blur in Refocused Images
Yuta Ideguchi, Yuki Uranishi, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Masataka Imura, Osamu Oshiro (Osaka Univ.) PRMU2013-120 MVE2013-61
Knowing the three-dimensional spatial distribution of the smoke such as smoke, fog, and fire, are useful.However, method... [more] PRMU2013-120 MVE2013-61
MBE 2013-10-10
Osaka Osaka Electro-Communication University (Osaka) Analysis of vibration propagation through bone conduction for stereophony
Naritoshi Matsuzaki, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Yuki Uranishi, Masataka Imura, Osamu Oshiro (Osaka Univ.) MBE2013-64
Talk and music make our lives better.
Stereophony system has been developed to perceive sound source location.
Sound ... [more]
MBE 2012-10-11
Osaka Osaka Electro-Communication University (Osaka) Evaluation of Automatic Cropping Method of Chest X-ray Image
Masataka Imura (Osaka Univ.), Yoshito Tabata, Rikuta Ishigaki (Kyoto MSC), Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro (Osaka Univ.) MBE2012-36
The spread of digital of X-ray imaging forces radiation technologists to crop X-ray images manually after measurement. T... [more] MBE2012-36
MBE 2011-10-13
Osaka Osaka Electro-Communication University (Osaka) Area Sensing of Pulse Wave using FTIR
Yuuki Kato, Masataka Imura, Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro (Osaka Univ.), Masayuki Nambu (OECU) MBE2011-50
Recently, for the prevention or early detection of diseases, many studies have been conducted to measure biological info... [more] MBE2011-50
MI 2010-11-15
Kyoto Shimadzu Corp. (Kyoto) Evaluation of Disorder of Achilles Tendon Fiber Orientation from Angle Dependence of T2 Relaxation Time
Takahiro Tokui, Masataka Imura (Osaka Univ.), Makoto Oguchi (Medical Chart Tomigaoka), Yoshito Tabata, Rikuta Ishigaki (Kyoto Medical Science Univ.), Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Yoshihiro Kuroda (Osaka Univ.), Kazuo Fujiwara (Medical Chart Tomigaoka), Osamu Oshiro (Osaka Univ.) MI2010-68
In this research, the authors utilize the angle
dependence on T2 relaxation for detecting minute
rupture caused on t... [more]
MI 2010-11-15
Kyoto Shimadzu Corp. (Kyoto) 2D-3D Registration of Multimodal Images for Crowded Dental Arch
Ei Shigeeda, Masataka Imura, Yoshihiro Kuroda (Osaka Univ.), Yoshiyuki Kagiyama (Yamanashi Univ.), Osamu Oshiro, Hiroko Azuma (Osaka Univ.), Masakazu Yagi, Kenji Takada (Osaka Univ./MEI center) MI2010-69
These days, acquisition of 3-D volume data becomes popular in medical field. However, to obtain 3-D
data in dental fiel... [more]
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